
#566 Importing Skim notes with latex citecodes

BibDesk 1.0 +

Bibdesk would be really a killer app when it would be possible to import notes from Skim in full latex citation style:


This is the only thing I miss in Bibdesk: I can categorize all my articles/books, can link them to pdf-files, can highlight important quotes in Skim. But to use all these quotes and insert them into your thesis is still alot of work.




  • Christiaan Hofman

    A problem is that you (by which I mean "any user") may want to import notes in any number of styles, not just the one you propose (which I would certainly not think a generic user would prefer), or include only certain types of notes. Because it's not straightforward this seems to me more something for AppleScript support.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Christiaan Hofman

    Added AppleScript support for Skim notes. This way you can write an AppleScript to do what you want, in any way (format) you like it.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open --> closed
  • Mixhael

    Mixhael - 2009-10-02

    Sorry for the late reply, but I just noticed that this has been replied on. is there an example on how to format notes by applescript, including using the pagenumber? Am trying to find it out, by looking through bibdesk applescript library, but only find the 'note' 'skim notes' 'rich skim notes' and 'text skim notes' properties. Not sure how to deal with that...

    It's not possible to iterate through the skim notes with an export template?

    Something like:

    <$textskimnote>\begin{quote}<$text/> \cite[<$pagenumbers/>]{<$citeKey/>}\end{quote}</$textskimnote>

    That would make exporting notes in latex format a breeze!


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