
#314 Only send 'File Contents' search term to PDF Reader?


When opening a PDF after a BibDesk search, BibDesk currently sends all search terms to the PDF Reader (eg Skim-app or Preview) (a la Spotlight).

This is great for File Contents but is a little annoying for Author or Title searches (where one's goal is just to find the specific PDF, then open it for another purpose).

After all the Author's name and PDF title show up a lot, and I have to close the 'Contents Pane' in Skim after opening the PDF (which opens and searches simultaneously)

I think it's the difference between 'known item' and 'unknown item' searching, or the idea that I'm filtering the table in BibDesk by author or title, rather than searching the PDF.

Perhaps BibDesk could only send the search term if one has searched 'File Contents' and otherwise just open the PDF without searching.



  • Christiaan Hofman

    • assigned_to: hofman --> amaxwell
  • Christiaan Hofman

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I wouldn't know what to do, I am usually not too interested in this myself. It sounds OK. On the other hand, Spotlight also does it always.

    Reassign to Adam to see what he thinks, as he's the one who added this.

  • Adam Maxwell

    Adam Maxwell - 2007-04-17

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Right now it only sends it for "any field", but it should also send it for file content. The only reason it doesn't send the search text for every search type is Preview's default behavior of zooming way in on the search term. See the comments in -[BibDocument(Actions) openLinkedFileAlertDidEnd:...]. BTW, my comments are based on a quick look at the code, so if it's not doing what I just said, file a bug report :).

  • Adam Maxwell

    Adam Maxwell - 2007-04-20
    • status: open --> closed

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