
#1233 macros not shown/used/editable in list view

Interface (436)

When macros are displayed in the list view (for example, by choosing to group articles by Journal), then they are sorted, manipulated etc. by the macro expansion rather than by the macro. In the following I will just use the example of the Journal field.

Consider the macro "pr = {Phys. Rev.}"

1) If one article has Journal = pr and another has Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, they both appear in the same bin under Journal.
- I think these should be sorted under two fields so the use can see which articles use the macro and which don't (perhaps the macro version could display "Phys. Rev." in blue as in the field editor to indicate that this is macro.)
2) If all entries in a give bin have Journal = pr, dragging another article into that bin with change Journal = {Phys. Rev.} rather than using the macro, which is somewhat non-intuitive. (All entries in the bin should have the same Journal field).
3) There is no way of editing all the Journal entries of a given bin to use a macro (Command-R for example does not work when editing the field like it does in the field editor.)


  • Christiaan Hofman

    I disagree, it behaves exactly as designed and as it should. This is most definitely not a bug.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open --> closed-invalid

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