
#388 NSConcreteTextStorage: Range or index out of bounds

Interface (436)

I managed to reproduce this a few times, but not every time.

(1) New Bibdesk document
(2) Paste the entry below
(3) Double click the single entry in the table view
(4) click in the Cite Key field
(5) close the entry edit window
(6) click from table view to notes panel and back again a few
(7) Exception Alert dialog:

Range or index out of bounds

Here are the BibDesk lines from stderr/stdout:

2005-09-06 16:02:23.931 BibDesk[1031] .scriptSuite warning for
attribute 'scriptStyle' of class 'NSTextStorage' in suite
'ExtendedText': 'OAStyle.OAStyle' is not a valid type name.
2005-09-06 16:02:23.932 BibDesk[1031] .scriptSuite warning for
result type of command 'bibliographyFor' in suite 'BibDeskSuite':
the type NSString ('utxt') doesn't match the result Apple event
code ('TEXT').
2005-09-06 16:02:23.932 BibDesk[1031] NSScriptSuiteRegistry
does not respond to -_setClassDescription:forAppleEventCode: --
not hooking up extra alias (and thus, breaking some AppleScripts)
2005-09-06 16:02:24.767 BibDesk[1031] *** WARNING: Method
setResizable in class NSTableView is deprecated on 10.4 and
later. It should not be used in new applications. Use
setResizingMask: instead.
2005-09-06 16:02:24.769 BibDesk[1031] *** WARNING: Method
isResizable in class NSTableView is deprecated on 10.4 and later.
It should not be used in new applications. Use resizingMask
2005-09-06 16:03:04.300 BibDesk[1031] -[NSTextStorage
attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:] called with out-
of-bounds index. For apps linked on Tiger this will raise an
exception. For earlier apps it will produce this one-time warning
and continue with existing behavior (which is undefined).
2005-09-06 16:03:04.305 BibDesk[1031] *** -
attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:]: Range or index
out of bounds
2005-09-06 16:03:11.691 BibDesk[1031] *** -
attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:]: Range or index
out of bounds
2005-09-06 16:03:12.290 BibDesk[1031] An uncaught exception
was raised
2005-09-06 16:03:12.291 BibDesk[1031] *** -
attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:]: Range or index
out of bounds
2005-09-06 16:03:12.291 BibDesk[1031] *** Uncaught exception:
<NSRangeException> *** -[NSConcreteTextStorage
attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:]: Range or index
out of bounds

oldtag = "CCITT-X.509",
author = "{CCITT (Consultative Committee on International
Telegraphy and Telephony)}",
year = "1988",
title = "Recommendation ${X}.509$: The
Directory---Authentication Framework",


  • Jonathan Paisley

    CrashReporter log from BibDesk

  • Adam Maxwell

    Adam Maxwell - 2005-09-06
    • assigned_to: mmcc --> amaxwell
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Adam Maxwell

    Adam Maxwell - 2005-09-06

    Logged In: YES

    Jonathan, thanks for the report. This bug has been fixed
    in recent beta releases at
    and we hope to get a release out soon.


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