
#120 onMessage() does not get activated

transport (11)

Hi there,

i wrote a litle programm to comunicate each other.
(Something like a chat) when I start the openJMS
server, then start the so called client on the same
machine, it works finde. I can send messages an other
client (on the same machine) get it. There onMessage
method awakes an is doing its job.

But when the OpenJMS server is on an other machine,
far away on the internet or next to me using a cros-link-
cable, it does not work. I can send messages but
onMessage() never awakes.
So I put a test-recieve button to the panel. ( a of
course had to delete the messega listener) When i now
send a message, the onMessage() method does no not
do anything (of course) but when i use the recieve
button (mytopic.recieve()) i get the message e sent.

what is the problem? i can´t imagine that OpenJMS
can´t communicate over a network. Do i have to start
something, could i do anything wrong when using an
external server as a local server?


  • Tim Anderson

    Tim Anderson - 2005-02-16

    Logged In: YES

    You might be having firewall problems. If you are using the
    rmi connector, the server needs to open a connection back to
    the client, which may fail if the client is behind a firewall.
    If so, try using the tcp connector.

    Re-open this (or better yet, discuss the problem on the
    openjms-user list) if you have any issues.

  • Tim Anderson

    Tim Anderson - 2005-02-16
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • David Howe

    David Howe - 2006-06-05

    Logged In: YES

    I am getting the same problem, even with two machines on
    the same local network. Everything works when OpenJMS and
    the client apps are running on the same machine, but no
    messages appear to be received and processed when the
    receiver that has the MessageListener is moved to a
    different machine.

    When I browse the queue with Hermes I can see that the same
    number of messages that I have MessageListeners for have
    disappeared off the queue. i.e. if I create and register
    10 MessageListeners, then 10 messages disappear from the
    queue. When I kill the receiving process, the ten messages
    come back again.

    I am running OpenJMS 0.7.7 alpha 3.


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