
#851 Wrong page returned by HtmlRadioButtonInput click() method

Latest SVN

Hi Team,

When testing my sites with HtmlUnit I used to check all available popups (Just to make sure each link is working & valid) and then start with form filling. It was working fine on version 1.10 of HtmlUnit.

But since I have migrated to latest 2.6 Snapshot I am getting following issue.

After opening all popups when I call click method of an RadioButton on my site, a popup page is returned instead of the current page. This happens only if the Radio has some JS call for onclick.

I have attached a minimal test case with the mail. Please let me know if you need more details.

Can you please help me to resolve this.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Thanks & Regards
Anant P. Toradmal


  • Anant Toradmal

    Anant Toradmal - 2009-07-02

    Test Case to reproduce the Bug

  • Anant Toradmal

    Anant Toradmal - 2009-12-30

    Can you guys Please resolve this issue as soon as poosible. We are not able to use the Link Validation functionality in our code. It has been a long time this issue is open.
    Thanks for your help on this.

  • Marc Guillemot

    Marc Guillemot - 2010-02-18

    Now fixed in SVN. Thanks for reporting.

    Sorry for the delay. Don't hesitate to protest louder when nobody reacts.


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