
#580 100% CPU use when compiling

4: Serious

The attached project causes DrJava to use 100% of the CPU when I click the "Compile Project" button.

According to Dr. Wong, others have experenced this as well.


  • Christopher Warrington

    Project that causes 100% CPU use

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2007-03-12

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I could immediately recreate this problem on the MacBook.

    YourKit shows that along the call tree below, over the course of about a minute of running in this state, about 21 million calls to File.equals and 14 million calls to String.indexOf were made from CompilerErrorModel._calculatePositions, which was only called once itself. So that's where I suspect the problem.

    Here's the call tree:

    edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.compiler.CompilerErrorModel.<init>(CompilerError[], GlobalModel)
    edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.compiler.DefaultCompilerModel._compileFiles(List, File)

    Hope this helps.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2007-03-12
    • milestone: 175441 --> 4: Serious
    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2007-03-12

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The problem is indeed in _calculatePositions(). While I haven't figured out the reason yet, I've determined using logging that in the following piece of code, the inner while loop is NEVER entered, yet it contains the only statement that advances curError (starting at approximately line 329):

    // offset is always pointing to the first character in the line
    // containing an error (or the last line of the previous file) at the top of this loop
    while ((curError < _numErrors) && // we still have errors to find
    file.equals(_errors[curError].file()) && // the next error is in this file
    (offset <= defsLength)) { // we haven't gone past the end of the file
    POSLOG.log("in _calculatePositions, in while loop 3");

    // create new positions for all errors on this line
    while ((curError < _numErrors) && file.equals(_errors[curError].file()) && // we are still in this file
    (_errors[curError].lineNumber() == curLine)) {
    _positions[curError] = document.createPosition(offset + _errors[curError].startColumn());
    POSLOG.log("in _calculatePositions, in while loop 4");

    While loop 4 is never even entered, so curError++ is not executed, and while loop 3 never ends. I'll now examine the conditions involved in the loop.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2007-03-12

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The inner while loop is never entered because the line numbers don't match. This seems to be the cause of a DOS/Unix line feed incompatibility (javac is reporting a line number that is out of range for the actual document). I don't quite know what to do about this, but I think I can manage to just NOT report a line number. That will fix the infinite loop, which was the result of a corner case that someone didn't think about.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2007-03-12
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mgricken
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2007-03-12

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    As of revision 4212, this problem has been fixed.
    I chose to leave the incorrect line number information in the error; it is perhaps confusing, but it is more informative than reporting "no line number associated" and also hints at the line ending problem.


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