
#56 Almost Real - title scroll betw. parts flickers at the sides


Almost Real shows many glitches:
- slowdowns during the logo roll out over the fake screen 0
- the skyline scroll is quite messed up
- the part titles scroll is shocky
- the sweeping bars part: the scroll slows down the
emulator a lot and shows a one pixel offset in the
lower half
- there seem to be gaps in the 'solid snake'


  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    Logged In: YES

    Things that are now fixed:
    - skyline scrol is OK
    - no gaps in solid snake

    The rest of the problems I can't really judge: it was a bit
    slow on my system, but that may have other causes. Biggest
    problem is the part titles that scroll in a shocky way.

  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    Logged In: YES

    It seems everything is fixed, but the shocky titles scroll
    is still there, but not as prominent as before.

  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • summary: Almost Real - many glitches --> Almost Real - title bar scroll seems shocky
  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    • summary: Almost Real - title bar scroll seems shocky --> Almost Real - title bar scroll between parts seems shocky
  • Manuel Bilderbeek

  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    • summary: Almost Real - title bar scroll between parts seems shocky --> Almost Real - title scroll betw. parts flickers at the sides
  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I added a movie. Look at the sides: they flicker on openMSX, while it's perfectly smooth on real MSX. Especially the left side has it.
    File Added: AlmostRealScrollBug.avi