
#139 Couldn't find referenced assembly ...

Tasks (408)

Right off, sorry if it was already posted and I didnt' find
the article; if so please respond with a link.

I use <slolution> tag for building our solution on a
Windows XP machine. This solution is developed mostly
on Win2K machines. The difference between these
machines/OS is that framework on XP is installed into
C:\windows\... and on Win2K it is installed into
c:\winnt\... . Because the solution is developed on
Win2K machines the references in the project files point
to c:\winnt\... .
When one opens the solution on the build machine the
references are 'magically' changed and he will see a
correct referece from within the IDE, so the solution
builds just fine there. If I build it with NAnt (on XP
machine), however, I get the error saying that the
\System.Data.dll could not be found. Truly so because it
is in c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\.

How can I get around it?

Thank you,



  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2004-03-15
    • assigned_to: nobody --> drieseng
  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2004-03-15

    Logged In: YES


    What version of NAnt did you test this with ? Can you try
    using the latest nightly build
    ( and report back ?

    Please attach the project file with which you're having
    problems, if the latest nightly does not resolve this issue.

    Thanks !

  • Alexei Ostrov

    Alexei Ostrov - 2004-03-15
  • Alexei Ostrov

    Alexei Ostrov - 2004-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    just found that '-defaultframework:net-1.1' fixes it.
    but why can't it be taken from registry. As far as I know, am
    I wrong?,
    specifies installation directory in InstallDir key.

    I am using 0.84 (which, I believe, is the latest stable).

  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2004-03-15
    • status: open --> closed
  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2004-03-15
    • status: closed --> closed-out-of-date
  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2004-03-15
    • milestone: --> 0.85
  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2004-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    In NAnt 0.84, the default target framework is .NET Framework
    1.0, so if you build file didn't explicitly specifiy the target
    framework, the <solution> would build you solution using
    the .NET Framework 1.0.

    Now, if you specify the -k:net-1.1 option, NAnt actually
    retrieves the location of framework assemblies and tools for
    the .NET Framework 1.1 from the registry.

    From NAnt 0.85 on, the default target framework is the
    framework in which you're running NAnt.

    The currently NAnt 0.85 nightly build is in lots of aspects
    more stable than the NAnt 0.84 release (and definitely the
    <solution> task), so I advise you to test the latest nightly

    I'll close this report, but don't hesitate to reopen this case if
    you can reproduce this issue (meaning, without specifying
    the -k:net-1.1 option) using the latest nightly build.

    Thanks for the report !


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