
#285 <solution> task throws on reference to VB.NET runtime

Tasks (408)

The exception:

System.Exception: Couldn't find referenced type
library 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\Msvbvm60.dll\3'.
at NAnt.VSNet.Reference.HandleWrapperImport
(XmlElement elemReference) in D:\Program
at NAnt.VSNet.Reference..ctor(Solution solution,
ProjectSettings ps, XmlElement elemReference,
SolutionTask solutionTask, String outputDir) in
D:\Program Fil
es\NAnt\NAnt.84\src\NAnt.VSNet\Reference.cs:line 124
at NAnt.VSNet.Project.Load(Solution sln, String
projectPath) in D:\Program Files\NAnt\NAnt.84
\src\NAnt.VSNet\Project.cs:line 194
at NAnt.VSNet.ProjectFactory.LoadProject(Solution
sln, SolutionTask slnTask,TempFileCollection tfc, String
outputDir, String path) in D:\Program Files\NAnt\ NAnt.84\src\NAnt.VSNet\ProjectFactory.cs:line 70
[more deleted...]

As best I can tell, the problem is because the
HandleWrapperImport method encounters a typelib
registration format it isn't expecting. The problem occurs
in the lines:

_typelibFile = (string) registryKey.GetValue(null);

if (!File.Exists(_typelibFile)) {
throw new Exception(string.Format
"Couldn't find referenced type library '{0}'.",

The value for the VB.NET runtime library
is "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Msvbvm60.dll\3", where I
believe the "\3" on the end refers to the resource id.
Some other typelib registrations also have this format so
I don't believe it is an error, although I am by no means
a COM registration wizard.

My workaround is to remove the last two characters if
the string ends in "\3", but that's obviously not so
robust, and I'm not sure if there's other code that would
depend on loading the typelib resource out of the file. It
did seem to fix the problem.

So long,


  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2005-01-28
    • assigned_to: nobody --> drieseng
  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2005-01-28

    Logged In: YES

    This should work fine in NAnt 0.85.

    Can you try NAnt 0.85 RC1 or a recent nightly build
    ( and let us know
    if that worked fine ?

  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2005-02-05

    Logged In: YES

    Ping !

  • jrv

    jrv - 2005-02-07

    Logged In: YES

    See attached file.

  • jrv

    jrv - 2005-02-07
  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2005-02-07

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for the additional info. It would be great if you could
    send me a repro for the new issue you ran into.

  • jrv

    jrv - 2005-02-07

    Zip with sample project and .build file

  • jrv

    jrv - 2005-02-07

    Logged In: YES


    The attached .zip has a sample project and NAnt build file. If
    I compile with Visual Studio and then run the CompileIt.cmd
    file (I run in the same directory; vbc.exe has to be on the
    path), the vbc.exe runs fine. If I compile using NAnt (using
    the include .build file) or, once NAnt has rebuilt the Interops,
    try to run the CompileIt.cmd, I get the error I was describing.

    So long,

  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2005-02-08

    Logged In: YES

    This is now fixed in cvs, but one with one (serious) limitation:

    If type library A references type library B, then we should
    first import type library B and use a reference to that
    imported type library when we import type library A.

    However, I have no way to find out in which order the type
    libraries should be imported. So only if type library B is first
    listed in your project file, it will work fine.

    If you can shed some more light on how we can analyse a
    type library to determine dependencies on other type
    libraries, then please provide us with that information and
    we'll look into adding it to the <solution> task ASAP.

  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2005-02-08
    • milestone: 359425 --> cvs
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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