
#59 distance/angle measurement in movies


up to version 4, the measurement of an angle or distance etc.
was visible in all fromes of an animation. this was enormous
useful, because one could track a certain distance during a
configuration change. in all new versions, this no more possible
(the measurement semms to be connected to a single frame)


  • Alexander Poddey

    Logged In: YES

    I miss the same - or do we overlook something?

  • Rene Kanters

    Rene Kanters - 2005-02-26

    Logged In: YES

    I only got involved with Jmol after version 4, so I don't know what was
    possible then. I believe that currently that is indeed not possible (so you
    aren't overlooking anything).

    The reason may be the following (I don't know, maybe Miguel can
    elaborate). There is no reason to assume (nor inform Jmol) that the models
    in each frame are representations of the same molecules or even the
    same sets of atoms. Thus the distance between atoms 1 and 2 in one
    frame could be that between Fe and Cl, while in another one between C
    and H.

    I agree that probably in a lot of cases of output from calculations or
    simulations each frame contains the same atoms in the same order. I
    have come across cases where I wished I could do exactly what you are
    asking for.


  • Bob Hanson

    Bob Hanson - 2006-03-06

    Logged In: YES

    There seems merit in this request.
    With the newly introduced capability to designate
    atom selection sets for monitor, one could definitely

    monitor (atomno=1) (atomno=2)

    which would apply the monitor bitsets to ANY displayed
    model, since these designations, without "and */1", do
    in fact designate ALL such comparisons.

    The current prototype at


    monitor (atomno=1) (atomno=2)

    as "monitor the distance between the FIRST occurance of
    "(atomno=1)" and the FIRST occurance of "(atomno=2)"

    so that would be in the first model.
    But it wouldn't have to....

    The question becomes how to distinguish this from
    cross-model measurements, which is also possible
    now and potentially very useful:

    monitor (atomno=1 and */1) (atomno=1 and */2)

    but I think this is doable. We could, for example,
    create the option ALL:

    monitor ALL (atomno=1) (atomno=2)

    which would imply first occurance "in all models".

    One question, then, would be if the full generalization
    would not be restricted to only one measurement per model:

    monitor ALL (carbon and within(1.5, oxygen) (oxygen and
    within(1.5, carbon)

    might throw up a measurement for all such sets.

    Of course, doing something silly like

    monitor ALL (all) (all)

    would give quite a mess, but that's not a real problem.

    I think we'd need the implied condition with ALL that the
    monitored atoms are in the SAME model, but beyond that, I
    see no serious difficulty implementing this.

    Is there a hard limit on the number of displayed measurements?

    Bob Hanson

  • Bob Hanson

    Bob Hanson - 2006-03-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> hansonr
  • Bob Hanson

    Bob Hanson - 2006-03-07

    Logged In: YES

    you've got it.

    monitor ALL (atom expr) (atom expr) .....


  • Bob Hanson

    Bob Hanson - 2006-03-07
    • status: open --> closed

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