
#2085 (ok 2.9) Fonts too large

Compared with version 2.7.0 the fonts used in 2.8.0
are one size too large. It is the same in IE, Firefox
and Opera, all running on Windows XP.


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  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2006-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    See bug #1436836.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2006-03-17
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate
  • Tony Marston

    Tony Marston - 2006-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    If I change the default font size in any of my browsers
    then all the other sites that I visit become too small.

    You have made a change between 2.7.0 and 2.8.0, and this
    change is BAD! Please put back the code that was in 2.7.0

  • Tony Marston

    Tony Marston - 2006-03-17
    • status: closed-duplicate --> pending-duplicate
  • Tony Marston

    Tony Marston - 2006-03-17
    • status: pending-duplicate --> open-duplicate
  • Tony Marston

    Tony Marston - 2006-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    If I change the default font size in any of my browsers
    then all the other sites that I visit become too small.

    You have made a change between 2.7.0 and 2.8.0, and this
    change is BAD! Please put back the code that was in 2.7.0

  • Jürgen Wind

    Jürgen Wind - 2006-03-18

    Logged In: YES

    as i posted already elsewhere:
    just locate


    and insert after line #10 (body)
    & #105 (table

    font-size: 87%;
    (just before } )

    if you often swich browsers,
    consider adding:
    'font-size:93%;'; else echo
    'font-size:87%;'; ?>

    otherwise Opera displays everything way too small !

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2006-03-27

    Logged In: YES

    No we're not going to have user agent dependant font sizes
    again. It was anyway wrong for part of users and didn't
    solve anything at all. Bug amount about font size stay
    constant whatever solution we take and using browser default
    font is simplest and easiest to maintain.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2006-03-27
    • status: open-duplicate --> closed-duplicate
  • Tony Marston

    Tony Marston - 2006-03-27
    • status: closed-duplicate --> open-duplicate
  • Tony Marston

    Tony Marston - 2006-03-27

    Logged In: YES

    Your logic sounds fine in theory, but in practice it is
    fatally flawed for the simple reason that different
    browsers use different font sizes for the default - the
    actual size for 'small' in IE is much bigger than in all
    other browsers. Although it is possible for users to
    adjust the font size at their end, few bother to do so. It
    has been the practice for most website builders to use
    size 'x-small' for IE and 'small' for other browsers to
    achieve the same effect without any user intervention. You
    have now broken that, which means that your pages, when
    viewed in IE, are now much bigger than they used to be. If
    I compensate by reducing the browser's font size at my end
    then it has the effect of making ALL OTHER sites I visit
    in that browser far too small. This means that I have to
    keep adjusting my browser settings both BEFORE and AFTER
    using your pages. THIS DOES NOT MAKE ME A HAPPY BUNNY!

    A problem with your CSS files is that I cannot make an
    adjustment in a single place which affects all pages.
    Consequently I end up with some text the right size while
    other text remains too large. If I change
    theme_left.css.php and theme_right.css.php everything is
    altered EXCEPT the html tables in the right-hand pane.
    There is a fault in your CSS somewhere.

    Why don't you do what everybody else does to get around
    this problem? All you need is the following code:

    body { font-size: x-small; ) /* for IE */
    html>body { font-size: small; ) /* for other browsers */

    The second line is not processed by IE, therefore it
    sticks with 'x-small', whereas other browsers will replace
    the 1st definition with the 2nd and use 'small' instead.

    All other font-sizes in the system should be relative to
    this size.

  • thomwiesel

    thomwiesel - 2006-03-29

    Logged In: YES

    we (and all our customers we have installed new
    phpmyAdmin for) have the same problem too. On
    Win XP the fonts are too large!

    Please don't write "do, what everybody do, change the
    css", that's stupid. A real solution is needed.

    Why don't you extend the next configuration-file so
    everybody can set the base-size of the font? All the
    other font-sizes given in em-values are changing
    In our little cms we've developed we do it this way and
    it works fine.......

    so everybody can easily change if his base-font should
    be 12px or 1em or whatever.

  • unclef

    unclef - 2006-04-10

    Logged In: YES

    I'd like to add my 2 cents to this discussion.
    I have been using Firefox, Opera and IE on Windows for
    development and all the fonts were fine before version 2.8.0.

    Now PMA is a really ugly looking (with the exception of
    Arctic Ocean and Paradice themes).

    Something must be done about those font sizes once and for
    all. As the previous post suggest, why not introduce a
    config parameter defining base font in pixels or percents of
    the default font size. The rest of the font sizes in the
    themes should be made relative to the base value.

    Thank you

  • huntercc

    huntercc - 2006-04-15

    Logged In: YES

    I suggest adding a config option to switch between using
    default browser font size, and user/theme specified font
    size. I was definitely surprised to suddenly see all my
    fonts MUCH larger than I was used to seeing, and as others
    have commented before me, changing my browser's default
    font size will change every site I visit.

    A config option to switch between the two methods will
    keep it easy for the programmers, AND keep the users happy.

  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    lem9, micha: how about introducing this config setting for
    font size?

    the problem is, that themes that rely on this needs to test
    if this config is set or not, making it a requirement to put
    more php programming into themes css files

    otherwise we just removed any styling parameters from config

    we can put $cfg['BaseFontSize'] into

  • Nahoo

    Nahoo - 2006-04-25

    Logged In: YES

    It appears that the "original" CSS is wrong in 2.8.0.
    Shouldn't this have been checked before its release?

  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    @nahoo: What is 'wrong' in the 'original' CSS?

  • Nahoo

    Nahoo - 2006-04-25

    Logged In: YES

    Its wrong enough for me to completely replace the original
    theme with Arctic Ocean which has been written properly.

  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    @nahoo: if you can not explain what do you mean with 'wrong'
    we cannot help you

    phpMyAdmin 2.9 (currently HEAD in CVS) has config variables
    in the themes file where you can set font
    family and size

  • Sebastian Mendel

    • summary: Fonts too large --> (ok 2.9) Fonts too large
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cybot_tm
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open-duplicate --> open-fixed
  • Nahoo

    Nahoo - 2006-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    The original CSS is now set to a larger font size than in
    previous versions of PMA. The original theme should have a
    suitable font size from the start and not require editing
    to make it acceptable for displaying table data.

    It shouldn't be necessary to have an alternative theme in
    place just to make PMA look reasonable. It should look good
    straight out of the box.

  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    The 'Original' theme is set to no font size at all.

    The font size depends on the users system and browser
    settings. Why should we force our customers to any other
    font size than he has setup on his system or browser?

    And with next release (2.9) you have the option to change
    this - if your browser angers you ...

  • Nahoo

    Nahoo - 2006-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    I am not trying to annoy the creators of PMA with my
    responses. The font has changed size. My browsers' font
    size are all set to "medium". I don't want to change
    browser font sizes for PMA every time I go there.

    PMA's original theme should have a _default_ font size that
    does the job without further editing. Doesn't anyone care
    about PMA actually looking reasonable from the start?

  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    You do not annoy us!

    Of course we care - but we do not only care YOUR browser and
    system parameters.

    There is no 'default' font size that will look reasonable on
    all systems and browsers and different settings and
    disabilities on this systems and browsers.

  • Nahoo

    Nahoo - 2006-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    I run all my browsers using their default settings. What I
    see here is what everone else sees.

    If you want a "reasonable" font size, take a look at Arctic
    Ocean. In fact, this style, in my opinion, is far nicer
    than the original style anyway. I have made it the default
    theme on all of my servers.

    To find out if anyone else agrees with me, start up a poll.

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