
#1736 (in 2.7.0) Browse icon alt tag on LHS updates

Interface (555)

When inserted records the alt tag on the browse icon on
the left side list of tables does not update the number of
rows in the table.

When rows are deleted, or the table emptied, the alt tag
on the browse icon and on the table name both do not

Windows XP SP2
Apache 2.0.54
PHP 4.4.0
MySQL 4.1.13
PMA 2.6.3pl1


  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-25

    Logged In: YES

    My left frame is updated correctly on inserts. Which browser
    are you using?

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-25
    • assigned_to: nobody --> lem9
  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-07-25

    Logged In: YES

    Internet Explorer 6

  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-07-25

    Logged In: YES

    I get the same error uing IE6 accessing Alexander Turek's
    latest stable release demo at

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-26

    Logged In: YES

    Just tried it with IE 6 under Windows 2000: no problem.

    Can you check FAQ 5.16 in Documentation.html?

  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-07-26

    Logged In: YES

    I have checked the FAQ and no settings have changed as far
    as I know. I raised this as a bug previously (1204951) which
    was fixed in 2.6.3

    The odd thing is that when inserting a row the alt tag on the
    icon does not update but the alt tag on the table name does.

    I can leave all software and settings unchanged and revert to
    the previous version of pma and see what results I get.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-26

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, I read too fast your bug description, I was looking
    at the alt tag on the table name, not on the icon.

    Bug confirmed.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-26
    • summary: Browse icon alt tag on LHS updates --> (in 2.6.4) Browse icon alt tag on LHS updates
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-26

    Logged In: YES

    fixed in cvs

  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-07-27

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for that.

    There is still a problem when deleting or emptying the table
    though - the alt tags on both the table name and icon do not

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-27

    Logged In: YES

    With the current CVS version, I cannot reproduce the problem
    when emptying a table.

    About when deleting a table, I don't get your point. The
    table name is no longer in the left panel.

  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-07-27

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, I didn't make myself clear in the last comment but
    refer to my original posting: when I delete a row or empty the
    table the alt tags do not update on the table name or the icon.

    I get this error with the cvs.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-07-29

    Logged In: YES

    Trying to debug this, I get very weird problems, with 3
    different browsers: what I see with the mouseover differs
    from what I see when I display the source code of the left
    frame, in terms of the number of records.

    Can you confirm about the HTML source code?

  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-07-29

    Logged In: YES

    No, the frame source matches looks like it matches what is
    displayed for IE6 and Firefox 1.0.4. The problem with the alt
    tags on row deletion and emptying the table exists when
    using both browsers.

  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-08-28

    Logged In: YES

    In 2.6.4rc1 there is still one outstanding problem.
    When inserting rows - fixed
    When emptying a table - fixed
    When deleting a row - not fixed, the table name alt tag is
    correct but the browse icon alt tag does not update

  • qpchan

    qpchan - 2005-08-28
    • milestone: 506930 --> 2.6.4-rc1
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-09-02
    • status: open-fixed --> open
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-09-02
    • summary: (in 2.6.4) Browse icon alt tag on LHS updates --> Browse icon alt tag on LHS updates
    • priority: 1 --> 5
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2005-10-06
    • assigned_to: lem9 --> nobody
  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    @lem9: you can not check this with 'view source', as this is
    changed by javascript, and the 'view source' options in the
    browser does not respect dhtml changes, it displays the
    source as fresh from the server, not the altered.

  • Sebastian Mendel

    • assigned_to: nobody --> cybot_tm
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Sebastian Mendel

    • summary: Browse icon alt tag on LHS updates --> (in 2.7.0) Browse icon alt tag on LHS updates
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open-accepted --> open-fixed
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2005-12-04
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2013-06-11
    • Status: closed-fixed --> fixed