
#1718 finder does not find existing data

JBossCMP (436)

Bean MbiMenue with this finder-declaration processed by
* @ejb.finder signature="java.util.Collection
findByUsernameSprachKbez (java.lang.String username,
java.lang.String sprach_kbez)"
* view-type="local"
* query="SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM MbiMenue AS o WHERE
o.username = ?1 AND o.sprachKbez = ?2"
* result-type-mapping="Local"

This finder does not find data.
If I replace the variables ?1 and ?2 by constant values
the data is found.
I swichted on log level trace an saw, that the
variables are filled correctly, but they are filled as
jdbc-type VARCHAR.

But field username is defined
* column-name="username"
* sql-type="CHAR(8)"
* jdbc-type="CHAR"
and field sprach_kbez
* column-name="sprach_kbez"
* sql-type="CHAR(2)"
* jdbc-type="CHAR"

The table is created by jboss and the columns are of
the expected type.
If I switch the Oracle9i mapping for String from
VARCHAR to CHAR the jdbc-type of the variables changes
from VARCHAR to CHAR but finder does not find anything.

- current JBoss-3.2 branch
- JDK 1.4.2_03
- Solaris 9 on Sparc
- XDoclet 1.2
- Oracle 9i


  • Alexey Loubyansky

    Logged In: YES

    If you try the same SQL with direct JDBC from JBoss will it
    return the data?

  • Alexey Loubyansky

    • assigned_to: nobody --> loubyansky
  • Frank Langelage

    Frank Langelage - 2004-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    Do you have an example for this ?
    Perhaps a testcase somewhere in the testsuite ?

  • Alexey Loubyansky

    Logged In: YES

    Assume the datasource used for entity beans is java:/DefaultDS:

    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:/DefaultDS");

    Connection con = ds.getConnection();
    PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

  • Frank Langelage

    Frank Langelage - 2004-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    I created a this method on a stateless session bean named Mask:
    * @ejb.interface-method
    public void testFinder() {
    try {
    javax.naming.Context ctx = new
    javax.sql.DataSource ds =
    java.sql.Connection con = ds.getConnection();

    // first try with PreparedStatement
    String sqlQuery = "select * from mbi_menue where
    username = ? and sprach_kbez = ?"; "executing '" + sqlQuery + "'" );
    java.sql.PreparedStatement ps =
    ps.setString( 1, "mbi" );
    ps.setString( 2, "de" );
    java.sql.ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    int i = 0;
    while ( ) {
    i++;"Zeile: " + i);

    // second try with normal Statement
    sqlQuery = "select * from mbi_menue where
    username = 'mbi' and sprach_kbez = 'de'"; "executing '" + sqlQuery + "'" );
    java.sql.Statement s = con.createStatement();
    rs = s.executeQuery( sqlQuery );
    i = 0;
    while ( ) {
    i++;"Zeile: " + i);

    catch( java.sql.SQLException sqle ) {
    logger.error( sqle.toString() );
    catch( javax.naming.NamingException ne ) {
    logger.error( ne.toString() );

    and got this result:
    23:30:25,821 INFO [Mask.testFinder] executing 'select *
    from mbi_menue where username = ? and sprach_kbez = ?'
    23:30:25,966 INFO [Mask.testFinder] executing 'select *
    from mbi_menue where username = 'mbi' and sprach_kbez = 'de''
    23:30:26,001 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 1
    23:30:26,004 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 2
    23:30:26,006 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 3
    23:30:26,008 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 4
    23:30:26,035 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 5
    23:30:26,037 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 6
    23:30:26,040 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 7
    23:30:26,042 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 8
    23:30:26,044 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 9
    23:30:26,046 INFO [Mask.testFinder] Zeile: 10

  • Alexey Loubyansky

    Logged In: YES

    It does not look like a JBoss problem. What driver are you
    using? Can you try other ones?

  • Frank Langelage

    Frank Langelage - 2004-02-04

    Logged In: YES

    I did some more tests today and the cause for this behaviour.
    First I tried with an informix Datasource. The finder found
    the data.
    Then I tried different oracle versions (8.1.7,,
    No data found.

    If I fill up the literal "mbi" with blanks up to column
    length (CHAR(8)) the finder finds data with OracleDS.
    Oracle does distinguish exactly between VARCHAR and CHAR.
    PreparedStatement.setString() with CHAR-column does not work.
    OraclePreparedStatement has method setFixedCHAR for this
    If I change some lines in my testcase to
    wps =

    1, "mbi" );

    2, "de" );

    also the PreparedStatement finds the data.

  • Alexey Loubyansky

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for the investigations.
    In fact we use ps.setObject(index, value, jdbcType) so you
    have complete control over JDBC type in the range of the
    standard. If you can't do it with this method it is not a
    JBoss bug.
    To workaround this we could make plugable result set setters
    and getters providing default ones and letting users to
    provide their custom.

  • Frank Langelage

    Frank Langelage - 2004-02-07

    Logged In: YES

    OK, the only JBoss-Bug I see is, that setting the values in
    the preparedStatement for the finder is done with type
    VARCHAR instead of CHAR which ist the jdbcType in
    jbosscmp-jdbc.xml for the bean-cols.
    See my original post for this.

    The problem with fixed-length-char an oracle seem to be
    I found documents on the oracle site and discussion threads
    for this.
    I agree with the posters there that oracle won't be willing
    to change the behaviour. So we will need to find a
    workaround for this.
    I will submit an RFE for this.
    Not using fixed-length char is no a solution for me. I
    can't change the database schema for this table because it
    is a table from a legacy app and also used there.

  • Alexey Loubyansky

    Logged In: YES

    We have org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.Mapper interface.
    Check this

    I think if I add it could be used per cmp-field, you could
    append or trim whitespeces when setting parameters or
    reading result sets.

  • Frank Langelage

    Frank Langelage - 2004-02-08

    Logged In: YES

    I think your propsal would probably lead to different ear's
    which depend on the datasource used.
    I would prefer a solution within the datatype mapping in
    standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml or even an enhancement in the
    datasource definition.
    The problematic behaviour of the oracle jdbc driver
    shouldn't be handled on bean level.

  • Alexey Loubyansky

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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