
#1536 Memory leak and odd JMS Errors

JBossMQ (152)

I am in the process of trying to track down some
memory leaks in my jboss-based application. Along the
way, I ran into something that appears to be a bug.

Windows XP

Take the 'jboss-3.2.2RC4-src.tgz' from sourceforge and
build it.

Uncomment the 'rem set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -
Xms128m -Xmx512m' line in run.bat.

Copy the .sar file from the attached zip into the
default/deploy directory.

Start the JBoss server.

The memory usage never levels off. However, the
speed at which it climbs varies from run to run. I've
seen the server hit 300mb of memory (taskmanager)
usage in 40 minutes or take 90 minutes to hit the 200mb

The attached sar contains an mbean that sends 10
TextMessages to the 'queue/A' JMS queue every 100

The attached zip includes a log file from one of my
runs. Please note the errors in the log file. The
frequency with which they appear *seems* to coincide
with the amount of memory used.

I've also included the source to the mbean.


  • Paul W. Ward

    Paul W. Ward - 2003-09-29

    Log & Src/Sar that exhibits problem

  • Adrian Brock

    Adrian Brock - 2003-09-30

    Logged In: YES

    I haven't tried your test.

    The errors in your log shows a Bind exception when the server
    tries to connect back to the client.

    Since this is a client socket attaching to server socket
    inside the
    JMS client, I can only assume it is the client port that
    cannot be bound.

    This is a problem at the OS level (or maybe the VM).
    It is assigning your client socket a port that is already in

    Incidently, since this is in the same VM, why are you using
    java:/ConnectionFactory (method calls)
    instead of OIL which uses two (local) sockets?


  • Adrian Brock

    Adrian Brock - 2003-09-30
    • labels: --> JBossMQ
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ejort
  • Paul W. Ward

    Paul W. Ward - 2003-09-30

    Logged In: YES

    Switching out the Hypersonic ConnectionManager for one
    that stores messages in SQL2k appears to fix the problem. I
    also seem to be getting much fewer bind exceptions as well.

    Since getting rid of Hypersonic is also on my list of tasks, I'm
    fine with this solution.

    I'm using java:/ConnectionFactory just because every
    example I've ever seen uses that. Do I just change that to
    java:/OIL2ConnectionFactory to switch to OIL?

  • Scott M Stark

    Scott M Stark - 2003-09-30

    Logged In: YES

    You are not using the "java:/ConnectionFactory" binding, you
    are using the "ConnectionFactory" binding. This is looking
    up the OIL version rather than the in vm socketless
    transport. Use

    InitialContext ctxt = new InitialContext();
    QueueConnectionFactory connFactory =

    to access the in vm transport.

  • Adrian Brock

    Adrian Brock - 2003-10-06
    • status: open --> closed
  • Adrian Brock

    Adrian Brock - 2003-10-06
    • status: closed --> closed-fixed
  • Adrian Brock

    Adrian Brock - 2003-10-06

    Logged In: YES

    I have enabled the ReadTimeout on OIL
    I added this to an earlier version of 3.2, but didn't enable it.
    It is possible for the server side of OIL to not notice a
    client has
    vanished without it.
    This will block a socket.



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