
#254 Overview?

2.0 Series

It would be nice if there was a cohesive overview in the
documentation. FAQs and examples are fine, but when
just starting to look at the software---and not knowing
any other MS-Windows installer technology---I don't
really need or want FAQs or (just yet) examples.

I'm looking for the moral equivalent of the famous C
"hello world" program, with explanations, including a
summary of how to set up a directory tree for NSis,
where to put the NSis script, and how to run the NSis
executable to produce the installer. "Real world"
examples have their place, but for starting out, it is
nice to have examples that DON'T have the clutter of
real-world details, and which DO have the clutter of
excessive explanations.

And, I'd like to know: Does the installer automatically
create a deinstaller? Does it meddle with any files or
registry keys that aren't specified by the script?
(I.e., when I am just learning how to use NSis, what
kinds of potential damage can I inflict on an MS-Windows
box which I may have, or want, to undo?)


  • Amir Szekely

    Amir Szekely - 2005-09-03

    Logged In: YES

    It would be nice indeed. We have been looking for a long
    time for a documentation writer, but no one stepped up. So,
    we're still looking for one.

    The installer doesn't automatically create an uninstaller.
    You need to call WriteUninstaller for that. There's
    information about uninstallers in the documentation. Search
    for "uninstall" in the contents page and you'll find
    everything you need to know about uninstallers.

    An installer or uninstaller can easily kill your computer.
    You can easily delete your Windows directory, just like with
    any other scripting or programming language.

    Please use the forum for scripting questions next time.
    You'll get a way quicker response and others that follow
    will be able to find the answer you got a lot quicker as well.

  • Amir Szekely

    Amir Szekely - 2005-09-03
    • assigned_to: zarg --> nobody
  • Richard Rauch

    Richard Rauch - 2005-09-04

    Logged In: YES

    If you are seriously looking for someone to document your
    software for you, I suggest posting a SourceForge "job". You
    can't expect people to telepathically sense that you want
    someone to document your software for you.

    You are of course free to look for them by whatever means you
    like, but as you are hosted via SourceForge it is not
    unreasonable for most people to look at your SourceForge
    interface for such things---and not seeing them, to assume
    that you have no such needs.

    Still others may browse the SF job listings to look for a
    project to get their feet wet. They may not hear of your
    project at all, otherwise.

    As for the RFE Tracker not being appropriate for filing
    Requests For Enhancements such as for an overview in the
    documentation: Noted. I won't post any more RFEs to your RFE
    Tracker. Sorry. Perhaps you should delete (well, hide) the
    Tracker if you don't wish to make use of it? Otherwise, it
    is a natural supposition that the RFE Tracker is to be used
    when suggesting/requesting enhancements.

    Or is it just that you don't consider documentation to be
    part of the project?

    (The specific scripting questions are, of course, just
    examples. Thanks for partially answering them, though.
    Since they were not the point of the RFE, but only the
    impetus, I won't pursue them further.)

  • Amir Szekely

    Amir Szekely - 2005-09-06

    Logged In: YES

    If a SourceForge "job" means being serious, we are way past
    serious and well into whatever comes next. We have posted
    more than one SF job and forums posts. Sadly, the job
    offerings disappear after a couple of weeks, so they're no
    longer visible.

    I don't agree I can't expect people to sense such a thing.
    From my experience, serious project members start working
    without any specific request. They work because want, not
    because someone asked. That's how I've started and that's
    also how every other serious member of this project started.

    I was in no way talking about the overview when I asked you
    to use the forum. My very first paragraph said it would
    indeed be nice to have an overview in the documentation. It
    also explained why there isn't currently one and why it will
    probably won't happen soon. After addressing the actual
    feature request I went on to answer your "I'd like to know"
    paragraph. It seemed to me like a collection of extra
    questions that you wanted answered, not as examples for the
    overview. I'm sorry if I've misunderstood that.

  • Richard Rauch

    Richard Rauch - 2005-09-06

    Logged In: YES

    My impression is that your project is geared more for
    developers than for documentation writers, however. So I, at
    least, would expect relatively few documentation writers to
    be in your userbase.

    I see your point regarding recruiting from your userbase,

  • Richard Rauch

    Richard Rauch - 2005-09-06

    Logged In: YES

    My impression is that your project is geared more for
    developers than for documentation writers, however. So I, at
    least, would expect relatively few documentation writers to
    be in your userbase.

    I see your point regarding recruiting from your userbase,


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