
#386 bulb cable


It would be very nice for an astrophotographer to be able to control a Nikon or a Canon camera with a special "bulb cable" it is only the RTS pin in a RS232 port that need to be programmed high or low. Here is the schematic with some code examples written in basic, pretty simple.
It is only to things that need to be input from the user, a way to select port and shutter time with an interval of 30 sek to 2 hours or more.
These "bulb cable" are the standards, commonly wide used.


  • Alexey Guseynov

    Alexey Guseynov - 2011-12-01

    What for do you need this additional cable if you can trigger capture (including bulb mode) via USB port with appropriate commands? I successfully did it on canon 40D.

  • stoffe

    stoffe - 2011-12-01

    Hello, you got lucky if your camera support it, only few of the newest cameras does have this more then 30 seconds buld feature. My Nikon D80 does need a bulb cable to capture more then 30 seconds controlled through the computer. I didn't found a specific list of cameras that need this special bulb cable but most of the DSLR from Canon and Nikon does need it. It would be very nice with an opensource altrnative to MaximDL that costs lot of money and does not work in Linux enviroment.

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2011-12-03

    well, the newer Canon EOS DSLR can do programmed bulb capture over USB.

    For others
    If you can program the bulk cable via serial port, you can do run a small program alongside gphoto2 for instance to help here.


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