
#35 Load file and generate docs switch


Could you add a switch to the commandline so it would
be possible to load a project file and generate the docs.
I like the gui program, but I can't use it
automatically from my batch file, which forces me to
use the commandline tool.



  • Michalis Kamburelis

    Logged In: YES

    I agree absolutely, it's planned to add some command-line
    option (to pasdoc_gui and/or console pasdoc) to load whole
    xxx.pds file generated by pasdoc_gui and execute it.

    For now you have to use console pasdoc (and "translate" your
    xxx.pds file to appropriate pasdoc command-line options) to
    make documentation in batch mode.

  • Richard Winston

    Richard Winston - 2006-09-10

    Logged In: YES

    Another alternative is to use Help Generator. It creates a
    batch file (Windows) or shell script (Linux) for the console
    version of PasDoc. The options supported in Help Generator
    are not quite the same as in PasDoc GUI. Help Generator is
    free with source code for Delphi 7. It is a CLX program. I
    also have a VCL version if that would work better for you.
    You can Help Generator as part of the installation of
    If you would prefer the VCL version, send me an email

  • Marcos Rocha

    Marcos Rocha - 2013-10-16

    I am intending to implement 2 features for this request.

    The first one is add support to load project files from Delphi (.dpr files) and Lazarus (.lpi files), through a command switch like '--ideproject=path\project.dpr' do you agree? Do you have more specifications about that?

    The second one is read and load PasDoc GUI project through the command line '--pasdocproject=path\project.pds' it would be nice? Any specs?

    Both of them will be applied to pasdoc console application (via command line) and to pasdoc GUI application (via visual configurations).

  • Michalis Kamburelis

    Delphi .dpr files, just like Lazarus .lpr files, are Pascal source code. They are already supported.

    .lpi is Lazarus XML file describing the project. It would be nice to support it (just like .lpk describing the package) but let's keep it separate from this ticket, since it's just a different feature.

    Yes, support for .pds is wanted, and that's what this ticket is about :) Contributions are most welcome :)

  • Marcos Rocha

    Marcos Rocha - 2013-10-16

    Ok, so I'll work in this feature for now.

    • Michalis Kamburelis

      Great :) Remember to work using the latest PasDoc code from SVN trunk, and provide patches as "svn diff" output.

      Please send us some patches, and I'll be very happy to add you as PasDoc developer, seeing that you're interested in implementing many PasDoc features :)

      If you have any questions, ask here or on the mailing list .

  • Harald Schmid

    Harald Schmid - 2013-10-17

    This is a fantastic idea!


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