
#129 subscription confirmation log access

JC Dill

Please create a system for mailing list owners to
access the logs that prove that subscriptions were
confirmed (opt-in confirmation). Ideally, this would
be available both via the web administration page and
via email, like all other list management tasks.


  • JC Dill

    JC Dill - 2003-09-02

    Logged In: YES

    This was just posted to nanog:

    From: Vivek Khera <khera@KCILINK.COM>
    Organization: Khera Communications, Inc., Rockville, MD
    Subject: Re: Media: Fearing 'Spam' Label, Advertisers Wary
    of E-Mail
    Precedence: list
    X-UIDL: 96919

    >>>>> "JD" == JC Dill <spam-l@VO.CNCHOST.COM> writes:

    JD> At 12:27 PM 8/29/2003, Laura Atkins wrote:
    >> > This is what a list manager server *should* do, if it
    isn't doing it
    >> > already then we need to just ask the developers to add
    this feature in.
    >> A lot of hassle for an extremely limited (if any) benefit.

    JD> I believe that being able to prove that a subscription
    was confirmed
    JD> is going to become increasingly important as legitimate
    mailing lists
    JD> are increasingly being asked to prove their legitimacy.
    Proof means
    JD> keeping and being able to produce the relevant logs,
    doesn't it?

    We have found that by keeping a copy of the confirmation
    request and
    upon confirmation the full headers of the incoming message,
    we cover
    pretty much any request we've gotten. Nobody has ever asked
    for more
    (not to say that they won't in the future). Since we
    started allowing
    confirm by click, instead of the return message headers, we
    keep the
    details of time, IP address, browser version, and full HTTP
    That seems to have been sufficient, too.

    We keep this information in the per-subscriber record in our
    so that we can pull it up any time, for as long as the
    record is in
    our database (up to 6 months after they unsubscribe). After
    time, we'd have to dig thru some CDs to find it, but it is there

    This is all for our proprietary broadcast-only announcement
    system, so
    it was easy to modify to do this...

    What I'd really like is for Mailman to support this type of
    keeping, so the discussion lists we operate for some
    non-profits can
    also have this kind of protection.

  • JC Dill

    JC Dill - 2003-09-02

    Logged In: YES

    oops, it was spam-l, not nanog. Sorry!


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