
#22 Binaries linked to numpy1/python2.5


Hi. This isn't actually a request for support, but I didn't see any
"contribute" links.

I've been using PyOpenGL for some time in a major project, and I moved
the project to numpy1.0rc2 and python2.5, so I've had to compile
versions of PyOpenGL linked to those packages. Since I have some
windows users, I built a windows binary installer for PyOpenGL
Py2.5/numpy1.0. It was a pain to compile, and I don't see any installers
for Py2.5 on this site, so I was wondering if you want to post it?

I don't use Tk (my project is all wxWidgets) or have the Tk headers on my
boxes, so this installer doesn't include Togl. I could provide some info
about what I had to set up to compile it if that would be helpful (mostly
this is stuff that would be easy for someone used to building on Win32 -
I'm not. I did have to make a few code edits though.)

Anyway, send me email and let me know where to upload it if you want it.
I have versions linked in the same way built on Mac OS 10.4 and Ubuntu
linux also, but these were a lot easier to build, and thus, I'm guessing,
less valuable.

Thanks for your work on Python!


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Great idea! I don't know why they don't have a windows binary up on the site. I would love it if there were a .exe or even a .msi available for download.

  • Graham Cummins

    Graham Cummins - 2007-06-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    When I posted this, I also wondered why there wasn't a Windows binary linked to python 2.5. I got no response from the PyOpenGL project, but now I think I know why: They were busy cranking out PyOpenGL 3.0, which installs via python eggs.

    The egg has win32 support, so you no longer need a compiler to install on Windows. I've installed 3.0.0a6 on XP with no hassle. I got the zip version and installed with "python install". Worked fine on systems without Visual Studio (or any other C compilers). The only hitch is that you have to get from PEAK ( and use it to install setuptools before you install PyOpenGL.

    I didn't much like the "eggs" thing at first, but it does make installing compiled extensions on common platforms a lot easier (on ia64 Linux it's still a PITA, but you can't have everything...)


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