
#325 [PostgreSQL] Field date in 'Search data in tables' form

PostgreSQL (42)

''Search data in tables' works very well in Mysql but in postgres there an error
There is an error for field date because they doesn't support % joker char.

ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone ~~ unknown
LINE 1: ... "process_transition_action" WHERE ("create_date" LIKE '%mod...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

A second error :
ERROR: argument of WHERE must be type boolean, not type integer
LINE 1: ...FROM "account_account_financial_report_type" WHERE 0 LIMIT 1

I think than string search shoudn't search in boolean, date type field


  • David BEAL

    David BEAL - 2014-09-14

    I'm the initial author of this bug (in 4.1.0 too)

    Here is a really good way to search a string in the whole postgresql database

    SELECT ctid FROM %I.%I WHERE cast(%I as text)=%L
    should be replaced by
    SELECT ctid FROM %I.%I WHERE cast(%I as text) ~ %L
    to allow to use regex

    Adminer doesn't allow to import procedure. It's not a required feature because we can use a workaround: insert procedure with pgsql.
    Adminer could call this procedure (change name to 'search_in_whole_db' ?) if it exists in db.

    May be in a plugin ? what are the hook for 'Search data in tables' form ?

    What do you think of this ?


    Last edit: David BEAL 2014-09-14
  • Jakub Vrána

    Jakub Vrána - 2018-01-30
    • summary: field date postgres in 'Search data in tables' form --> [PostgreSQL] Field date in 'Search data in tables' form
  • Jakub Vrána

    Jakub Vrána - 2018-02-06
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Maurits van der Schee

    I see the same error in the "Editor" version of Adminer 4.7.7 on PHP 7.4.3 with PostgreSQL 12.4. Can this be fixed there as well?


    Last edit: Maurits van der Schee 2020-10-01
    • Jakub Vrána

      Jakub Vrána - 2021-02-06

      Thanks, fixed.


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