
#223 Query / result disappears just after the load

Common (150)

When I execute a query from query window, the result just flickers and immediately dissapears. Or when I alter the table, the box with dumped query which was just executed also disappears. What I noticed, it seems to happen in onpopstate event, where an AJAX request loads the original HTML snippet but without my query result.

Happens to me since update to Chromium 19, other browsers including Chromium 18 are OK. Adminer is completely unusable in Chromium 19 with JavaScript enabled at the moment.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

  • PunchyRascal

    PunchyRascal - 2012-02-17

    I confirm, this happens to me too. Win7, Chrome 19. Furthermore, I experience similar loss of data when, e.g.:
    1) I edit an item
    2) save and go to overview
    3) Add new item, I input some data
    4) decide to use browser back to go back to Edit item (1)
    5) decide to use browser forward button to go back to Add new item (3)
    6) the dataI input before (3) is gone

    The same goes for sql textarea with some back and forward actions. The sql disappears (or it shows momentartily and then disappears)

  • Dragon Jake

    Dragon Jake - 2012-02-27

    Just tested older versions of adminer, the bug has been appearing since 3.2.2: "Fix AJAX history after reload"

    (I submitted this issue)

  • Dragon Jake

    Dragon Jake - 2012-03-07

    I did some investigation and found where the problem occurs. In Chromium 19 onpopstate event is invoked twice, in adminer/static/editing.js:10 first which is the same as in Firefox, and then automagically.

    The bug is in adminer/static/functions.js:400 where onpopstate function is defined. The condition:

    if ((ajaxRequest.send || event.state) && !/#/.test(location.href))

    is always true in the second call of the event, because the first call set ajaxRequest.send property to true. Ref bug:

  • Jakub Vrána

    Jakub Vrána - 2012-05-14

    I've removed AJAXification in Adminer 3.4.0 (not released yet).

  • Jakub Vrána

    Jakub Vrána - 2012-05-14
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date

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