
#1501 v5.2.2 snmpget, set complain about index type for ifIndex

apps (205)

In v5.2.2, attempting to access a table indexed by
ifIndex (and perhaps any derived type) gives an error

# snmpget -v 2c -c public ipm RFC1213-MIB::ifIndex.1
Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
RFC1213-MIB::ifIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1

Sets to rows of tables indexed by such values appear to
succeed but don't take effect. I've instrumented my
table handler and the set routine in the agent doesn't
get called.

# snmpset -v 2c -c private ipm
SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1 i 2
Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1 = INTEGER: down(2)
# snmpget -v 2c -c private ipm
Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1 = INTEGER: up(1)

(I can't show it here very well but I've put snmp_log()
statements in my table handler in the get and set
routines and the get shows up in the log but the set
does not.)

This worked in v5.1.1.


  • Christopher Nelson

    Logged In: YES

    I've simplified my table handler a lot to just access a
    static array:

    static long power[MAX_IF];

    get_testAdminPower(void *data_context, size_t *ret_len)
    long port;

       port = ctx2port\(data\_context\);
       snmp\_log\(LOG\_DEBUG, "<<GET power for %ld, value is

    %ld\n", port, power[port]);
    *ret_len = sizeof(long);
    return &power[port];

    set_testAdminPower(void *data_context, long *val, size_t
    long port;

       port = ctx2port\(data\_context\);
       snmp\_log\(LOG\_DEBUG, ">>SET power for %ld, new value

    is %ld\n", port, *val);
    power[port] = *val;
    return SNMP_ERR_NOERROR;

    and I see this:

    # snmpget -v 2c -c private ipm SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1
    Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
    SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1 = INTEGER: unknown(0)
    # snmpset -v 2c -c private ipm SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1 i 2
    Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
    SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1 = INTEGER: down(2)
    # snmpget -v 2c -c private ipm SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1
    Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
    SIXNET-MIB::ifAdminPower.1 = INTEGER: unknown(0)

    and my log contains:

    <<GET power for 1, value is 0
    <<GET power for 1, value is 0
    <<GET power for 1, value is 0
    <<GET power for 1, value is 0

    *NO* calls of the set routine!

  • Christopher Nelson

    Logged In: YES

    Failure to set was my bad. I added a column and didn't get
    my table handler right. That's working now. The erroneous
    Unexpected index type message is still a pain.

  • Thomas Anders

    Thomas Anders - 2005-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, I don't get this message with stock CVS MAIN or
    V5-2-patches on Linux/x86. Looks like being special to your

  • Christopher Nelson

    Logged In: YES

    How did you test? It seems to only happen with certain
    tables. Specifically, I know it happens with ifIndex (as in

    FWIW, my configure options are:

    ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --target=powerpc-linux \ --host=powerpc-linux \ --build=i386-pc-linux \ --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl/bin \ --with-endianness=big \ --with-cc=powerpc-linux-gcc \ --with-ar=powerpc-linux-ar \ --with-install-prefix=/IPm \ --with-cflags="-O2" \ --enable-applications \ --disable-mib-loading \ --disable-scripts \ --with-sys-location="Blah" \ --with-sys-contact="Blah" \ --with-logfile="/var/log/snmpd.log" \ --with-default-snmp-version="3" \ --with-persistent-directory="/var/net-snmp"

  • Thomas Anders

    Thomas Anders - 2005-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    I tested exactly like you proposed: snmpget -v2c -c foobar
    localhost RFC1213-MIB::ifIndex.1. Again, this works fine for
    a stock 5.2.2 or 5.3.pre5 build.

    Can you retest this on a local machine with a default build
    (plain ./configure)?

  • Christopher Nelson

    Logged In: YES

    I rebuilt with:

    # ./configure --prefix=/usr
    # make
    # make install

    and then I still get:

    # snmpget -v 2c -c public ipm RFC1213-MIB::ifIndex.1
    Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
    RFC1213-MIB::ifIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1


    # uname -a
    Linux eng8 2.4.18-3smp #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 06:59:55 EDT 2002
    i686 unknown
    # gcc -v
    Reading specs from
    gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-110)

  • Thomas Anders

    Thomas Anders - 2005-12-08

    Logged In: YES

    Is this with 5.2.2? Please run snmpget with
    "-Dparse-mibs,read_config" to see what config files and MIBs
    it reads. Post the content of the configuration files and
    verify whether RFC1213-MIB is the version shipped with 5.2.2.

  • Christopher Nelson

    Logged In: YES

    Is this with 5.2.2?


    Please run snmpget with "-Dparse-mibs,read_config" to see
    what config files and MIBs it reads.

    ~1k lines of log attached.

    Post the content of the configuration files

    None that seem to be reported in the attached log.
    Shouldn't it process /usr/share/snmp/snmpd.conf by default?

    and verify whether RFC1213-MIB is the version shipped with

    Would the MIB have changed?

    It has a timestamp consistent with when I last installed
    v5.2.2. In /usr/share/snmp/mibs and where I untarred and
    built v5.2.2 I see:

    # md5sum /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt
    # md5sum /home/chrisn/snmp/net-snmp-5.2.2/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt

  • Christopher Nelson

    Output of snmpget -Dparse-mibs,read_config

  • Robert Story

    Robert Story - 2005-12-11

    Logged In: YES

    As this is only happening in your custom table and not our ifTable, I have to assume it's something in your code.

    I suggest that this discussion be continued on the coders list.

  • Christopher Nelson

    Logged In: YES

    We can discuss it anywhere you want but it's not just in my
    table. It shows up in RFC1213-MIB, too.

    # snmpget -v 2c -c public ipm RFC1213-MIB::ifIndex.1
    Unexpected index type: 0 ifIndex 1
    RFC1213-MIB::ifIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1

  • Christopher Nelson

    Logged In: YES

    Did Net-SNMP's MIB parsing get fussier between v5.1.1 and
    v5.2.2? I found this with smilint just now:

    # smilint /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt 2>&1 | more
    /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt:258: index element
    `ifIndex' of row `ifEntry' must have a range restriction
    /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt:606: index element
    `atIfIndex' of row `atEntry' must have a range restriction
    /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RFC1213-MIB.txt:1298: index element
    `ipNetToMediaIfIndex' of row `ipNetToMediaEntry' must have a
    range restriction

    These are the same entities that are causing the Unexpected
    index type messages. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

  • Dave Shield

    Dave Shield - 2006-01-20

    Logged In: YES

    I've been trying to reproduce this problem (using a
    clean installation of 5.2.2) - but without success.

    Can you please confirm the *exact* configuration
    that you're working with?

    No - our MIB parsing shouldn't changed significantly.
    smilint is a lot fussier, and will complain about
    various things that our MIB parser is quite happy with.
    The two are very different tools, and intended for
    different purposes. We take a fairly pragmatic
    approach to MIB files, while the whole raison d'etre
    of smilint is to be picky!

  • SourceForge Robot

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