
#4126 auto_mkindex don't detect ensembles


Linux debsam 2.6.18-6-k7 #1 SMP Mon Aug 18 09:20:26 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
Tcl: 8.6a3

auto_mkindex don't detect ensembles.

a patch perhaps:

diff auto.tcl auto.tcl.BAK
< ensemble {
< variable parser
< variable index
< variable scriptFile
< set subcommand [lindex $args 0]
< if {$subcommand eq "create"} {
< set script [list _%@namespace ensemble {*}$args]
< if {[catch {$parser eval $script} command] == 0} {
< append index [list set auto_index($command)] \ < [format { [list source [file join $dir %s]]} \ < [file split $scriptFile]] "\n"
< }
< } else {
< $parser eval [list _%@namespace ensemble {*}$args]
< }
< }


  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2008-09-10
    • labels: 105678 --> 38. Init - Library - Autoload
    • assigned_to: kennykb --> dgp
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2008-09-29
    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Brian Griffin

    Brian Griffin - 2013-01-03

    The proposed patch does not work for me. This patch does work for me:

    $ p4 diff -dc auto.tcl
    ==== //dvt/mti/prod/src/tcltk/8.5.8/tcl/tcl/library/auto.tcl#1 - /home/bgriffin/dev/devm2_backup/prod/src/tcltk/8.5.8/tcl/tcl/library/auto.tcl ====
    *** 604,609 ****
    --- 604,618 ----
    catch {$parser eval "_%@namespace import $args"}
    + ensemble {
    + variable parser
    + variable contextStack
    + if {[lindex $args 0] eq "create"} {
    + set name ::[join [lreverse $contextStack] ::]
    + # create artifical proc to force a command entry in the tclIndex
    + $parser eval [list proc $name {} {}]
    + }
    + }

  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2013-03-19

    Anything we can put in the test suite for this one?

  • Brian Griffin

    Brian Griffin - 2013-03-19

    How's this:

    $ .x/tcl/tcl/tests/autoMkindex.test <
    ==== //dvt/mti/prod/src/tcltk/8.5.x/tcl/tcl/tests/autoMkindex.test#1 - /home/bgriffin/dev/devm2_backup/prod/src/tcltk/8.5.x/tcl/tcl/tests/autoMkindex.test ====
    *** 251,256 ****
    --- 251,289 ----
    list [lvalue $::result *mycmd4*] [lvalue $::result *mycmd5*] [lvalue $::result *mycmd6*]
    } "{::buried::mycmd4 $element} {::buried::mycmd5 $element} {mycmd6 $element}"

    + makeFile {
    + namespace eval wok {
    + namespace ensemble create -subcommands {commands vars}
    + proc commands {{pattern *}} {
    + puts [join [lsort -dictionary [info commands $pattern]] \n]
    + }
    + proc vars {{pattern *}} {
    + puts [join [lsort -dictionary [info vars $pattern]] \n]
    + }
    + }
    + } ensemblecommands.tcl
    + test autoMkindex-3.3 {ensemble commands in tclIndex} {
    + file delete tclIndex
    + auto_mkindex . ensemblecommands.tcl
    + set f [open tclIndex r]
    + set dat [list]
    + foreach r [split [string trim [read $f]] "\n"] {
    + if {[string match {set auto_index*} $r]} {
    + lappend dat $r
    + }
    + }
    + set result [lsort $dat]
    + close $f
    + set result
    + } {{set auto_index(::wok::commands) [list source [file join $dir ensemblecommands.tcl]]} {set auto_index(::wok::vars) [list source [file join $dir ensemblecommands.tcl]]} {set auto_index(wok) [list source [file join $dir ensemblecommands.tcl]]}}
    + removeFile ensemblecommands.tcl

    makeDirectory pkg
    makeFile {

  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2013-03-21
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2013-03-21

    patches accepted.