
#176 Replay may fail during LOAD RESPONSE_INFO


The following error occurs on the LOAD RESPONSE_INFO
(HEADER or BODY) command during replay:

!HTTPRESPONSE: No data available for connection id(1)
!TScript::run: ERROR: TOF execution failed
!Script Execution Failed.

From the test commander, it shows up as a W* ERROR
script execution error with the same message.

This error has a very high occurrence (50+%) under
specific conditions:

1) When the time between web interactions is greater
than 40 seconds (i.e. WAIT 40000 [ms]).

2) When the LOAD RESPONSE_INFO statement is in a
subroutine separate from the PRIMARY GET.

The interesting thing is that when I put the LOAD
RESPONSE_INFO statement back into the same subroutine
as the PRIMARY GET, the error pretty much disappears,
even with large wait times between web interactions.

Similarly, when the time between web interactions is
lessened, the errors are less frequent, even when the
LOAD_RESPONSE_INFO statement is in a subroutine
separate from the PRIMARY GET.

The error also seems to occur sometimes on the very
first web interaction (the LOAD RESPONSE_INFO command
after the first PRIMARY GET).


  • Geoff Hall

    Geoff Hall - 2001-06-18
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ghall
  • Geoff Hall

    Geoff Hall - 2001-06-18
    • assigned_to: ghall --> lmartin
  • David K Gleeson

    David K Gleeson - 2001-06-18

    Logged In: YES


    This describes exactly the problem that I am having as well.
    I make several long web requests, > 1500 ms, however this is
    not related. I took the WAIT statements out when I learned
    that the LOAD RESPONSE_INFO HEADER / BODY command waits
    until the request is complete. I am using POST requests.

    the follow scenario also avoided this issue (placing the
    code from the function call inline, and also calling the
    function straight after):

    PRIMARY POST URI "http://myURL/url" ON 33 &
    ,WITH {"Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
    image/pjpeg, application/" &
    "-powerpoint, application/, application/msword, */*", &
    "Accept-Language: en-us", &
    "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", &
    "Content-Length: 411", &
    "Pragma: no-cache", &
    "Cookie: "+S_cookie_5_0+"; "+S_cookie_5_1+"; "+cookie_5_0} &
    ,BODY "<!-- request body goes here -->"

    !! this is the function call DUMP_RESPONSE contents
    inserted inline
    load response_info header on 33 into VAR_TMP
    set buf = "x_33_h.txt"
    open buf as ofile for output
    write VAR_TMP to ofile
    close ofile

    !! call DUMP_RESPONSE, inserted from an included file
    !! someplace
    DUMP_RESPONSE(33, "x_33_h2.txt")

  • Marius Strumyla

    Marius Strumyla - 2001-11-08

    Logged In: YES

    i've had this problem, too. here's what i did to fix it. the
    pattern of a script that would _occasionally_ fail looked
    like this.

    PRIMARY GET ... ON 1

    GET <image> ON 2


    PIMARY GET ... ON 2
    LOAD RESPONSE_INFO BODY ON 2 ! here i would get a failure
    INTO ...

    this script would run fine from Script Modeler, but would
    fail with 2 virtual users (however, not always).

    so, i inserted DISCOENNCT FROM 2 line before SYNCHRONIZE
    REQUESTS. that reduced the frequency of this failure, but
    still didn't remove it completely.

    the next thing i did was added a line DISCONNECT ALL at the
    end of a script.

    PRIMARY GET ... ON 1

    GET <image> ON 2


    PIMARY GET ... ON 2
    LOAD RESPONSE_INFO BODY ON 2 ! here i would get a failure
    INTO ...


    some interesting notes...
    when you record a script and press [] button to finish the
    script recording, Script Modeler doesn't close opened http
    connections. closing browser, however, finishes script
    recording in the right way. all opened connections are closed.
    i'm saying this, because when i recorded my scripts i would
    finish them in both ways. therefore, i think, some of my
    scripts had these failures while the others didn't.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Can someone explain the LOAD RESPONSE_INFO and SYNCHRONIZE
    REQUEST commands?

    If I put synch request before a load response
    should that force the script to wait until it receives the
    response from the primary get/post before trying to load
    the response?

    So I imagine that if I'm getting
    "HTTPRESPONSE: No data available for connection id(1)
    !TScript::run: ERROR: TOF execution failed
    !Script Execution Failed. "

    Errors it's because the page did not return properly?


  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    • assigned_to: lmartin --> nobody
  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    • summary: Script fails during LOAD RESPONSE_INFO --> Replay may fail during LOAD RESPONSE_INFO
  • Geoff Hall

    Geoff Hall - 2003-07-17
    • assigned_to: nobody --> rclarke
  • vectorGirl

    vectorGirl - 2004-03-02

    Logged In: YES

    I was experiencing similar problems with a set of scripts. Each
    script replayed fine from modeller or by itself in a test, but
    when I combined the scripts in the test, or added multiple
    users, I would start to get errors on LOAD RESPONSE_INFO

    I tried some of the work arounds listed here, but I still had
    The different scripts all use a common set of subroutines, via
    an include, one for each app function with a PRIMARY POST
    and related LOADS and GETS. I found that the problems would
    begin with certain subroutines which had multiple LOAD
    RESPONSE_INFO statements. I rewrote the subroutines to do
    a single monolithic LOAD RESPONSE_INFO into a string variable
    long enough to cover the data I needed, then replaced the
    other LOAD statements with code to extract the data I
    needed from the dump string.

    It's not very pretty, though for some of the data it's actually
    simpler and it seems to have cleared up the problem in my

    There's a chance these tests will lead into a bigger project for
    the same client. If so, perhaps then I can invest some time
    looking at the code behind it.

    Until then, hope this helps.

  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    • assigned_to: rclarke --> dansut
  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    Logged In: YES

    Merging the relevant info from this bug in with 645735 and
    closing as this area seems to be a can of worms and want it
    all addressed at one time until it is clear there are in
    fact multiple distinct problems.

  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    • status: open --> closed-duplicate

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