
#123 1+%e,numer and %e^%e,numer


%e^%e,numer does not evaluate numerically to 15.15...
as it should, it simply returns the simplified expression


  • Stavros Macrakis

    Logged In: YES

    1+%e,numer also fails

    These examples work with bfloat, e.g.


  • Stavros Macrakis

    • summary: %e^%e,numer --> 1+%e,numer and %e^%e,numer
  • Stavros Macrakis

    Logged In: YES

    cf. bug 531466 re float(exp(exp(2)))

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2006-06-26

    Logged In: YES

    Still present in 5.9.3.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2006-06-26
    • labels: --> 460522
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2006-08-27
    • labels: 460522 --> Lisp Core - Floating point
  • Dan Gildea

    Dan Gildea - 2008-01-27
    • status: open --> pending
  • Dan Gildea

    Dan Gildea - 2008-01-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    This seems to be by design.

    (%i5) %e^%e,numer,%enumer;
    (%o5) 15.15426224147926
    (%i6) %e^%e,numer;
    (%o6) %e^%e
    (%i7) %e+1,numer,%enumer;
    (%o7) 3.718281828459045
    (%i8) %e+1,numer;
    (%o8) %e+1

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2008-01-27
    • status: pending --> open
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2008-01-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm pretty sure we should change the behavior of %e in the presence of numer, whether or not the current behavior is intentional. Reopening this report accordingly.

    I've been bitten by this inconsistency repeatedly.

    %e, numer;
    => 2.718281828459045

    %e + 1, numer;
    => %e + 1

    %e^%pi, numer;
    => 23.14069263277927

    %e^%e, numer;
    => %e^%e

    Preserving %e in %e^foo, numer when foo is non-numeric is OK by me. I suppose that's the original intent of %enumer but for whatever reason it is not the sole effect.

  • Stavros Macrakis

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    What is by design is that %e^x,numer does not become 2.718^x (unless %enumer is true). The other cases are because the original coder either didn't care about cases like %e+1 or thought it would be too computationally expensive to handle them differently, since they can't be handled bottom-up.

    After all, all of %e^2, %e^%pi, %e^(2/3) with ,numer *do* evaluate to floats.

    If we fix %e+1,numer we should also fix sin(%pi+x),numer. Currently, that gives sin(3.14+x); it should give -sin(x) (that is, the %pi should not simplify to 3.14; the regular simplifier should take over).

    There is a special hack so that *at the top level*, %e,numer => 2.718. This is really ugly:

    %e,numer => 2.7
    %e+1,numer => %e+1
    [%e],numer => [%e]

    The correct intuition is this: with numer=true, if simplifying a constant (like %e or %pi or for that matter %i and inf) to a float would cause the expression it is contained in (and not just the constant itself) to become a float/complex float, then do it. Otherwise don't. For the purposes of this definition, consider that a top-level constant is "contained in" some sort of expression. This design would give

    %e^x => %e^x
    sin(%pi+x) => -sin(x)
    inf => <<IEEE positive infinity>> but of course we don't currently handle that
    %e^2 => 7.4
    2^%e => 6.6
    atan(1) => .78
    atan(inf) => 1.57
    sin(2/3*%pi + x) => sin(x+2.1)
    %e^%i => .5+.8*%i
    %i^%i => .27
    sin(1+%pi) => -0.84

    I don't think we can easily fix all these cases, but we should start. The current behavior is incoherent and not very useful.

  • Dieter Kaiser

    Dieter Kaiser - 2009-05-13

    We have the flag %enumer which should prevent the evaluation of %e to its numerical value when the flag $numer is true. The evaluation occurs only when $%enumer is true too.

    But we have the following code in the function $ev:

    (if (and (cdr l)
    (null (cddr l))
    (eq (car l) '$%e)
    (eq (cadr l) '$numer))
    (setq l (append l '($%enumer))))

    This code is responsible for some of the inconsistent behaviors as reported in this bug report:

    %e is evaluated because of the above special handling:

    (%i5) %e,numer;
    (%o5) 2.718281828459045

    Partially evaluation with a multiplication:

    (%i7) %e*(%e+1)^2,numer;
    (%o7) 2.7182817*(%e+1)^2

    All examples are evaluated with %enumer true:

    (%i10) %e*(%e+1)^2,numer,%enumer;
    (%o10) 37.581930949508

    We can prevent evaluation:

    (%i4) %e,numer,noeval;
    (%o4) %e

    A further complication is the simplifier. If we have an exponent, simplification and not evaluation causes the numerical evaluation.

    (%i5) %e^1,numer,noeval;
    (%o5) 2.718281828459045

    First I tried to get this all more consistent by removing the hack in $ev which causes evaluation of %e in certain expressions. But because of the simplifier, as shown in the last example, this does not help completely.

    So, I think it would be most consistent to cut out the special handling of the flag %enumer in the code of meval1.

    ((and $numer
    (setq val (safe-mget form '$numer))
    ;(or (not (eq form '$%e)) $%enumer)
    (return (meval1 val)))

    There are two further pieces of code we can cut out. With this changes %enumer has no longer a function and we would get:

    (%i8) %e,numer;
    (%o8) 2.718281828459045
    (%i9) %e+1,numer;
    (%o9) 3.718281828459045
    (%i10) sin(%e),numer;
    (%o10) .4107812905029088
    (%i11) (%e+1)^2,numer;
    (%o11) 13.82561975584874

    When we cut out %enumer, the flag %numer would be more consistent with the results of he flag bfloat and the functions float and bfloat, too.

    The testsuite and the share_testsuite would have no problem.

    Is there a reason not to cut out the flag %enumer?

    Dieter Kaiser

  • Dieter Kaiser

    Dieter Kaiser - 2009-05-21

    The flag %enumer has not been cut out as suggested in the last posting, but code has been added to simp.lisp with revision 1.77 to simplify %e in expressions, when $numer is true.

    The examples 1+%e, %e^%e give the expected numerical values. Furhtermore functions with %e as an argument simplify accordingly.

    Closing this bug report as fixed.

    Dieter Kaiser

  • Dieter Kaiser

    Dieter Kaiser - 2009-05-21
    • status: open --> closed

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