
#430 crash when resizing segment (Yves G)

notation (302)

Yves Guillemot writes:

1 - open an RG file with four segments (on tracks 1 to 4) which
lengths are
close to the composition duration
2 - open the segment on track 4 in notation editor
3 - Increase composition duration (Edit -> Change Composition
4 - On segments canvas, extent to the right the length of the
segments on
the tracks 1 to 4 in that order
5 - When extending the segment on track 4 : crash !

. . . . . . .
rosegarden: getStartOfQuantizedSlice returned 142080 from
rosegarden: bar 37, startBarOfStaff 0, newTimeSig false
rosegarden: NotationHLayout::scanStaff: bar 37, from 142080, to
145920 (end
156480); from is at 142080, to is at 145920
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 5, dots 0, multiplier 2.8, gap 39.2
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 5, dots 0, multiplier 2.8, gap 39.2
rosegarden: getStartOfQuantizedSlice returned 145920 from
rosegarden: bar 38, startBarOfStaff 0, newTimeSig false
rosegarden: NotationHLayout::scanStaff: bar 38, from 145920, to
149760 (end
156480); from is at 145920, to is at 149760
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 5, dots 0, multiplier 2.8, gap 39.2
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 5, dots 0, multiplier 2.8, gap 39.2
rosegarden: getStartOfQuantizedSlice returned 149760 from
rosegarden: bar 39, startBarOfStaff 0, newTimeSig false
rosegarden: NotationHLayout::scanStaff: bar 39, from 149760, to
153600 (end
156480); from is at 149760, to is at 153600
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 5, dots 0, multiplier 2.8, gap 39.2
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 5, dots 0, multiplier 2.8, gap 39.2
rosegarden: getStartOfQuantizedSlice returned 153600 from
rosegarden: bar 40, startBarOfStaff 0, newTimeSig false
rosegarden: NotationHLayout::scanStaff: bar 40, from 153600, to
157440 (end
156480); from is at 153600, to is at -1
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 5, dots 0, multiplier 2.8, gap 39.2
rosegarden: element is a rest
rosegarden: note type 4, dots 0, multiplier 1.6, gap 19.2
rosegarden: RosegardenProgressDialog::processEvents:
modalVisible is false
Event::get(): Error dump follows:
Event type : rest
Absolute Time : 65280
Duration : 3840
Sub-ordering : 10
Persistent properties :
Event storage size : 36
WARNING: Rosegarden::Exception: "No data found for property
notetype" at

[File is attached. Just loading the file, opening a notation
editor on segment 4 and then resizing it to and beyond the
composition duration should be enough to cause the crash.]


  • Chris Cannam

    Chris Cannam - 2004-04-27

    Example RG file

  • Chris Cannam

    Chris Cannam - 2004-04-30

    Logged In: YES

    Dammit, I can't reproduce it now. Weird.

  • Yves Guillemot

    Yves Guillemot - 2004-07-24

    Logged In: YES

    I can still reproduce it, using 0.9.9cvs (17 july), with
    some special RG files : doodle-q.rg (RG testfile) and

    (I would like to attach here testyg4.rg, but I don't know
    how to proceed. Please, ask me if you need the file and I
    will send it to you)

    The bug seems related to events set outside segment bounds
    (segment on track 4) :
    - doodle-q.rg : note on bar 48
    - testyg4.rg : unnormalized rests on bar 36 and after

    (All the notes in testyg4.rg have been removed while
    searching for the problem cause).

    In these 2 files, the extra events which are supposed to
    cause the crash can be removed.
    Once these events removed, there is no more crash, even if
    the events are reinserted in the files.

    Diff between original RG file and RG file with extra
    events removed then reinserted shows some lines like :

    <event type="rest" duration="3840" subordering="10"></event>

    replaced by lines like :

    <event type="rest" duration="3840" subordering="10"><nproperty name="notetype" int="6"/><nproperty name="notedots" int="0"/></event>

    Conclusion :
    - This bug seems only related to some old RG files
    - A file triggering the bug can be corrected (by removing
    the events outside segments bounds)
    - This bug is probably not a high priority one

  • Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas

    Logged In: YES

    Confirmed here with CVS of Aug/2. Stack follows:

    16 kill()
    15 pthread_kill()
    14 raise()
    13 raise()
    12 abort()
    11 cxa_call_unexpected()
    10 std::terminate()
    8 Rosegarden::PropertyDefn<() at Event.h:445
    7 NotationVLayout::scanStaff() at notationvlayout.cpp:137
    6 NotationView::applyLayout() at notationview.cpp:2524
    5 NotationView::refreshSegment() at notationview.cpp:3185
    4 EditViewBase::paintEvent() at editviewbase.cpp:415
    3 EditView::paintEvent() at editview.cpp:132
    2 NotationView::paintEvent() at notationview.cpp:2486
    1 QWidget::event()

    Debug output follows:

    rosegarden: SequenceManager::segmentModified() : size
    changed = true
    rosegarden: ***
    rosegarden: NotationHLayout::scanStaff: full scan false,
    times 132480->144000, bars 46->50, staff name "Basse",
    width 101
    rosegarden: ottava shift at start:0, ottavaEnd 126720
    Event::get(): Error dump follows:
    Event type : rest
    Absolute Time : 118080
    Duration : 2880
    Sub-ordering : 10
    Persistent properties :
    Event storage size : 36
    WARNING: Rosegarden::Exception: "No data found for
    property notetype" at ../base/Event.h:445

    You can assign it to me, or ask for some more

  • Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas

    Logged In: YES

    This is a short procedure to reproduce the crash:

    Start with a new, empty document.
    1. Pick the Draw tool. Draw a segment with a size of 2
    2. Pick the Resize tool. Resize (stretch) the segment to 1
    bar length
    3. Open the segment in Notation Editor
    4. Composition -> Change Composition Duration...-> Start
    Bar = 0; End Bar = 3;
    5. Pick the Resize tool. Resize the segment, expanding it
    to 3 bars.

    The problem comes from step 2). One rest event is hidden,
    because stretching a segment doesn't erase any extra
    events beyond its end. When you expand the segment again,
    these events rise, causing unexpected behaviors. I'm still
    investigating why 4) is needed to get a crash.

  • Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas

    Logged In: YES

    Fixed now in CVS. Please test.

  • Yves Guillemot

    Yves Guillemot - 2004-09-08

    Logged In: YES

    I can no more reproduce the crash using doodle-q.rg
    neither the "short procedure".
    Nevertheless I still get a crash with testyg4.rg.

    • 1 Open testyg4.rg
    • 2 Open the segment on track 4 in notation editor
    • 3 Resize segment on track 3 to composition duration
    • 4 Resize segment on track 4 to composition duration :

    Oddly, the crash don't occur if, before step 3, the
    composition duration had been increased beyond bar 30.

  • Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas

    Logged In: YES

    Confirmed the crash with the new test file (testyg4.rg),
    hopefully fixed now in the CVS.

    Please retest, thanks.

  • Yves Guillemot

    Yves Guillemot - 2004-09-10

    Logged In: YES

    No more crash : the bug is fixed.
    Thanks !


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