
#1285 Issue with instxcat from 0804 AIX build has RMC update issue


I was working on a migration scenario from an older AIX61H xCAT2.4 MN to work with
AIX71 1027A build with xCAT 2.5 pacakges .
I was working with xCAT MN xcat12 working with IP
When running /instxcat from 0804 AIX tar package I ran into an error when it tried to work with
the xCAT RMC package.

Executed the /instxcat command from 0804 build with xCAT RMC error
I am setting up an AIX71 xCAT MN on xcat12
This system did have an older xCAT 2.4 build running on AIX61H.
I executed the an AIX71 migration installation to the xcat12 AIX MN.
I insalled the latest 0729 dep-aix packages to the xcat12 AIX MN.

[xcat12][/mnt2/0804-2010/xcat-core]> ./instxcat
perl-xCAT ##################################################
xCAT-client ##################################################
xCAT-server ##################################################
xCAT ##################################################
0513-029 The conserver Subsystem is already active.
Multiple instances are not supported.
0513-075 The new subsystem name is already on file.
restartxcatd invoked by root.

0513-059 The xcatd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 7995466.
xCAT-rmc ##################################################
restartxcatd invoked by root.
0513-044 The xcatd Subsystem was requested to stop.
Error: Cannot stop the xcatd subsystem correctly.

execution of xCAT-rmc-2.5-snap201004190943 script failed, exit status 1

The result indicated that we now have both older and new xCAT RMC installed on
the xCAT MN ..

[xcat12][/mnt2/0804-2010/xcat-core]> rpm -qa | grep xCAT

The xcat daemon was not active so I did a starsrc -s xcatd and the
daemons came online. We do need to cleanup the older xCAT2.4 rpm
from the xCAT MN xCAT-rmc-2.4-snap201003041503 .

[xcat12][/mnt2/0804-2010/xcat-core]> ./instxcat
package perl-xCAT-2.5-snap201008032330 is already installed
package xCAT-client-2.5-snap201008032330 is already installed
package xCAT-server-2.5-snap201008032331 is already installed
package xCAT-2.5-snap201008032332 is already installed
package xCAT-rmc-2.5-snap201004190943 is already installed
[xcat12][/mnt2/0804-2010/xcat-core]> rpm -qa | grep xCAT


  • Brian  Croswell

    Brian Croswell - 2010-08-16

    Ling .. Talked to Norm and he put this xCAT-rmc package issue to you.
    It looks like the xCAT-rmc.2.5 package is older from April .
    I am thinking that since we changed the xCAT build environment for AIX71
    in July , that we should rebuild the xCAT-rmc 2.5 packages

  • Ling

    Ling - 2010-08-18

    It has nothing to do with xCAT-rmc, it is due to the fact that it took 40 seconds for xcatd to work properly after the restartxcatd command.

    During the upgrade process, xCAT meta package runss restartxcatd -r
    then xCAT-rmc runs the same command. It failed to stop the xcatd. RPM did not remove the old package because of the error.

    This can be verified by running restartxcatd -r twice quickly.
    [xcat12][/> restartxcatd -r
    restartxcatd invoked by root.
    0513-044 The xcatd Subsystem was requested to stop.
    0513-059 The xcatd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 11272210.

    [xcat12][/> restartxcatd -r
    restartxcatd invoked by root.
    0513-044 The xcatd Subsystem was requested to stop.
    Error: Cannot stop the xcatd subsystem correctly.

    Lissa, I talked to Norm, she said you owns restartxcatd. Somehow, this command should not return untill xcatd is working.

  • Lissa Valletta

    Lissa Valletta - 2010-08-23

    Will add function
    restartxcatd – change so that is does not return until xCATd is really up “loop on tabdump site up to 1 minute”.
    add message to restartxcatd that xcatd is started after tabdump response.
    Change perl.xcat rpm to resload the daemon on AIX as it does on Linux.

  • Lissa Valletta

    Lissa Valletta - 2010-08-23

    Fix this message on help also
    restartxcatd -h
    restartxcatd invoked by root.

    restartxcatd [[-h|--help] | [-v|--version] | [-r|--reload]] [-V|--verbose]

  • Lissa Valletta

    Lissa Valletta - 2010-08-27

    Should also should put the "true" cmd after the restartxcatd in xcat-rmc so the %post doesn't fail and leave the old rpm

  • Lissa Valletta

    Lissa Valletta - 2010-08-29

    Fixes checked in revision 7300. check in rmc*.spec to exit %post true
    Also added check for tabdump in restartxcatd so will not return until can access database.

    perl-rpm.spec changed to restartxcatd also, not just linux start of daemon

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