
#1375 usb firmware: rom unknown, no backslashes in #include



compile the orginal microchip usb firmware with sdcc

2 issues:

1.) sdcc does not know the "rom" datatype-additive (e.g.: extern rom const unsigned char *rom USB_CD_Ptr[];)
2.) sdcc does not allow backslash "\" in a path in the #include command (like the normal directoryseperator under Windows is) (e.g.: #include "autofiles\usbcfg.h")

(more issues could come to daylight if these two are solved)

steps to reproduce (under Linux):

1.) use piklab 0.14.5
2.) use sdcc 2.7.0
3.) use wine 0.9.46
4.) get from somewhere from (look for USB and Microchip Custom Driver)
5.) extract the zip file and install the exe with wine
6.) locate in your fake root windows C: drive of wine under C:\MCHPFSUSB\fw\Demo\ the main.c and the .lkr script
7.) try to compile and link "main.c" and everything what is related to it. (I made a piklab project)

------- may be you can stop reading here if you detect the issues yourself because of the compiler output -----

steps within piklab:
1.) copy the C:\MCHPFSUSB\fw\Demo\ to a working directory
2.) open piklab
3.) project -> new
4.) Name: Demo, toolchain: sdcc and selesct the working directory
5.) next
6.) add existing file: main.c
7.) open main.c
8.) compile

error at my pc:

sdcc -mpic16 -p18f2550 -V -I/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/Demo/ -c main.c
main.c:38: error: p18cxxx.h: No such file or directory
main.c:39: error: system\typedefs.h: No such file or directory
+ "/usr/bin/sdcpp" -nostdinc -Wall -std=c99 -I"/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/Demo/" -Dpic18f2550 -D__18f2550 -DSTACK_MODEL_SMALL -obj-ext=.o -DSDCC_MODEL_SMALL -DSDCC=270 -DSDCC_pic16 -D__pic16 -I"/usr/bin/../share/sdcc/include/pic16" -I"/usr/share/sdcc/include/pic16" -I"/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/Demo/" "main.c"
main.c:40: error: system\usb\usb.h: No such file or directory
In file included from main.c:41:
io_cfg.h:41: error: autofiles\usbcfg.h: No such file or directory
main.c:43: error: system\usb\usb_compile_time_validation.h: No such file or directory
main.c:44: error: user\user.h: No such file or directory
main.c:47: #pragma udata: bad argument(s); pragma ignored
main.c:56: #pragma code: bad argument(s); pragma ignored
main.c:60: token -> '}' ; column 1
main.c:61: #pragma code: bad argument(s); pragma ignored
main.c:63: #pragma code: bad argument(s); pragma ignored
main.c:69: #pragma code: bad argument(s); pragma ignored
main.c:74: #pragma code: bad argument(s); pragma ignored
main.c:77: #pragma code: bad argument(s); pragma ignored
main.c:99: function 'ProcessIO' implicit declaration
main.c:135: function 'mInitializeUSBDriver' implicit declaration
main.c:137: function 'UserInit' implicit declaration
at 125: error 20: Undefined identifier 'ADCON1'
main.c:125: Undefined identifier 'ADCON1'
main.c:161: function 'USBCheckBusStatus' implicit declaration
main.c:163: function 'USBDriverService' implicit declaration
main.c:162: Un
main.c:162: Undefined identifier 'UCFGbits'
main.c:162: Structure/Union expected left of '.->'

9.) change the code step by step, first in main.c: #include <p18cxxx.h> to #include <pic18f2550.h>
10.) then n main.c in the #includes: \ to /
11.) compile again

error at my pc then:

sdcc -mpic16 -p18f2550 -V -I/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/Demo/ -c main.c
In file included from main.c:40:
usb.h:47: error: autofiles\usbcfg.h: No such file or directory
usb.h:48: error: system\usb\usbdefs\usbdefs_std_dsc.h: No such file or directory
usb.h:49: error: autofiles\usbdsc.h: No such file or directory
usb.h:51: error: system\usb\usbdefs\usbdefs_ep0_buff.h: No such file or directory
usb.h:52: error: system\usb\usbmmap.h: No such file or directory
usb.h:54: error: system\usb\usbdrv\usbdrv.h: No such file or directory
usb.h:55: error: system\usb\usbctrltrf\usbctrltrf.h: No such file or directory
usb.h:56: error: system\usb\usb9\usb9.h: No such file or directory
In file included from main.c:41:
io_cfg.h:41: error: autofiles\usbcfg.h: No such file or directory
In file included from main.c:43:
usb_compile_time_validation.h:41: error: system\typedefs.h: No such file or directory
usb_compile_time_validation.h:42: error: system\usb\usb.h: No such file or directory
usb_compile_time_validation.h:46: error: token "\" is not valid in preprocessor expressions
In file included from main.c:44:
user.h:41: error: system\typedefs.h: No such file or directory
+ "/usr/bin/sdcpp" -nostdinc -Wall -std=c99 -I"/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/Demo/" -Dpic18f2550 -D__18f2550 -DSTACK_MODEL_SMALL -obj-ext=.o -DSDCC_MODEL_SMALL -DSDCC=270 -DSDCC_pic16 -D__pic16 -I"/usr/bin/../share/sdcc/include/pic16" -I"/usr/share/sdcc/include/pic16" -I"/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/Demo/" "main.c"
typedefs.h:142: token -> 'rom' ; column 7

12.) now you get the "rom" issue the first time (typedefs.h:142: token -> 'rom' ; column 7)
13.) you can correct all the backslashes, but you will get more and more rom-issues
14.) my idea was: comment our all rom-code, but i stuck somewhere

15.) after i tried to change the code evrywhere in every file sdcc complained an error, the end result is (different project dir, does not matter):

sdcc -mpic16 -p18f2550 -V -I/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/PIC18_USB_mit_Bootloader_SDCC/ -c PIC18_USB_mit_Bootloader_SDCC.c
usbmmap.h:94: duplicate union member 'BC8'
usbmmap.h:84: previously defined here
usbmmap.h:95: duplicate union member 'BC9'
usbmmap.h:85: previously defined here
usbmmap.h:101: duplicate union member 'UOWN'
usbmmap.h:91: previously defined here
+ "/usr/bin/sdcpp" -nostdinc -Wall -std=c99 -I"/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/PIC18_USB_mit_Bootloader_SDCC/" -Dpic18f2550 -D__18f2550 -DSTACK_MODEL_SMALL -obj-ext=.o -DSDCC_MODEL_SMALL -DSDCC=270 -DSDCC_pic16 -D__pic16 -I"/usr/bin/../share/sdcc/include/pic16" -I"/usr/share/sdcc/include/pic16" -I"/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/PIC18_USB_mit_Bootloader_SDCC/" "PIC18_USB_mit_Bootloader_SDCC.c"
*** Beendet mit Status: 1 ***

or translated: *** exited with status: 1 ***


  • Frieder Ferlemann

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hi Stefan,

    for the "rom" keyword you could probably use either
    an empty #define or a define to SDCCs equivalent.

    I've not downloaded and instead found:
    which I guess is near to your usbmmap.h.
    The errors about the "duplicate union member" seem to be real
    and related to:

    typedef union _BD_STAT
    byte _byte;
    unsigned BC8:1;
    unsigned BC9:1;
    unsigned BSTALL:1; //Buffer Stall Enable
    unsigned DTSEN:1; //Data Toggle Synch Enable
    unsigned INCDIS:1; //Address Increment Disable
    unsigned KEN:1; //BD Keep Enable
    unsigned DTS:1; //Data Toggle Synch Value
    unsigned UOWN:1; //USB Ownership
    unsigned BC8:1;
    unsigned BC9:1;
    unsigned PID0:1;
    unsigned PID1:1;
    unsigned PID2:1;
    unsigned PID3:1;
    unsigned :1;
    unsigned UOWN:1;
    unsigned :2;
    unsigned PID:4; //Packet Identifier
    unsigned :2;
    } BD_STAT; //Buffer Descriptor Status Register

    If you'd f.e remove PID3:1; in the second struct the compiler
    would have to choose whether UOWN would be bit 6 or bit 7 of the union.
    To avoid this you should give the structs a name like:

    unsigned BC8:1;
    unsigned BC9:1;
    unsigned BSTALL:1; //Buffer Stall Enable
    unsigned DTSEN:1; //Data Toggle Synch Enable
    unsigned INCDIS:1; //Address Increment Disable
    unsigned KEN:1; //BD Keep Enable
    unsigned DTS:1; //Data Toggle Synch Value
    unsigned UOWN:1; //USB Ownership
    } a;


  • Stefan

    Stefan - 2007-10-10

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    You found the right file.
    But where is the error with the unions/structs? Does the sdcc something wrong, or is the code (C standard) invalid?

    What is the SDCCs equivalent to the (M18C) "rom" keyword?

  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2007-10-22

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    SDCC accepts backslash "\" as path delimiters in the #include directive. You probably didn't specify the correct location of include files, so you received the "No such file or directory" error. Try to specify the path with slashes as path delimiters. If I'm right, then you'll gel the same error message. If I'm wrong, then let me know ;-)


  • Stefan

    Stefan - 2007-10-22

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    @borutr: You are wrong. As i described before replacing the \ with / works.
    If you would do the steps I descibed, you will excatly see this in step 10. and 11.

    @all: download the zip file (no costs, no registration required) and try it on your own, so many answers would be given to you and you see what the issues are which I descibed.

    PIC controllers are from Microchip, and getting their C-frameworks work with sdcc is required for using sdcc for larger projects.
    It is also required for me, until you have a framework for PICs which uses the USB and make e.g. a HID class device.
    (perhaps USB functions should be shipped with sdcc (-libraries))

  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2007-10-23

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    You are right that I'm wrong ;-)
    The problem is that the first level include works, but the second and higher level include fails.

    I'm still investigating the problem.

    The workaround is to add -I. to the sdcc command line:

    sdcc -mpic16 -p18f2550 -V -I/home/stefan/Entwicklung/PIC/Demo/ -I. -c main.c

    This solves only the first level of your problems :-(


  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2007-10-23

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    Actually the -I. option is not only workaround but the proper solution, since all include paths (also those in subdirectories) are relative to the directory where main.c is located. (BTW: replacing backslashes with slashes doesn't change anything.)

    The error:
    usb_compile_time_validation.h:46: error: token "\" is not valid in preprocessor expressions
    is caused by double backslash in usb_compile_time_validation.h, line 46. Replace it with a single backslash and the error will go away.

    Other errors are consequence of differences between C18 and sdcc compiler.


  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2007-10-23

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    OK, now I found out why you have to replace backslashes with slashes: you are compiling on Linux, while I'm on Windows.

    sdcpp (which is derived from gcc prepocessor) doesn't support backslashes in a path in the #include command on Linux, but it supports them on Windows.

    I'm not sure if this has to be changed, since I think that the portable code should always use slashes, even on Windows platforms. I would like to hear other opinions before the final decision.


  • Maarten Brock

    Maarten Brock - 2007-10-23

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    I vote to keep it as is. Backslashes should be accepted on Windows but need not be accepted on Linux or any other unix-like OS. But I would also like to hear from one of the Linux-based developers.

  • Stefan

    Stefan - 2007-10-23

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    I vote for max. compatibility like backslashes should work.

    I do not like backslashes and I do not use them on Windows and Linux, but I have to use orginal code from Microchip (there are backslashes) because of USB-functionality of my PIC18F2550.

    The OS under which I create code is does not matter, the M18C runs under Windows with MPLAB and under Linux with piklab. So the code I write is portable between the OSs. Piklab also supports the sdcc.

    How do you use USB with sdcc?

  • Frieder Ferlemann

    Logged In: YES
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    I vote to keep it as is, too. But emit warnings.

    As it is now many application notes or code on public sites
    do not compile out of the box on Unix.
    (and the people developing them on Windows had been given no hint).

    Instead of trying to fix that "halfway" in SDCC I'd prefer that:

    SDCC should warn when Microsoft's "embrace and extend" directory
    separator '\' is used.
    ('\' as a separator is pretty un C'ish anyway.)

    About the "halfway" above:
    1) if some kind of "lazy filename matching" is tried then other
    trouble lies ahead, f.e. does:
    #include "abc\ def"
    use the file " def" in the directory "abc" or the file "abc\ def"?

    2) allowing '\' as a directory separator alone would not be sufficient.
    Differences in upper and lower casings of filenames
    would have to be ignored too.
    And this can lead to very hard to find bugs:

    Say there is a bug in some header file x51y15a.h which comes
    with the distribution (or another file which is in an include path).
    Then you place a fixed or otherwise changed version
    named x51y15A.h into the source directory. And in all but one file
    where you include x51y15a.h. In one file you include x51y15A.h.
    Then you pass your code to a colleague...
    (chances are your colleague would have preferred a compile time error
    over a possibly subtle runtime problem).

    (The warning itself should be as gentle as can be)

    Feature request [ 1506882 ] "warning on file name case mismatch" is related

  • xander

    xander - 2007-10-24

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    re: "PIC controllers are from Microchip, and getting their C-frameworks work
    with sdcc is required for using sdcc for larger projects.
    It is also required for me, until you have a framework for PICs which uses
    the USB and make e.g. a HID class device.
    (perhaps USB functions should be shipped with sdcc (-libraries))"

    No. You shouldn't expect SDCC to change to match C18. Directory separators are the least of the issues between C18 and SDCC. The big things that are breaking are compiler specific and different choices were made (e.g., "rom" keyword). Even if you got that keyword fixed, you would then have to grapple with the different ways that pointers work in the two compilers.

    Note that if you want a HID device that compiles under SDCC you should go download one. There are quite a few available. For example I wrote one based on the Microchip USB framework that is available from Nuts & Volts magazine. Look for in, or directly from It is under LGPL so you can use it as you please. I haven't tried recompiling under a recent build of SDCC, but it shouldn't be too big a task.

  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2008-03-08

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    I don't see any reason to keep it open, so I'm closing it.


  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2008-03-08
    • milestone: --> non_bugs
    • status: open --> closed-rejected
  • Maarten Brock

    Maarten Brock - 2008-03-09

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I agree that there is no bug here, but I do see an RFE for a warning when using a backslash in the include instruction. Still it might be better to keep this one closed and open a proper RFE for that particular purpose.


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