
#1422 Cytokine Production Terms


New Term: cytokine production (and associated regulation

Definition: The synthesis and release of a cytokine following
a stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or
extracellular levels.

Comment: Note that this term is intended for use when a
gene product is seen to cause apparent increases in
intracellular or extracellular cytokine levels, without specific
regard as to whether the increase is due to increased
biosynthesis, increased secretion of preexisting cytokine
molecules, or increased conversion from precursor

Parentage (DAG View):
immune response
< cytokine production ; GO:New Term
< cytokine biosynthesis ; GO:0042089
< cytokine secretion ; GO:0050663
< regulation of cytokine production ; GO:New Term
% negative regulation of cytokine production ;
GO:New Term
< negative regulation of cytokine biosynthesis ;
< negative regulation of cytokine secretion ;
% positive regulation of cytokine production ;
GO:New Term
< positive regulation of cytokine biosynthesis ;
< positive regulation of cytokine secretion ;
< regulation of cytokine biosynthesis ; GO:0042035
< regulation of cytokine secretion ; GO:0050707

Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

Cytokine production for specific cytokines may be added as
children to this term as necessary. Such terms are useful in
the GO because they can be indicative of the course of an
immune response.

The regulation terms:
New Term: regulation of cytokine production

Definition: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate,
or extent of production of a cytokine.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

New Term: negative regulation of cytokine production

Definition: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the
rate of production of a cytokine.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

New Term: positive regulation of cytokine production

Definition: Any process that activates or increases the rate
of production of a cytokine.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

The cytokine biosynthesis and cytokine secretion terms and
their associated regulation terms should all retain their
original locations in the process DAG in addition to their new
relationships indicated above.

-- Alex


  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2004-01-05

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Alex - the indentation of the DAG hasn't come out - can you submit
    it again and use dashes (-) instead of spaces please? cheers, Jane.

  • Alexander Diehl

    Alexander Diehl - 2004-01-05

    Logged In: YES

    Resubmitted with indentation clarified -- Alex

    New Term: cytokine production (and associated regulation terms)

    Definition: The synthesis and release of a cytokine following a
    stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or
    extracellular levels.

    Comment: Note that this term is intended for use when a gene
    product is seen to cause apparent increases in intracellular or
    extracellular cytokine levels, without specific regard as to whether
    the increase is due to increased biosynthesis, increased secretion
    of preexisting cytokine molecules, or increased conversion from
    precursor molecules.

    Parentage (DAG View):
    ---immune response
    ------< cytokine production ; GO:New Term
    ---------< cytokine biosynthesis ; GO:0042089
    ---------< cytokine secretion ; GO:0050663
    ---------< regulation of cytokine production ; GO:New Term
    ------------% negative regulation of cytokine production ; GO:New
    ---------------< negative regulation of cytokine biosynthesis ;
    ---------------< negative regulation of cytokine secretion ;
    ------------% positive regulation of cytokine production ; GO:New
    ---------------< positive regulation of cytokine biosynthesis ;
    ---------------< positive regulation of cytokine secretion ;
    ------------< regulation of cytokine biosynthesis ; GO:0042035
    ------------< regulation of cytokine secretion ; GO:0050707

    Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

    Cytokine production for specific cytokines may be added as
    children to this term as necessary. Such terms are useful in the
    GO because they can be indicative of the course of an immune

    The regulation terms:
    New Term: regulation of cytokine production

    Definition: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or
    extent of production of a cytokine.

    Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

    New Term: negative regulation of cytokine production

    Definition: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the rate
    of production of a cytokine.

    Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

    New Term: positive regulation of cytokine production

    Definition: Any process that activates or increases the rate of
    production of a cytokine.

    Reference: Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-727-3514-9)

    The cytokine biosynthesis and cytokine secretion terms and their
    associated regulation terms should all retain their original
    locations in the process DAG in addition to their new relationships
    indicated above.

    -- Alex

  • Alexander Diehl

    Alexander Diehl - 2004-01-30

    Logged In: YES

    I've given this to Harold to enter next week. I will update the
    entry when it has been entered.

    -- Alex

  • Alexander Diehl

    Alexander Diehl - 2004-01-30
    • assigned_to: nobody --> hjdrabkin
  • Alexander Diehl

    Alexander Diehl - 2004-02-10
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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