
#10116 links between checkpoints and -ve reg of transitions


G1 DNA damage checkpoint: -ve regulation of G1/S transition
(and mitotic)
G2 DNA damage checkpoint: -ve regulation of G2/M transition
(and mitotic)

S-M DNA replication checkpoint : -ve regulation of G2/M transition
intra-S DNA damage checkpoint ? (not sure about this one, it might just slow replication, rather than the transition, will check, Val)
G1 cell size control checkpoint: -ve regulation of G1/S transition
G2 cell size control checkpoint: -ve regulation of G2/M transition
mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint (aka SAC/mitotic checkpoint); –ve reg. metaphase/anaphase transition (via APC)
mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint (my notes say delays anaphase completion?), I think this is only in S. cerevisiae so we need to check with SGD which transition is being regulated, if any (I will do this)

other cytokinesis checkpoint, changes still need implementing, I'll put these in another ticket


  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-04-15

    I meant to delete these two lines before I submiteted this ticket.

    cytokinesis*** checkpoint (GO:0000078) (G2 arrest)/cell shape –ve reg. G2/M
    cytokinesis after mitosis checkpoint (GO:0031565) septin checkpoint /chr.seg. completion defects

    For these please refer to

    I have contacted SGD for feedback on the mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint

    mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint

  • Rob Nash

    Rob Nash - 2013-04-17


    Replied directly via email but adding to the item as well. You are correct that in budding yeast the Spindle Position or Orientation Checkpoint delays mitotic exit preventing the completion of anaphase. See PMID:10934478 (BUB2), 16039591 (KIN4) and reviewed in PMID:21143992.


  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-04-18

    Thank Rob,
    The review here says that
    SPOC delays the exit from mitosis by inhibiting the mitotic exit network (MEN) in response to spindle orientation defects

    GO:0001100 negative regulation of exit from mitosis

    (but I think this could also be negative regulation of anaphase /telophase transition? perhaps a synonym

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-04-18

    I didn't finish this comment
    mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint -> regulation of mitotic exit (aka negative regulation of anaphase/telophase transition)

  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2013-05-02

    Hi Val - these are all now in, but for the mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint, its parent, 'spindle checkpoint' has the following definition:

    A cell cycle checkpoint that delays progression through the metaphase/anaphase transition until the spindle is correctly assembled and oriented, and chromosomes are attached to the spindle.

    But you're saying that in Cerevisiae, the mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint doesn't regulate the metaphase/anaphase transition, it instead regulates the anaphase /telophase transition?


    Last edit: Jane Lomax 2013-05-02
    • Jane Lomax

      Jane Lomax - 2013-05-02

      Similarly, mitotic spindle checkpoint has the definition:

      A cell cycle checkpoint that delays the metaphase/anaphase transition of a mitotic nuclear division until the spindle is correctly assembled and oriented, or that delays completion of anaphase until chromosomes are attached to the spindle.

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-05-03

    So the def of the "spindle checkpoint" probably needs broadening to refer to
    the metaphase anaphase transition (for assembly) AND the *** transition for orientation

    As for the orientation, Rob says above that it is mitotic exit which is regulated
    so it should be

    GO:0001100 negative regulation of exit from mitosis by spindle orientation checkpoint signalling

    (I still think this would synonymous with the term we obsoleted M/G1 transition, which our experts said didn't exist)

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-09-12
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
     G1 DNA damage checkpoint: -ve regulation of G1/S transition
     G1 DNA damage checkpoint: -ve regulation of G2/M transition
    @@ -9,8 +8,6 @@
     mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint \(aka SAC/mitotic checkpoint\);  –ve reg. metaphase/anaphase transition \(via APC\)
     mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint  \(my notes say delays anaphase completion?\), I think this is only in S. cerevisiae so we need to check with SGD which transition is being regulated, if any \(I will do this\)
    -cytokinesis\*\*\*  checkpoint \(GO:0000078\) \(G2 arrest\)/cell shape –ve reg. G2/M
    -cytokinesis after mitosis checkpoint \(GO:0031565\) septin checkpoint /chr.seg. completion defects 
     other cytokinesis checkpoint, changes still need implementing, I'll put these in another ticket
    • Group: --> None
  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-09-12
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
     G1 DNA damage checkpoint: -ve regulation of G1/S transition
    -G1 DNA damage checkpoint: -ve regulation of G2/M transition
    +G2 DNA damage checkpoint: -ve regulation of G2/M transition
     S-M DNA replication checkpoint : -ve regulation of G2/M transition
     intra-S DNA damage checkpoint  ? \(not sure about this one, it might just slow replication, rather than the transition, will check, Val\)
     G1 cell size control checkpoint: -ve regulation of G1/S transition
  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-09-12

    all of the cell cycle checkpoint signal transduction terms now have "negative regulation of transition" parents for the respective transitions, except for
    intra-S DNA damage checkpoint , we have no notes on what this negatively regulates (possibly slows replication rahter than a transition)?

    I will open a new ticket for this

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-09-12
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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