
#523 bud development stage (PO:0025528) and child terms


This was originally part of tracker for shoot system development stage (, but needed to open a separate one for these terms.

Currently: bud development stage (new PO:0025528): A shoot system development stage (PO:0025527) that has as primary participant a bud (PO:0009006).

need to revise to make more specific


Plant Ontology (PO) TERM requests: #517


  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2014-02-07

    Comment from RW, by email:
    "I have a question about the bud swelling stage (PO:0025531). It is defined as "A bud development stage (PO:0025528) during which a bud (PO:0009006) enlarges due to growth of the shoot system (PO:0009006)."

    Do you mean that is swells due to growth of the shoot system contained within the bud? When I first read it, I thought you were trying to say that the growth of the whole above ground shoot system was responsible for the swelling of buds. Maybe it would be better to change the wording slightly to "...enlarges due to growth of the shoot system contained within the bud."

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2014-02-07

    The bud (PO:0000055) is defined as is_a (an): 'undeveloped shoot system', thus it does not 'contain' a shoot system.
    So I think this might be a better revision, referring to the GO BP term:
    "A bud development stage (PO:0025528) during which a bud (PO:0009006) enlarges due developmental growth (GO:0048589)."

    developmental growth (GO:0048589): The increase in size or mass of an entire organism, a part of an organism or a cell, where the increase in size or mass has the specific outcome of the progression of the organism over time from one condition to another.


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