
#146 internode

plant anatomy

I suggest renaming the term shoot internode (PO:0005005) to internode, because all internodes occur in the shoot system, making shoot internode redundant and easily confused with stem internode.

Proposed def: A region of a shoot system that is part of a shoot axis between two nodes.
Part_of shoot axis instead of shoot system.

-inflorescence internode (PO:0006326): An internode that is part of an inflorescence axis. (EXISTING TERM)
-stem internode (PO:0020142): An internode that is part of a stem. (EXISTING TERM)
-branch internode (PO:0025080): An internode that is part of a branch. (NEW TERM)
- rhizome internode (PO:0025204): A shoot axis internode that is part of a rhizome.


Plant Ontology (PO) TERM requests: #28


  • Ramona Walls

    Ramona Walls - 2010-07-16

    Since the name shoot internode has been in use, and no one has had trouble with it, we will keep it (see discussion under node).

  • Dennis Stevenson


  • Ramona Walls

    Ramona Walls - 2010-07-22

    This definition was accepted at the POC meeting on 7-21-10, with minor changes for clarity: Shoot internode: A cardinal organ part of a shoot axis between two nodes of the axis.

    I am closing this item.

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-11-12

    Propose renaming shoot internode (PO:0005005) to shoot axis internode, to better match revised shoot axis node term.

    Current def'n: A cardinal organ part that is the part of a shoot axis between two nodes of the axis.

    Revised def'n: shoot axis internode (PO:0005005): A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is between two shoot axis nodes (PO:0005004).

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-11-12

    stem internode PO:0020142:

    Revised def'n: A shoot axis internode (PO:0005005) that is part of a stem (PO:0009047).


    Last edit: Laurel Cooper 2013-11-12
  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-11-12

    branch internode (PO:0025080):
    Updated, revised def'n:A shoot axis internode (PO:0005005) that is part of a branch (PO:0025073).

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-11-12

    inflorescence internode (PO:0006326): A shoot internode that is part of an inflorescence axis.

    Revised name and def'n: inflorescence axis internode (PO:0006326): A shoot axis internode (PO:0005005) that is part of an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122).

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-11-12

    rhizome internode PO:0025204: A shoot axis internode that is part of a rhizome.

    Revised def'n: A shoot axis internode (PO:0005005) that is part of a rhizome (PO:0004542).

    see also [plant-ontology-po-term-requests:#28]



    Plant Ontology (PO) TERM requests: #28

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