
#1240 (ok 3.4) Nav Frame Clean Up


Would it be possible to (re)move the following to give the table list some extra vertical space?
1. Logo, could it be moved to the home page?
2. Buttons, could they be moved to the top of the main frame?
3. Text: Database, should be obvious
4. Text: <database> (<table count>), is shown in dropdown just above already


  • Lori Lee

    Lori Lee - 2010-05-07

    I also think that it's unnecessary to display the current database name as a link under the dropdown list since that dropdown list already displays it.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2010-06-03
    • assigned_to: nobody --> nijel
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2010-06-03
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • summary: Nav Frame Clean Up --> (ok 3.4) Nav Frame Clean Up
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2010-06-03

    Merged patch by Lori (removes Database text and the link), logo can be removed by $cfg['LeftDisplayLogo'] and the buttons IMHO better fit here.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2010-06-03
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Olaf van der Spek

    But on the main frame the logo and buttons wouldn't take up any extra space.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2010-06-03

    The logo is there by default for branding, you can remove it using configuration.

    The buttons would have to be on every page and I think it's better to have them in navigation frame than to consume space in main frame.

  • Olaf van der Spek

    Can't you put the buttons and logo to the left of the nav bits (host - db - table)?
    That way they use previously unused space.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2010-06-03

    I don't see there much space with longer table name on my 1024x748 screen. While I usually have a lot of horizontal space in navigation frame.

    Anyway removing buttons would add space for at most two tables, would that really help that much?

  • Olaf van der Spek

    You need a bigger screen. :p
    Did you mean vertical space in the nav bar? As it's not about horizontal space there.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2010-06-04

    Yes, I meant vertical, sorry.

    And I don't need bigger screen, because that would also mean bigger notebook :-). And on desktop I have enough (1920x1200).

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2011-05-11
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2013-06-11
    • Status: closed-fixed --> fixed