
#3574 AGI GR: Screen updates handled wrong/unfinished

AGI: Goldrush
Graphics (902)

ScummVM 0.12.0svn (Jan 18 2008 09:58:42)
Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 zLib MPEG2

In the mines, when walking through darkness with the
lantern lit. There is only a small part of the
surrounding lit, the rest stays dark.

When moving the character, giving a command, like
"looK" and clicking the respecive text window away
the screen is not updated quites right.

I encountered two different behaviours in the same place:

1) The screen will go completely dark when the text
winddow comes up (like in the screenshot with Jerrod
on the ladder and the command "look" - He sees the
shaft and tells so, but the lantern seems to be
extinguished for that moment - happens in other shafts

2) All "moveable" objects (like the "pick" or any of
the gold in the walls) will pop out of the darkness
once the text window has been clicked away. Thats just
not right and looks ugly

Gold Rush! (1.01 1989-01-13 aka 2.05 1989-03-09/Amiga/English)

gcc version 4.0.2 (AmigaOS build 20051012)


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-01-19

    Complete Darkness

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-01-19

    The gold above Jerrod shouldn't be visible

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-01-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    btw: the objects popping up will go away once the character
    is moved again, so maybe it just needs another screen redraw?
    File Added: AGI_GR_Screen_Update_Glitch_2.png

  • Kari Salminen

    Kari Salminen - 2008-01-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Having played around in the mines in the original
    Amiga version using WinUAE I can say that it uses
    a blinking effect when the lantern is lit. What I
    mean is that the ego and a bit of its surroundings
    is normally shown when the lantern is lit but when
    you move around everything goes black at seemingly
    random intervals and then is shown again. This
    blinking behaviour would seem like the logical
    problem maker for this bug. Don't know if a
    similar effect is used in the PC-version.

    Another way to bring up a faulty behaviour in
    ScummVM is to run around in the mines with the
    lantern lit and then go into the menus and
    move around in the menus, it makes the whole
    screen area seem lit although it shouldn't
    look like that.

  • Eugene Sandulenko

    I need the saves, as I am not very well familiar with Gold Rush! Could you, please, provide saves at the respective places?

  • Eugene Sandulenko

    • assigned_to: nobody --> sev
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-06-07

    In the mines

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-06-07

    Its far better with your latest commits, but still needs some polishing.

    There is this ugly block of light beside (right and sometimes left) of the newly lit area on top (when Jake goes upwards)

  • Eugene Sandulenko

    Can you somehow provide me the movie how it looked in the original or at least serie of the screenhosts?

    Or do you mean that the lit area should always be square-shaped there?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-06-07

    >Or do you mean that the lit area should always be square-shaped there?

    Exactly :-)

  • Eugene Sandulenko

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Eugene Sandulenko

    I improved the output, and it seems to be the maximum possible with current rendering pipeline. Closing