Tired of high level malware analysis? Perform one of the deepest analysis possible - fully automated or manual - from static to dynamic, from dynamic to hybrid, from hybrid to graph analysis. Rather than focus on one, use the best of multiple technologies including hybrid analysis, instrumentation, hooking, hardware virtualization, emulation and machine learning / AI. Check out our reports to see the difference. Deeply analyze URLs to detect phishing, drive by downloads, tech scam and more. Joe Sandbox uses an advanced AI based algorithm including template matching, perptual hashing, ORB feature detection and more to detect the malicious use of legit brands on websites. Add your own logos and templates to extend the detection capabilities. Interact with the sandbox through Live Interaction - directly from your browser. Click through complex phishing campains or malware installers. Test your software against backdoors, information leakage and exploits (SAST and DAST).