Businesses and companies in need of a B2B digital catalogue software solution
About aWorkbook
Now that virtual sales presentations are becoming increasingly commonplace, it is vital to showcase your product information in a viewable format that is easily accessible and in a way that supports your sales conversations during video conferences. aWorkbook is designed with your buyers’ journey in mind, giving you the tools to guide them through product ranges and encompassing all brand materials available, including videos, images and 3D renderings. When adopting a ‘channel right’ product strategy, communicating the right product to the right buyer is crucial. aWorkbook’s assortment planning features gives full flexibility to tailor product information to match your channel strategies. Developing the relationship a buyer has with your brand is now more important than ever. A buyer wants to be able to connect with your values and marketing stories and ensure that they align with those of their own. aWorkbook provides key storytelling tools.