Individuals searching for a powerful Church Management solution
About ZLC Ministry Scheduler
Whether you have 50 ministers to schedule, or hundreds, we have designed this program to make the task easy. You can have this program automatically do everything, from setting up the services to assigning names - for any number of ministry positions -- for any range of dates. Or, you can elect to do any part of it manually: setting up one service, pre-assigning a few names, changing the makeup of one service, or changing any details at any later time. You just set up your services structure and your ministers' availability, the system does all the rest. Our system has been the leading, proven system for over twelve years: the best system you can buy. You can set a maximum per week, month, and quarter for each minister, for each ministry separately, and for each service time separately. Each minister can be available for any number of ministry types and any number of service days/times.