Alternatives to Viar360

Compare Viar360 alternatives for your business or organization using the curated list below. SourceForge ranks the best alternatives to Viar360 in 2024. Compare features, ratings, user reviews, pricing, and more from Viar360 competitors and alternatives in order to make an informed decision for your business.

  • 1
    Apex Officer

    Apex Officer

    Apex Officer

    Apex Officer is a virtual reality training simulator for police officers and law enforcement. Apex Officer provides police officers and law enforcement agencies with turnkey virtual reality force options training simulators and VR technology training solutions. We don't put a limit on how often you can use your simulator. You can train as many officers as you want, as often as you'd like. Apex Officer is the world’s most realistic and immersive VR force training simulator for law enforcement professionals. Train with real firearms and equipment modified specifically for a virtual reality training environment. When we say there are unlimited scenarios, we mean it. You are in complete control of your training content. Apex Officer customers receive the best technical service in the business. We update our software weekly. Through our history of providing innovative interactive virtual reality simulation training technology.
  • 2
    AVEVA XR for Training
    XR for Training is a 3D training tool that connects control room operators, maintenance, and field personnel in a single realistic learning environment. Extended reality (XR) incorporates Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and mixed reality into a single industrial software, providing a fully realized 3D training experience to teach new operators. Inspire the new workforce with innovative training technology, leaving the outdated methods in the past. Replicate real-life plant scenarios in a virtual environment, allowing new operators to digest information more effectively and frequently. Cultivate a safe working environment by empowering the workforce to identify potential hazards and how resolve them. Rapid advances in virtual reality technology are enabling powerful 3D Immersive training systems to be developed to address the challenge of delivering effective field operator training. AVEVA XR for Training offers trainees standard operating procedure practice.
  • 3
    Wrap Reality

    Wrap Reality

    Wrap Technologies

    Wrap Reality™, the Company’s advanced virtual reality training system, is a fully immersive training simulator and comprehensive public safety training platform equips first responders with the discipline and practice to prevent escalation, de-escalate conflicts, and apply appropriate tactical use-of-force measures to better perform in the field. By offering a growing range of real-life scenarios, Wrap Reality™ addresses the dynamic nature of modern law enforcement situations for positive public safety outcomes. Building safer communities one decision at a time. Immersive virtual reality training Experience real-life, intense situations in a controlled environment - Preventing Escalation Through Realistic Scenarios - Data-Driven Learning for Mastery - Empowering Preparedness and Public Safety
  • 4
    Motive Training Platform
    The team is a highly skilled and creative group of developers and designers who build interactive and immersive training applications for enterprise. The Motive Training Platform makes it easy to create and deploy AR and VR content for training at scale. It includes our XR Player (useable with almost any device), the StoryFlow authoring tool, a Learning Records Store for xAPI data and hosting services. is founded by a team that comes from games, films and platform technologies, including Microsoft, Ubisoft, TIVO. The Motive Training Platform gives training departments the power to create and control their VR training content, no code required. Until now, companies who want VR training have had to compromise on time, cost, control or quality. With the Motive Training Platform, you no longer have to compromise. Author incredible interactive & immersive scenarios in your custom environment with no code.
  • 5
    XVR Platform

    XVR Platform

    XVR Simulation

    Our vision is to create flexible, reliable and user-friendly simulation tools, where learning is key and the instructor is in control. From our core product XVR On Scene we offer a variety of different modules that define the versatile XVR platform. The classroom set-up is used for triggering a group discussion about a virtual scenario. Discussions can focus on incident approach, carrying out the first reconnaissance or making the first deployment decisions. With the individual set-up, the participant is immersed in a virtual scenario while the instructor can adjust the scenario based on the participant's decisions. This set-up is excellent for individual training or assessment of a certain skill set. The team set-up allows you to train multiple participants in mono- or multidisciplinary exercises. One or more instructors can be in charge of the learning objectives and role-playing. Team training exercises are well suited to train communication and reporting skills.
  • 6



    Everything you need to apply VR in your practice: hardware, software and specialized training. Simple to use and set up. No installation or technical knowledge required. Virtual reality tool as a service. A monthly fee accessible to all budgets. A complete set of VR equipment, 100% integrated with the Psious VR platform that includes a last generation virtual reality headset and an advanced electrodermal activity sensor. With multiple features specially designed for psychotherapy, and a simple control panel, the platform allows you to plan and control your therapy sessions easily. The Psious platform includes more than 70 virtual reality environments, with dozens of scenes and 360º videos, which gives the flexibility to work on all types of pathologies. We offer environments adapted to the current Pandemic situation. Health professionals can configure among the variables that the avatars wear masks.
  • 7


    ELB Learning

    Measure learning and retention with our built-in xAPI data tracking features and analytics dashboard showing performance in real time. Upload any equirectangular image or 360-degree video. Then select your starting scene to add questions, hotspots, and interactivity. Engage learners with live score updates while you assess and evaluate quizzes, responses, and feedback. Access content on the web, mobile devices, authoring apps, Oculus Go/Rift/Quest, HTC Vive Focus, Samsung Gear VR, cardboard headsets, and more! Engage learners by adding conditional branching with varied outcomes, timed objects, actions, linked scenes, quizzes, multimedia, and hot spots. Easily publish to SCORM formats, xAPI, cmi5, and HTML. Or, publish courses to your LMS, authoring app, mobile device, or nearly any headset. Add an object in GLB format that can be rotated, positioned, and animated. Then, use it as a hotspot that triggers animated movement, and watch it come to life!
    Starting Price: $89 per month
  • 8



    Until now, creating VR content has been expensive, time-consuming and out of reach. SuperManual gives anyone the ability to create an immersive experience. Think of worlds like a working document. Now imagine moving around inside this document and interacting with all of your content. You can use worlds to work on your various solo projects or design content to be shared with others, like a presentation or training experience. Start making a scene in your world by bringing in 3D objects from our free Core Pack—a collection of over 500 editable objects including basic shapes, trees, rocks, furniture, interiors, homewares and more. Enhance your world with images, video and sound. Connect any folder to SuperManual and access media much like objects, physically bring them into your world and place them anywhere or on anything. Add texture, finish, colors to objects from the Core Pack.
    Starting Price: $24 per month
  • 9



    Knowledge retention grows to 95%+ with Spatial Interactive Learning. Create memorable first-touch experiences for new joinees that create wonder, awe and a true understanding of your values as a company. Enable conversations with future coworkers, and crucial information before you even walk in to the office on your first day. Employee engagement rises by several notches in an experience where they are in full control. A whole new value addition to health and safety training, keeping trainees safe. The same content can be viewed multiple times, on any device. Customized based on your learning patterns. The ability to create infinitely repeatable real-life scenarios for new employee onboarding process. Irons out the non-standardization that occurs with multiple trainers. The GMetri platform gives you everything you need to build, publish and track interactive, gamified spatial interactive learning modules.
    Starting Price: $500 per month
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    Elevate performance through immersive experience. STRIVR offers an end-to-end Immersive Learning platform that revolutionizes the way people and businesses train, learn, and perform. Drawing on 20+ years of research in immersive technology and behavioral science, STRIVR leverages virtual reality to deliver highly impactful training at scale. Your team will develop new skills faster, spend less time away from the business, and gain unique, data-driven insights to improve performance. Immersive learning increases retention and engagement. Learners get on-demand access to real-world scenarios in a safe environment. Businesses gain unique insights to assess performance and impact. Immersive learning is being widely adopted by leading Fortune 500 companies for mission critical use cases including safety, operational efficiency and customer service. With STRIVR, organizations have seen training times reduced by 40% and customer satisfaction scores surge by 10%.
  • 11
    Warp Studio

    Warp Studio

    Warp Studio

    Warp Studio is your central hub for creating, distributing and analysing real and immersive training scenarios. Collaborate with your team to create impact, engage your workforce and grow your business. We believe in the right workflow when it comes to creating engaging VR scenarios. First create your scenario and enter details for filming. Second film your scenario and upload the 360˚ video files. Test your scenario in Warp Studio or our mobile apps before distributing. Creating scenarios is as simple as drag-and-drop in our user-friendly flow tool. Collaborate with colleagues, create different scenes and connect them to create your non-linear storyline. Determine your scoring system and enter details about filming. Simply export your scenario to PDF and use during your film shoot. Mark which scenes are recorded to make sure no videos are missing. Upload all of your 360˚ videos to Warp Studio and connect to your scenario.
    Starting Price: $200 per month
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    Yeppar Smart Solutions

    Impress your clients by showcasing the value of your products with an amazing AR-powered visual experience. Transform laboratories into a virtual experience to enhance safety and drive efficiency. Ensure safety by upgrading to AR tech-driven modules to effectively train your workforce and save heavy costs. Immersive VR training modules replicating a real working environment to level up workforce productivity and safety. Present your products like never before, with an immersive experience for your clients to explore your product’s values. Add a futuristic touch to your events with immersive virtual experiences to immensely engage your attendees. Level up your workforce productivity with mixed reality to remotely connect consumers, field technicians, and experts. Take your clients through a futuristic immersive experience with MR to ease their purchase decision.
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    AVPL has a well-defined process for creating the virtual world content. Whether it is from scanned data pointclouds, hand sketches, 3D Sketchup models or BIM-compliant models, AVPL will work with the client to iteratively develop a 3D interactive model for real-time immersive visualization. This is essentially a display system to render the virtual world for visualization. AVPL is platform and device agnostic as its belief is that the means of producing the visualization must be appropriate for meeting the client’s identified needs. AVPL has worked with 5-wall CAVE (Computed Automated Virtual Environment) systems, 4-wall CAVE systems, single wall projection systems, Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) as well as wearable Augmented Reality devices. The system combines high realism virtual simulation with state-of-the-art interactive technologies to allow skills to be learned and directly applied to the real world without the need to relearn the physical interactions.
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    VR training is revolutionizing how skills are taught and learned, complementing or replacing existing training tools. VR training immerses participants in realistic virtual environments using low-cost VR headsets to interact naturally and learn-by-doing. The learn-by-doing made possible with VR training improves engagement, knowledge retention and provides the confidence to apply new skills. Virtual training is also improving safety by allowing participants to experience dangerous environments and practice operational procedures and processes without risk. VR training allows participants to experience potentially dangerous environments and practice safe operations and procedures. Thanks to our VirtualGrasp technology, workplace equipment is accurately represented in virtual environments to support complex interactions that reflect real-life operational scenarios. VR training can complement traditional learning, e-learning and blended learning.
    Starting Price: €1500 per month
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    XR-STAR® uses the best available technologies to create the photo-realistic version of a plant (or unit) and equipment by creating a 3D virtual immersive hyper-realistic environment. In this way, operators can train, interact and practice as they were in the real plant with the real equipment. Start-up efficiency savings of 15% to 25% time reduction originate in “back-on-run” situations from planned or unplanned shutdown, by using VR interactive training to quickly and frequently refresh all plant crew on all their critical procedures.
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    The iQ3 VR collaboration platform provides a web-based, scalable, and cost-effective approach for realtime collaboration across the enterprise with 3D content at full scale. iQ3 Instant Workspaces provide instant access to VR-ready models. It’s an excellent way to experience 3D data in virtual reality with just one click. These instant workspaces can be very useful for displaying 3D interactive digital data to be used in training templates, product showcases, educational content in LMS, and more. It’s easy to copy & share links with anyone. Once they click the shared link, they are instantly placed in the VR workspace with your 3D interactive content in real-time with a simple web browser or VR headset. iQ3 makes it easy and accessible for global trainers and subject matter experts to author and deploy training solutions.
    Starting Price: $200 per month
  • 17



    With VRdeck you gain insights of the behaviour of consumers, students or employees. Train machine handling in an engaging way, without the change of breakage or disruption of the production process. Invite global customers to visit a virtual (concept) store and really make them feel that they are shopping. In the mean time you can test different setups and designs. Students can take an exam of a safety procedure wherever they are. In Virtual Reality, people can visit a surrounding, look around and act. Visitors have a look at determined area’s, select products and answer questions. VRdeck is an easy to use Content Management System (CMS) to upload, manage and publish your interactive VR tours. Add hotspots for information, navigation and questionnaires.
    Starting Price: €50 per month
  • 18
    Osso VR

    Osso VR

    Osso VR

    Osso VR is a surgical training and assessment platform that gives medical device companies and healthcare professionals radically better ways to share, practice and learn new skills and procedures. From rare to routine, simple to the most complex. Inspire healthcare professionals at scale. Virtual training experiences that accelerate learning and drive adoption. Fire up your performance with powerful analytics. Objective assessment and coaching to guide training and measure proficiency. Digitize the HCP learning journey and collaborate from anywhere in the world using Oculus VR technology. Train on your terms, from anywhere. Put every procedure in reach. The world’s largest VR surgical training library. Proven in multiple published level 1 trials. Osso VR has been demonstrated to accelerate learning, memorization and mastery of complex workflows. Step into the future of surgical training.
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    We build the best virtual reality simulators using the best, cutting-edge, hardware. We employ the best developers, so that we can produce the best VR content. We work directly with our customers to produce the best training simulators. GOVRED provides the military with full line of firearms training and combat simulators. Military engagement training has never been more realistic than with GOVRED’s proprietary training technology. GOVRED provides law enforcement agencies with an extensive line of the best judgmental use of force, crisis intervention, de-escalation, active shooter, and firearm training simulators available. Marksmanship is skill in shooting coupled with the ability to hit the target you are aiming at with confidence and accuracy. This is especially important in hostile, split-second, situations. GOVRED skill building drills will give the trainee confidence knowing they can shoot quickly, confidently, and accurately.
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    Create immersive training courses in minutes, building on top of rich and powerful templates. Turn your employee training programs into engaging virtual experiences that last – on screen devices or in Virtual Reality. Reduce training costs by introducing immersive training. Improve efficiency of your operations saving up to 40% project budget. Go through operations and procedures before they take place in reality. The more you exercise, the more prepared you are for the unexpected. Immersive training is fun and easy to follow. Gamification makes it much more engaging than an eLearning course. Go through operations and procedures before they take place in reality. The more you exercise, the more prepared you are for the unexpected.
  • 21
    Next World

    Next World

    Next World

    Next World is a Virtual Reality (VR) training ecosystem that has developed the world’s first VR Learning Management System (LMS) containing an extensive library of ready to go VR training. Our LMS is designed around the unique power of VR, combining game changing eye tracking technology with immersive, memorable training realities. With our platform, trainers can easily identify knowledge gaps and trends across their organization, and deploy scheduled training with ease. Our dynamic VR training solutions help induct, train and up-skill employees safely and effectively by recreating situational risks, hazards and consequences of poor safety. With the power of VR, this is achieved without putting the learner in any real danger; creating a powerful emotional connection to why safety training is so important. Critically, our solution works out of the box, with best-in-class wireless VR hardware and user-friendly remote management.
    Starting Price: $4.98 per user per month
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    Enterprise immersive training and technology to supercharge engagement and performance. By using virtual reality training it is possible to create training that is not only more engaging but also more effective than traditional training methods. Built for enterprise from the ground up, the Immerse Platform helps companies create, deploy, scale, measure and integrate VR training and maximize their ROI. Use our SDK to create content quickly and cost-effectively or import your existing content. Roll out and manage global training programmes securely. Use Single or multi-user modes via VR headset or browser. Capture every detail with fully customized reporting. Flow into existing systems using industry standards. The Immerse Platform enables you to utilize new or existing VR content by bringing it to life with measurable insights, and by making it easy to deploy and scale across your business.
  • 23



    Bringing virtual reality to consumers is one of the most exciting things a business can do. We have unparalleled skills in 3D modeling, rendering, animation, and VR app development so we can help you create virtual experiences that will blow people’s minds. Retail, manufacturing, education, and other industries use augmented reality to get ahead and improve their competitive advantage. We build augmented reality solutions for companies looking to provide interactive experiences to their customers. We build, maintain, and support dedicated software development teams managed directly by our clients, and provide recruitment and relocation services for those interested in hiring developers to work on-site in their home office. We provide a full-cycle implementation for proof-of-concept and large software development projects alike. New technologies have a huge impact on different industries.
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    Mursion is the virtual reality environment where professionals practice and master the complex interpersonal skills necessary to be effective in high-stakes professions. Used by a wide range of innovative organizations in healthcare, education, hospitality, finance, and other corporate sectors, Mursion delivers customized virtual reality simulations that recreate the most demanding interpersonal challenges that professionals confront on the job every day. Uses a combination of artificial intelligence and live actors to deliver powerful and personalized simulations. Provides a wide range of immersive and authentic workplace environments in which to simulate challenging interpersonal on-the-job exchanges. Forces learners to take risks from which they can learn how to improve their day-to-day performance. An engaging, efficient, and safe way to learn by doing. Practical experiences to integrate new skills into daily routines.
  • 25
    WIN Reality

    WIN Reality

    WIN Reality

    Choose your sport, pick your plan, add a bat attachment, and begin your journey. Save money on your membership by choosing the annual plan. Step into a completely immersive stadium environment and start testing and training your pitch recognition abilities. WIN Reality offers a wide range of velocity and overall skill level for hitters to prepare against. With stadiums designed for youth players still facing pitchers at 46 feet, a dedicated softball field, as well as a 60 foot 6-inch mound for those in higher levels of competition, WIN Reality is perfect for players just getting started, all the way to MVP winners in the majors. The WIN dashboard gives you insight into exactly how you're performing in our training programs. Gain a unique understanding into why you're late on pitches up and away, have trouble with off-speed pitches, and any number of other offensive questions that have previously gone unanswered.
    Starting Price: $24 per month
  • 26
    Lab XR

    Lab XR

    Giant Lazer

    By using the Lab XR solution, you can be sure that access to your applications remains convenient and easy. Users can enter the virtual world in an instant, and you gain control over their progress thanks to the integration with PC and smartphone. No more looking at the phone or talking during a presentation. In virtual reality, we only devote our full attention to science. The participants will thank you for the interesting course, and you will enjoy the effectively trained group. Lab XR allows you to carry one remote cooperation with each student. Thanks to the software, you will learn about the team’s results and generate the necessary reports and certificates. The premise behind LabXR is to bring companies and educational institutions closer to innovative, immersive VR/AR training technology.
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    ClassVR is a versatile platform using the power of Virtual and Augmented Reality for education and training from the classroom to the boardroom. Introducing ClassVR, a groundbreaking technology designed to help raise engagement & increase knowledge retention for students of all ages. Everything your school needs. ClassVR’s standalone headset is fully classroom ready. No additional mobile device is needed, the headset delivers a fully immersive VR experience whilst being wirelessly managed and controlled by our innovative ClassVR Teacher Portal. It has been designed for students of all ages. ClassVR comes with access to a teacher lesson planning and real-time classroom delivery platform, ClassVR Portal, a simple way to discover and deliver engaging VR content and lessons. It also provides full control and management of multiple headsets in the classroom, allowing teachers a quick and simple way to send their lesson to multiple headsets and view and monitor student progress.
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    Finally! Create mind blowing AR/VR applications - Even if you don't have any 3D design experience! With Enklu, anyone can create immersive AR/VR experiences with our visually intuitive drag & drop editor. Real time syncing allows you to validate and improve content at a lightning-fast pace. And since everything is in the cloud, you can collaborate with anyone, anywhere. From prototype to final product, Enklu provides a full end-to-end solution for all your hardware, software, and training needs. Onboard new users rapidly with little to no tutorial and enable non-technical creators to author content with no coding required. ​Collaborate remotely in real-time to save time and money while increasing content quality and quantity. Integrate with industry-standard workflows and pipelines and deploy large scale multi-user apps and content with a reliable network architecture.
  • 29



    Cerevrum Drive your sales by boosting your reps skills with the leading VR training platform. Develop your people's soft skills to enable business growth. Soft skills are the key meta-skills for your people's performance. Cerevrum puts you in an environment where you need to communicate with clients, learn to negotiate or react correctly in unpredictable work situations. All of it with curated guidance, all of it in VR. Influence relationships, communication and social interactions. The system can quickly onboard new employees in companies with high turnover, develop communication and sales skills, and improve the efficiency of trainers and mentors. We train using the Natural Experience Learning System (NELS) method. It helps you practice in the most natural environment possible, which allows you to build communication skills faster than traditional classes. Speed. Training new employees in VR is 3 times faster. Engagement. The native immersion in the situation increases
  • 30
    Start Beyond

    Start Beyond

    Start Beyond

    The combination of interactive cinematic realism with our market-leading software products; delivers powerful learning solutions. Our suite of learning solutions enable HR and L&D teams to deliver scale-able spatial learning programs, that accelerate knowledge retention, improve soft skills and increase productivity. Our content studio leverages our knowledge of interactive storytelling, instructional design & user experience; to deliver compelling immersive learning solutions that captivate, motivate and educate. The"power of doing” has a huge impact on skill development. It is one of the most effective ways to deliver employee on-boarding, soft skills programs, compliance & certification training, across a range of industries. Industry leading sales and marketing teams are deploying VR & AR content marketing experiences to showcase their products, generate new sales and deliver exceptional brand experiences.
  • 31
    Quest for Business
    From ease of launch to a focused in-headset experience, Quest for Business is both enterprise-ready and user-friendly. Eliminate physical barriers and discover powerful new ways to train, collaborate, and boost productivity with VR on Quest for Business. The platform is built on an enterprise-grade infrastructure that adheres to stringent data security standards, and it provides straight forward device management and advanced support so it’s easy to adopt and scale throughout your organization. Our industry-leading VR headset, Meta Quest 2, offers untethered freedom to move and interact with virtual environments. Designed with enhanced performance and ergonomics, the Quest 2 is lightweight and can be paired with our new Elite Strap with Battery to extend battery life and improve comfort for longer work sessions. It has a higher-resolution display and faster processing than the original Quest, so text is more crisp, complex models and experiences load quickly.
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    VRwecare, is the first and only Arabic Virtual reality platform designed for pain and anxiety management, phobias treatment, rehab, and PTSD. In our work, we always take into account the main objectives of the ‘Vision 2030‘ program, digitalization of healthcare, popularization of tourism, and conservation and promotion of the Kingdom’s Islamic, Arab, and National heritage. Thus, we have created a product that ideally combines our vast experience in the development of virtual reality applications, as well as knowledge of the cultural and regional characteristics of Saudi Arabia, and the GCC region. Immersion in a virtual environment shifts the person’s attention distracting the brain from pain. Virtual reality applications help the patient to relax and cope with unpleasant and painful procedures more efficiently, eliminating the need for drug pain relief. Being in the virtual world, people become more relaxed and calmly endure painful manipulations.
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    Elevate Safety and Efficiency with State-of-the-Art Virtual Training TrainBeyond is a pioneering training platform designed specifically for the Oil and Gas sector, leveraging the power of Virtual Reality (VR), desktop, and mobile technologies to transform traditional training methodologies. With TrainBeyond, your workforce can undergo rigorous training without the hazards of real-life environments, providing a safe, engaging, and effective learning experience.
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    At infiVR, we are solving core issues using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Through Infi AR/VR platform and solutions we improve our client’s productivity, effectiveness, accuracy, and safety for their employees and customers. We focus on sectors like manufacturing, aviation, automobile, pharmaceuticals, clean energy, aerospace, healthcare, and other core industries; and provide solutions for product sales & marketing, product design, product support & maintenance simulated training, and safety training for employees.
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    Unimersiv is the largest platform for VR educational experiences. By downloading our app, you will have access to multiple experiences that will let you learn about history, space or the human anatomy. We want to make learning something new fun again so we built the first Virtual Reality learning platform to help students of all ages learn anything faster through virtual reality. We publish new educational experiences every months on Unimersiv. Here what you can discover if you download Unimersiv right now.
  • 36
    Mojo XR

    Mojo XR


    Mojo XR is a virtual reality platform for effective business meetings and collaboration in Virtual Reality technology. Work together anytime, from anywhere. It’s a new way of learning by doing in a safe, virtual environment. Mojo XR works with all popular VR headsets and it is compatible with PC systems. Visual presence and communication between coworkers at the same time, no matter where you are. Customized collaboration spaces by adding 3D models. Over 200 ready-to-use 3D objects to create your own space. Innovative employee education by virtual reality simulations and learning-by-doing altitude in a safe, virtual environment. Open your files from a computer to share and edit them in VR. Let your 3D models become real-life objects. Prototype new products or build a showroom for your clients. With high-quality 3D sound and voice chat, you will feel like in real-life meetings. Convenient collaboration for project workshops without time-consuming IRL meetings.
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    Sketchbox combines best in class commercial technology with cutting-edge software to solve complex training challenges. Using a drag and drop interface, the analytics dashboard can be configured to show the metrics that metter the most to each instructor, or class. By seeing data, across an entire class, instructors can quickly identify which areas students are struggling with and adapt lesson plans accordingly. Individuals can access detailed information on their progress, including progress over time, and even biometric data.
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    Transfr is building classroom-to-career pathways for millions of workers who will be the future of every industry via hands-on training using immersive technologies and in partnership with schools, businesses, and governments. Transfr’s mission is to train the future of every industry and open up exciting new opportunities for talent across the globe and at home. We train people for well-paying careers available now in high-demand fields, enabling learners to find job security and upward mobility, facilitated by immersive, hands-on VR training. A student explores career possibilities with short accessible sessions in career exploration. A career is selected and training begins, this can include dual enrollment credits and more. Students develop their expertise at a two-year college or high school training program. Skilled workers enter well-paying jobs in high-growth industries, job-ready on day one. Transfr VR training changes lives and improves employment outcomes.​
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    Creating VR content-based presentations, training and any immersive experiences has never been easier. Presenters can rapidly create VRtuoso slides with 360 ° and two-dimensional content, like video, images, text, shapes and polls. VRtuoso is the PowerPoint for VR and much more! It's straightforward. You can create 360 ​​° VR presentations, training, and any immersive experiences in just a minute or two and deliver them to multiple devices in real-time!
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    Collaborate in VR/AR anytime, from anywhere, using any device. Imaginate is an immersive and interactive collaboration SaaS software on smartglasses and smartphones for impactful training and support of heavy equipment and processes in the Automotive, Energy, Construction, FMCG and Pharmaceutical sectors. When collaborating with engaging and contextual data, the possibilities are endless! Sell more, train better, design faster, improve your operations. With Imaginate, it always has better context, better timelines and better results. Imaginate’s comprehensive 3D conferencing capabilities can be extended to a wide range of industries. Learn how we can help your enterprise move towards next-generation productivity.
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    We designed SynergyXR for people who work with things that are difficult to understand or explain – things that need to be communicated visually. It’s never been easier to communicate in 3D using augmented, virtual, and mixed reality – without having to worry about all the technical stuff. With SynergyXR, you can recycle existing content and get started in minutes. And with a subscription-based payment, you get an affordable multi-user platform packed with the latest features to help keep your company connected and successful. We designed SynergyXR to work across your entire value chain. Whether you’re designing a new product, training workers on how your products work, selling it to customers at trade shows, or servicing your machines in remote locations, you’ll feel like it was designed just for you.
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    Edstutia is a virtual reality-based training, onboarding, and upskilling platform with a focus on B2B clients. It offers a superior learning experience that leverages cutting-edge technology, focuses on contemporary skill sets that are in demand in the workplace today, and prioritizes student outcomes. Edstutia was developed with the student at the center of it all. It is an online, modular learning platform positioned at the intersection of business and technology. The content is driven 100% by workplace demands and vetted by an Academic Advisory Board comprised of professionals who represent a variety of industries and sectors. By teaching students relevant skills and reshaping their mindset about business today, the ultimate goal is for students to not only land well-paying, desirable jobs, but also to bring value to an employer from day one.
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    Mimic Technologies

    In addition to simulation training, MSim® provides best-in-class administration tools for educators to create, import, and export customized training protocols, as well as assign and track user’s progress through designated curricula. MSim® was first unveiled to world in 2008 to provide the first-ever simulation training for the da Vinci® robot. Since 2010, Intuitive Surgical has been licensing MSim® exercises from Mimic, which have been deployed on approximately 3,000 da Vinci® Skills Simulators™, and it is estimated that over 6 million Mimic exercise sessions have been performed.
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    The first online dialogue platform to bring new knowledge through simulations. Anytime, anywhere. Create dialog simulations without writing a single line of code. Spread branching scenarios on mobile, desktop and even in VR-headset across team or learners, get outstanding results. Imagine launching an immersive learning experience that could be created by your own skill. Create unique speaking training simulation for your clients! Grow you NPS and clients satisfaction rate, get new revenue flow, be unique among competitors. Create unique speaking training simulation all your students are waiting for! Up-sale and/or get new clients thanks for unique offering. Create onboarding programs and courses to teach your employees. Created once allows you to be sure in your team and scale best practises fast. Prove your forward-thinking vision, save time, grow sales, structure your business processes.
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    secova USA

    Since 2008, secova has gone to market globally with our fully integrated EHS solution called "sam". sam consists of an EHS Base module with Training, Certification, and Qualifications for your employees and visitors (3rd party and casual site visitors). You can leverage our pre-loaded editable courses, load your existing company-specific content or create your own content. Our solution is modular with optional fully integrated modules such as Incident Management, Risk Management & Hazardous Materials (incl. SDS Management), and Visitor Management, to name but a few. For the end-user, the system is as easy to use as an ATM machine and we offer multi-language support. For the managers and supervisors, the system is intuitive with drag and drop functionality. Over 3,000,000 satisfied users at 2,000+ customers!
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    Say goodbye to bulky laptops and complex setups! SimX runs on top of the line, all-in-one headsets that set up in minutes and cost drastically less than the older wired models (though we run on those too). Whether in the same sim room or across the world from eachother SimX's patented technology allows students, instructors, and observers to work together in the same virtual cases. The most complete VR system by far with over 150+ patients, 30+ environments, and 300+ tools and procedures. We build fully custom cases in a few weeks, and for 1/10th the cost of the others. If you want to talk to a patient, just talk to them. If you want to listen with a stethoscope, just walk over to where it is, pick it up, and use it. SimX's advanced simulation engine allows for highly customized cases to be produced in a matter of weeks.
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    SimSpray® is easy to use, reduces ongoing training expenses, and will help your programs train quicker, safer, and more efficiently. SimSpray is the leading VR training tool for the painting and coating industry. With hands-on, realistic training environments, customizable training content, and real-time feedback, SimSpray provides faster, safer, and more cost-effective training experiences. SimSpray removes barriers from the learning experience. Provide hands-on training without the spray booth, materials, setup, hassle, or equipment required to start a typical coating project. Complete and repeat coating projects with ease to help trainees learn and master skills faster.
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    FundamentalVR is a deep IP company working at the intersection of immersive technology (XR), haptics and machine learning. It is our belief that immersive technology has the ability to change the human/computing interface forever, to transcend geographies and accelerate business. We are excited to apply this belief to the healthcare industry. Our platform, Fundamental Surgery is the market leading medical education platform delivering multimodal simulation and education across tethered and all-in-one VR, mixed reality and mobile, harnessing the very latest AI techniques. It is the only global platform to have achieved educational accreditation from leading medical institutions such as the AAOS and Royal College of Surgeons England. Bringing the sense of true touch into a VR experience completes the circle of immersion and delivers the user with full presence.
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    Street Smarts VR

    Street Smarts VR

    Street Smarts VR

    In a world where anyone in uniform can be called upon to respond, we want to make the best training tools available to all, from first responders to the Armed Forces, so agencies large and small can train like they’re there, wherever there might be. Responders train with the same technology as elite athletes and pilots, in data-driven scenarios sourced straight from bodycam footage, incident reports, and more. Train-the-Trainer onboarding, a real-time interface, powerful analytics, and modifications for location and training requirements get programs of all sizes live and running faster than legacy solutions. Agencies get future-proof packages with hardware, software, and regular content releases for policy changes and strategic objectives, all with no hidden fees. Enter Street Smarts VR. Combining cutting-edge hardware with an ever-expanding library of scenarios and environments, our training technology is tailored to your needs, now and in the future.
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    Amazon Sumerian
    Bring a new dimension to your web and mobile applications with Amazon Sumerian. 3D immersive experiences are breathing new life into user experiences on the web, increasing customer engagement with brands and improving productivity in the workplace. Amazon Sumerian makes it easy to create engaging 3D front-end experiences and is integrated with AWS services to provide easy access to machine learning, chatbots, code execution and more. As a web-based platform, your immersive experiences are accessible via a simple browser URL and are able to run on popular hardware for AR/VR. One-click host your 3D experience using AWS Amplify to deploy your scenes anywhere. Sumerian Hosts are available open source on GitHub for easy integration with your Babylon.js and Three.js applications. Easily create and embed 3D scenes into new or existing web pages with Babylon.js.