Clinics of All Sizes & Specialties: Focus on your patients and let PertexaIQ™ take care of the rest. For primary care as well as specialty and sub-specialty practices, such as neurology, OB-GYN, pediatrics, dermatology, podiatry, endocrinology and behavioral health. Ease, speed and accuracy dramatically improve value while increasing volume (and revenue). Hospitalist, Nurse & Related Groups: Our platform-agnostic app is interoperable, so it can pull in and push out data between your device and your client's EHR. This means your documentation gets done in real time with each patient you see, anywhere you see them (remote; at nursing home, rehab or other facility; in home). Administrators & Advisors (ACOs, PSOs, IPAs): Treat more, bill more, get paid faster while reducing staff and outsourcing costs. Auto-accurate coding = near 100% claims approvals at first pass; instant auto-auditable RAC level & auto-compliance.
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Whether you are an independent reference lab, a pathology practice, an outreach lab or a public health lab, TELCOR RCM billing software provides the tools to overcome tough billing challenges and improve profitability. Perform claim submission, claim monitoring, remittance processes, AR management, client and patient billing, and much more for multiple NPIs all in a single revenue cycle management solution. Minimize billing staffing needs and maximize revenue cycle productivity by using the right tools to automate daily billing functions such as claims submission, collecting patient information, as well as generating revenue cycle management financial reports. Eliminate labor-intensive manual adjudication processes by processing electronic payments received from your payers via 835 ERAs or from your bank via lockbox payment files. Send quick and easy-to-understand billing communication to patients, simplify your patient billing process, and make it easier for patients to pay.
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Azalea EHR
Azalea Health Innovations (Azalea) is changing the way health IT platforms connect community-based healthcare providers and patients across the care continuum.
Offering a 100% cloud-based, interoperable solution, Azalea delivers an electronic health record that is fully integrated with telehealth, revenue cycle management, and analytic solutions designed for rural, community, and urban practices and hospitals. Quick to deploy and intuitive to use, Azalea's EHR ensures better care coordination and communication, and the “one patient, one record” approach provides care teams the agility to achieve better outcomes. The Azalea platform also delivers tools and resources to help providers meet their Meaningful Use requirements, and informs their strategies to navigate accountable care and alternative payment models.
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The industry’s first intelligent, multi-specialty medical billing software. Streamlining billing and patient collections for over 75,000 physicians across the country. Globalized data eliminates the need for duplicate entry. Visit-driven to allow for large volume and complex information. Flexible data structure accommodates requirements across multiple practices and specialties. Helping you get paid faster. Post payment manually or through electronic remittance. Automatically scrub claims for errors and missing information. Automatically refile insurance claims based on selected criteria. Fast review to evaluate and approve charges. Audit charges by modality, procedure, insurance, user, doctor or date of service. Intuitive reports for tracking the financial health of your front-end and back-end billing. Never lose another charge again. Integrates with your preferred clearinghouse or statement vendor.
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