Online batch converter for most video, audio, image, e-book, document and archive file formats. Easy to use. Select files and folders from anywhere, including the clipboard (Ctrl+V). Save your files to any folder of your choosing.
If you have a file with a missing or corrupted filename extension, MConverter will analyze the file, try to guess its real format and offer to convert it to other formats you can already use on your device.
Supported formats: 3g2, 3gp, 7z, aac, ac3, ai, amv, avi, avif, azw, azw3, bmp, bz2, cab, cbr, cbz, csv, deskthemepack, dng, doc, docx, drawio, epub, fb2, flac, flv, gif, gz, heic, htm, html, ico, iso, jar, jpeg, jpg, json, jxl (jpeg xl), m4a, mcaddon, mcpack, mctemplate, mcworld, md (markdown), mid, mkv, mobi, mov, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, mpo, odp, ods, odt, ogg, opus, pdf, png, ppm, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptx, psd, rar, rtf, sami, smi, srt, sub, svg, tar, tbz2, tgz, themepack, tif, tiff, tini, txt, txz, vob, wav, webm, webp, wma, wmv, xcf, xls, xlsx, xz, zip
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Aspose.Total Conversion
Aspose.Total Conversion is a free online document converter that completely supports conversion to/from many common documents formats, such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, CAD drawings, images and other popular file formats. It has included support for converting a single as well as multiple files to other supported file formats such as DOC, DOCX, DOTX, EMF, EPUB, GIF, JPEG, JPG, HTML, MHTML, OBJ, ODP, ODS, ODT, OTP TIFF, TXT, XLS, XLSB, XLSM, XLSX, XLT, XLTX, XML, XPS, PCL, PDF, PLY, PNG, POT, POTM, POTX, PPS, PPSM, PPSX, PPT, PPTM, PPTX, PS, PSD, RTF and many more. The app is very stable and efficiently works on all major platforms including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. For a smooth conversion you need to upload your documents and select the output format and press the convert button. Once the conversion process is completed you can instantly download the converted document as well as view it or share it with others.
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Aid4Mail is a fast, reliable, and highly accurate tool to collect, recover, search, and convert emails. It supports most mailbox file formats (e.g. PST, OST, OLM, mbox), IMAP accounts (e.g. Yahoo! Mail, AOL) and popular mail service providers (e.g. Microsoft 365, Exchange, Gmail). Aid4Mail can recover double-deleted messages and corrupted emails, and extract MIME data from certain types of unknown file formats through file carving.
Aid4Mail provides a large array of tools to search and filter out unwanted emails during conversion. Save time by using native pre-acquisition filters to download a subset of your mail from Exchange, Office 365, Gmail and other webmail services. Use Aid4Mail’s integrated search engine to cull-down your email collection. Its search operators are very similar to Gmail and Office 365.
Aid4Mail is used by Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and legal professionals around the world. It is made in Switzerland by perfectionists.
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