1 Integration with SnowHaze
View a list of SnowHaze integrations and software that integrates with SnowHaze below. Compare the best SnowHaze integrations as well as features, ratings, user reviews, and pricing of software that integrates with SnowHaze. Here are the current SnowHaze integrations in 2024:
Tor Browser
The Tor Project
Protect yourself against tracking, surveillance, and censorship. f you are in a country where Tor is blocked, you can configure Tor to connect to a bridge during the setup process. Select "Tor is censored in my country." If Tor is not censored, one of the most common reasons Tor won't connect is an incorrect system clock. Please make sure it's set correctly. Tor Browser will block browser plugins such as Flash, RealPlayer, QuickTime, and others: they can be manipulated into revealing your IP address. We do not recommend installing additional add-ons or plugins into Tor Browser. Plugins or addons may bypass Tor or compromise your privacy. Tor Browser already comes with HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript, and other patches to protect your privacy and security. Tor Browser uses the Tor network to protect your privacy and anonymity. Tor Browser is designed to prevent websites from “fingerprinting” or identifying you based on your browser configuration.
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