Schools and staff members seeking a software solution to manage and track attendance
About School Attendance
Staff members from the Office of School Support work to improve school attendance district-wide. It is hard for a student to be fully prepared and fully engaged when they miss classes. Improved attendance leads to improving academic achievement and increasing graduation rates. The attendance team in the Office of School Support engages schools, students, families, and Ramsey County partners to intervene early when school attendance problems begin. Parents/guardians MUST communicate every time a child is absent. Please note not all absences will be excused. Call in or send a note to main office, state reason for absence (be specific). Attendance support in SPPS involves three steps, which become more serious if a student continues to be absent. After three unexcused absences, parents receive an attendance alert letter at home. Then, if the student is absent again without an excuse, the school will begin the intervention process.