Companies and Individuals looking for artificial intelligence and data-driven analytics to match individuals to the best healthcare plans
About Picwell DX
Picwell exists to ensure people get the direction they need to make wise employee benefit decisions. We give HR & Benefits teams and their workforce benefits partners the tools they need to drive long-term results. Give your employees access to intelligent, personalized benefits guidance anytime, anywhere, from any device. Help Your Employees Make Wise Medical Plan Choices. Within minutes, each employee will see which health plan best fits their personal situation based on their unique health status, personal preferences, and risk tolerance. Offer Interactive HSA Education. The interactive Health Savings Account module allows you to illustrate the power of HSAs with interactive education. Offer Employees Personalized Education on All Benefits. Configure Picwell DX beyond medical decisions and offer personalized educational modules on any supplemental benefit, from dental insurance and voluntary benefits to a 401(k) or other wellness programs.