2 Integrations with OPTIZMO
View a list of OPTIZMO integrations and software that integrates with OPTIZMO below. Compare the best OPTIZMO integrations as well as features, ratings, user reviews, and pricing of software that integrates with OPTIZMO. Here are the current OPTIZMO integrations in 2024:
Want faster growth? Choose a Partner Marketing platform that goes beyond managing affiliates: Track every performance channel, integrate your tech stack and drill down into what delivers ROI. Start driving more performance from affiliates, influencers, referral partners, and your media buying channels. Use Everflow to: 1) Track every channel, consolidate your reporting, and amplify your performance. 2) Quickly understand what delivers ROI, block bad placements, and accelerate your growth. 3) Connect all of your data, activate built-in integrations, and start automating away tedious processes.Starting Price: Customer -
Ongage is an email marketing platform for advanced email marketers who send high-end campaigns and want to understand their audience better. Developers and non-developers can run high-volume campaigns, with advanced capabilities, on an intuitive dashboard that provides full control and get the job done! Gain actionable insights into customer behavior, send data-driven emails, segment according to intent, and more. Design personalized experiences based on your customers’ actions, with automated real-time emails that funnel your audience towards your goals. Ongage is a one-stop-deliverability-shop, with system capabilities, reports, and experts that can slice and dice deliverability from every angle. Sync your CRM, CDP, and data warehouse with Ongage and optimize campaigns to make an impact in real-time. Connect any SMTP relay, MTA, or use the built-in Ongage SMTP to send your emails. In Ongage, you can send from several SMTPs or just one.
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