Moovit’s Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions make it simple for cities and transit agencies and operators, campuses, and corporations, to introduce MaaS to their citizens using a range of tools, including branded mobility apps, mobile payments, urban mobility analytics, and on-demand and pre-scheduled transit. Moovit’s branded applications, co-branded and white-label, are based on our world-leading urban mobility app. Offer riders a true MaaS (Mobility as a Service) journey experience, complete with real-time arrivals and service alerts, multimodal mobility options, the ability to integrate mobile fare payments, and more. Save time and resources while giving your customers the highest level of service. Moovit’s white label application solution is based on our long-running robust native and web transit apps and is backed by Moovit’s server ecosystem, designed for endless scale and serving 100s of millions of users worldwide, with zero downtime.
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EzTransport® is the ultimate and complete transportation management software solution for transportation providers and those they serve. Our web-based software, vehicle hardware & Management Services take the hassle out of transportation management. A reloadable card is issued to participants to pay for fares and to track trips. Information and reporting is available using a secure web portal. The system manages account balances and allows payment of fares based on trip bookings without using a card. Information and reporting is available using a secure web portal. We work with our clients to integrate to existing hardware and software. We also help them find the most cost effective and suitable hardware solution to automate fare collection. Our hardware solutions include swipe card readers, smart card readers, barcode scanners, pin pads, printers and more.
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Collective transportation technology. We are a technology company that improves the user's experience in collective transport, providing them with the power and all the tools for a more efficient and safe mobility, in order to achieve the modernization of the sector and the cities. How do we do it? We bring all the benefits of our technology to public transit companies, corporations, tourist services or educational institutions to improve their users' experience for their commutes. Choose our technology; We have several features that you can implement in your business: Seat reservation system, payment with QR code, driver and trip rating system, customer support, fleet management tools and optimization and route planning platform. Transport services At the moment you choose Jetty, you start enjoying the city, since we take care of supervising your trips in real time while offering you the highest quality standards. We have multiple benefits that seek to empower the user.
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Pantonium’s on-demand, macrotransit solution, views one city as one zone. Cities of all sizes employ full-sized buses to service large urban, suburban and rural service areas to transform the rider experience by eliminating transfers, improving ride times, and making public transit more equitable and convenient for everyone. It views cities, suburban, and rural areas as one large service area, rather than dividing them into many small service areas (microtransit) or routes (fixed-route systems); and it looks globally and in real-time at the entire service area to identify all transit resources and all passenger demand. Pantonium then optimally matches resources to demand to deliver the highest quality transit services to customers. Pantonium’s micro transit digital infrastructure helps cities to do more with less at a time when transit agencies need to, more than ever, drive efficiencies into their operations while continuously improving productivity, convenient access, etc.
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