Alternatives to Katalyst

Compare Katalyst alternatives for your business or organization using the curated list below. SourceForge ranks the best alternatives to Katalyst in 2025. Compare features, ratings, user reviews, pricing, and more from Katalyst competitors and alternatives in order to make an informed decision for your business.

  • 1


    Lynx Information Systems

    Lynx Exploration Archivist Seismic Scanning and Vectorising (LEASSV) software is a comprehensive software solution for re-vectorizing scanned images of seismic sections and outputting the results as industry-standard SEG-Y format trace files. Using the utilities provided in the suite, output files can be made ready for loading to the seismic interpretation workstation or further processing. Applications and utilities contained in the LEASSV software suite are accessed from the Lynx Launcher, a program manager which allows all installed Lynx programs to be accessed from the Lynx desktop icon. Installation can be from CD-ROM, or from downloaded setup files.
    Starting Price: $304 per year
  • 2
    Aspen Echos

    Aspen Echos


    Advanced seismic processing and imaging to condition data for depth imaging, seismic characterization and interpretation, and pore pressure prediction projects. A modular design, open architecture and adherence to standards enable companies to configure the system to their business objectives and user requirements. State-of-the-art seismic processing and imaging solutions, including SRMA, 5D interpolation, and Aspen Echos RTM. A comprehensive library of nearly 350 modules enabling the construction of data- dependent processing workflows to solve modern geophysical challenges. A highly efficient parallel framework and infrastructure for the cluster (HPC) optimization, and the industry's best interactive link between seismic applications, parameters, and data. Aspen Echos is the oil and gas industry’s benchmark seismic processing system for generating 2D and 3D seismic images of the subsurface.
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    AttributeStudio is a multi-attribute seismic interpretation and reservoir property prediction software package. A true integrated software system for seismic and well data interpretation and integration. Easy to use. The system is designed by geoscientists for geoscientists. All industrial standard data formats are supported in data I/O. Comprehensive: including both basic interpretation workflows and advanced modules to predict reservoir properties via the latest machine learning algorithms. Latest innovations. Frequent updates including the latest innovation in seismic interpretation, visualization, and machine learning. Robust. AttributeStudio is built on a solid software architecture that has been fine-tuned for 20 years. Affordable. You only need to license the modules that are required in your work. Corporate team licenses are available at a discount rate. Fault surface tracking is constrained by multiple attributes. Interactive attribute classification on 2D and 3D cross plots.
  • 4
    Geophysics by SeisWare
    Geophysics by SeisWare is a seismic interpretation solution with all the tools needed to interpret conventional and unconventional plays in one comprehensive package. Fully scalable, large projects can be shared between asset team members. Better yet, the straightforward interface makes it easy to learn, so time can be spent on achieving results, not fighting your software. Geophysics by SeisWare is now featured in our comprehensive geoscience package. Are you looking for a complete geoscience solution that does seismic interpretation, synthetic generation, and petrophysical calculations and launch a cross section in multiple windows at one time? SeisWare Geoscience is a 64 bit, high-performance solution, meaning you can double your data without doubling time spent. SeisWare Geoscience is a true multitasking, multi-user tool that will wrap your geologic and seismic interpretation into one seamless package.
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    Comprehensive seismic processing and QC software for data acquired on land, offshore, or vertical seismic profile. VISTA desktop seismic data processing software provides data processing from early-stage acquisition QC to final processing and interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic data acquired on land or offshore or as a vertical seismic profile (VSP), in all industry and manufacturer data formats. With VISTA software, you can easily navigate workflows and seamlessly evaluate datasets using the interactive and interlinked displays. You can also add in your own algorithms through a C++ or MATLAB SDK interface. The software supports advanced processing capabilities including AVO and angle of incidence (AVA) analysis, multicomponent processing, and 2D and 3D VSP processing. Advanced field package, including full-geometry QC and poststack migration. The complete solution, from QC to prestack migration and time-depth image analysis.
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    Lynx Information Systems

    Using the utilities provided in the suite, output files can be made ready for loading to seismic interpretation workstation or further processing. LEAMAP can be used as a standalone system, or can be integrated with LEASSV to provide a full and comprehensive solution for reconstructing seismic data from images of sections and basemaps. The minimum system requirement is a PC running Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 (x86 or x64). Over 60 raster file formats are supported via Snowbound Software Inc's raster library. Plotting is supported via standard Windows printer drivers. Locprep is an interactive editor for Lynx and UKOOA-type location files, which store seismic shotpoint location information, and can also store general location information. You can use Locprep to perform a variety of tasks with LOC files.
  • 7
    Aspen SeisEarth

    Aspen SeisEarth

    Aspen Technology

    Fast, multi-survey structural and stratigraphic interpretation and visualization, enabling multiple users to collaborate in a single shared environment. Reliable prediction of facies identified from well data through integrated analysis of multi-scale geological, geophysical and seismic information. A comprehensive, integrated solution for seismic interpretation, including industry-leading facies classification and volume visualization workflows. Regional-to-prospect scale interpretation and visual integration. Easily share projects and data with other team members, with no duplication. Interactivity and consistency between views accelerate the interpretation process, taking full advantage of high-speed graphics, large memory and fast connectivity of modern workstations. A simple, intuitive user interface and a highly ergonomic design make workflows more efficient with fewer clicks.
  • 8
    ZetaWare Trinity
    We most likely do not know the thickness (and other properties) of the source rock in the kitchen area, nor do we know the heat flow in the kitchen, or secondary migration losses. The only way to rank prospects is to run different scenarios of these parameters. The prospects that are charged in most scenarios will have the lowest risk, and vise versa. Other parameters that can be risked are top seal capacity, unconformity, source rock facies, even different interpretations of the seismic and the list goes on. Invoking multi-component kinetics while we do not even know the thickness, TOC and HI of the source rock is ridiculous. Drag and drop your interpreted surfaces into Trinity and interactively draw cross sections through them. The cross section can be moved with the mouse to movie through the data and in 3D the cross sections look like fence diagrams, except the fences can be moved! This will reveal much more geology than looking at static maps.
  • 9
    PaleoScan is a seismic interpretation software based on a semi-automated approach that produces chrono-stratigraphically consistent geological models. This unique technology, patented in 2009, allows our clients to accelerate their seismic interpretation cycle, scan the subsurface in real time to focus on high-potential areas, and identify hydrocarbon accumulation or CO2 storage areas. Another significant advantage of PaleoScan is its ability to produce a 3D geological model of the entire seismic cube, which allows the visualization and interpretation of the geological reservoirs as well as the overlying layers up to the seabed, in order to establish a reliable ranking of the storage reservoirs, taking into consideration the risks inherent to gas injection. At the confluence of powerful algorithms, computational power, and data analysis, our revolutionary technology pushes your seismic interpretation to an unprecedented level.
  • 10
    Aspen GeoDepth
    Advanced velocity determination and 3D/2D velocity model building create accurate, high-quality, interpretable seismic images in time and depth. A complete suite of interactive and batch velocity analysis tools for anisotropic models easily handles the full range of seismic imaging problems. Integration with interpretation and modeling solutions streamlines the workflow while preventing data loss and honoring geologic constraints. Easy construction of accurate 3D and 2D models, regardless of the structural geology’s complexity. Highly parallelized for running efficiently on very large 3D datasets and multi-line 2D datasets, on-premise or in the cloud. Accurate seismic images and depth models are essential in hydrocarbon exploration and production. The Aspen GeoDepth velocity determination and modeling system offers a solution for improved seismic imaging in time or depth through the integration of interpretation, velocity analysis, model building, time-to-depth conversion, etc.
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    Ikon Science

    RokDoc is the result of more than 20 years of innovative research and industry experience. RokDoc offers a seamless interface incorporating everything from data quality control to modeling and prediction, integrating multidisciplinary workflows for Quantitative Interpretation, Pore Pressure, and Geomechanics. Evaluate sandstone, shale, and carbonate reservoirs for improved hydrocarbon exploration, production, and optimization, CO2 sequestration, and geothermal surveying using a comprehensive and extensive library of rock physics, cutting edge seismic inversion techniques, and complete geomechanics solution. Automate and easily evaluate geological “what if” scenarios. Capture uncertainty in data and models to better understand the probability of success for subsurface resource exploitation and stored fluid monitoring.
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    DecisionSpace 365
    DecisionSpace® 365 Essentials is the industry’s leading exploration and production (E&P) software that provides the best performance at the right price to run your business. You can use this software as little or as much as you need and only pay for what you use. Develop an accurate and insightful understanding of the subsurface with advanced seismic processing technology and QC workflows. Optimize your well operations for higher productivity. Get started with no data entry or report configuration. Jump start your economics evaluations with on-demand access, when and where you need it. Self-service well construction software to reduce your well preparation time, increase reliability, and maximize well productivity.
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    Canesis Data

    Canesis Data

    Canesis Data

    Canesis Data provides explorationists with cost-effective access to a huge and growing resource of seismic and well data from across the globe. Canesis Data has produced one of the largest selections of non-proprietary legacy data available anywhere. Data is sourced from the public domain and industry sources, conditioned and offered for general sale. Many datasets are scanned and vectorised. Others, where indicated, are original digits data. We have a long track record and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to bear on the innumerable challenges involved in the restoration of legacy data, which can sometimes be disfigured, damaged or fragile. Canesis undertakes the processing of released and public-domain data on its own behalf and participates in multi-client situations such as open licensing rounds. The data is available for sale (to appropriately qualified companies in the case of licensing rounds) and it is processed to the same standards as proprietary service work.
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    Geomage g-Space™ is a complete structural, geological and geophysical interpretation software that allows thorough analysis of existing seismic and well data. This software allows: - Horizon and Fault picking - Geological modeling - Map creation with faults - Well-tie and dynamic update - Well correlation - Mis-tie workflow - Velocity model based on checkshots and horizons - Simultaneous time/depth picking - Static modeling - Volumetric calculation - etc, etc, etc and more…
    Starting Price: $1,200/year/user
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    Geomage g-Viewer allows visualization and QC of different geophysical and seismic data. g-Viewer allows: - Load and QC Seg-Y files of any size - Load multiple Seg-Y files – 2D and 3D - Selection of active dataset from location map - Graphical representation of trace header(s) above seismogram view - Cross-plot any 3 trace headers (horizontal-vertical-color ) - Load of geometry from trace headers - Editing trace header scheme per each dataset - Selection and representation of CS/CR/CMP gathers picked from location map - Selection and representation of active trace from seismogram/location map - Editing text and bin headers - Auto-update feature allows to get new version whenever its available.
    Starting Price: $300/year/user
  • 16
    Seismic Pro
    Comprehensive software package for near-surface seismic methods. Efficiently process reflection data in one application with multistep redo and undo. Import all records of a survey line at one time. Efficiently assign geometry with layout chart. CMP binning for crooked lines. AGC, trace balance, and time-variant scaling. Frequency filtering, F-K filtering, and Tau-p mapping. Spiking deconvolution and predictive deconvolution. Random noise attenuation. Surgical, top, and bottom trace muting. Gather sorting (CMP, common shot, common receiver, or common offset) Velocity analysis on CMP or common shot gathers. NMO correction and inverse NMO correction. A feature-rich application for processing single-fold seismic reflection or GPR data. Assign geometry in forward or reverse trace order. Support SEG-2, SEG-Y, SEG-D, ASCII, MALA, ImpulseRadar, and other data formats. Elevation correction and first-arrival alignment static correction. AGC, trace balance, and time-variant scaling.
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    dGB Earth Sciences

    OpendTect software consists of two parts: a free, open-source part and a commercial, closed-source part that is protected by FlexNet license managing software. The open-source part is OpendTect, a seismic interpretation software system for 2D and 3D seismic data, and for fast-track development of innovative interpretation tools. OpendTect can be extended with free plugins. The closed source part is OpendTect Pro, an extended version with extra functionality for professionals. OpendTect Pro can be further extended with commercial plugins that enable unique seismic interpretation workflows.
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    Seequent GM-SYS
    Constrain your earth models with GM-SYS. Integrate seismic, well, and geology data with observed gravity and magnetics. GM-SYS extensions are trusted by international government surveys and the exploration programs of the world's most successful energy companies. Rapidly create new interpretations based on the latest survey data – and see when the calculated response of the model matches the observed data using interactive tools. Minimise risks when planning expensive surveys or drilling targets by bringing all your data together. GM-SYS extensions are directly integrated within Oasis montaj allowing you to view gravity and magnetic data directly alongside your other earth models. Import and incorporate grids, slices, and numeric data from other teams in a seamless workflow. Run efficient QA/QC controls in Oasis montaj and instantly extract your clean data into GM-SYS to ensure your model is based on the most accurate data.
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    TomoPlus is a comprehensive near-surface solutions package. It is designed to obtain an accurate near-surface velocity model , and derive accurate long and short wavelength statics solution to help seismic data processing. TomoPlus offers both conventional and high-end near-surface refraction solutions to handle a variety of near-surface problems. In simple situations, conventional approaches are applied to resolve high velocity contrasts and offer high resolution solutions. In complex areas, conventional methods may be applied to derive a good initial velocity model, and then high-end imaging technologies, such as nonlinear traveltime tomography, full waveform tomography, or joint traveltime waveform tomography may be applied to resolve more details. Besides several robust automatic first-break pickers, TomoPlus offers basic and advanced 2D & 3D near-surface imaging and statics approaches;
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    Engenius Software

    SurvOPT is the ultimate marine seismic project planning, optimizing and costing tool, letting you examine the effect of survey design changes in near real time. As well as finding efficient shooting plans and accurate completion estimates, SurvOPT seismic survey design software can compare vessel configurations side by side, explore different costing models and can analyse the affect of almost any parameter change. On the vessel, SurvOPT provides acquisition plans that optimize acquisition time while minimizing non productive line change time. With support for obstructions, timesharing, currents, tides, priority areas, maintenance, crew changes, circles, port calls and weather downtime there is no scenario that the patented optimization engine can’t handle. SurvOPT even lets you specify feather requirements on individual lines and will optimise line scheduling around them, putting you on the right line at the right time without unnecessary delays.
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    DUG Insight
    DUG Insight allows you to focus on geoscience, helping you make your next discovery. DUG Insight is a full-service, interactive software platform for advanced seismic data processing and imaging, interpretation, visualization, and QI—across land, marine, and ocean-bottom surveys. It also includes DUG’s multi-parameter FWI imaging for revolutionary least-squares imaging solutions. DUG Insight takes a fresh approach to geoscience, with powerful features integrated into an easy-to-use interface. With DUG Insight’s processing and imaging module, you can gain access to a number of key technologies designed to turbocharge your seismic workflows. All developed in-house by DUG, these include deblending, noise removal, deghosting, designate, demultiplex, data regularisation, imaging, and post-migration processing. Process your datasets on DUG Insight’s interactive and interpretive platform to meet your land, marine, and OBN processing and imaging needs.
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    Aspen Epos

    Aspen Epos


    An innovative, scalable data management infrastructure that enhances collaboration, security, and efficiency. The advanced, architecturally light data management infrastructure is scalable to multiple users and projects. A centralized repository meets the highest security standards and can be customized based on role-defined permissions. Real-time data workflows and shared access enable seismic, petrophysics, and geologic modeling teams to collaborate on projects and interact in a common visualization environment. Import/export tools with a wide choice of data formats allow exchange with the OSDU Data Platform and with third-party repositories. Real-time data workflows and shared access for seismic, petrophysics, and geologic modeling teams in a single environment. Common data models, interfaces, services, and visualization platforms. Easy scalability for changing performance and storage needs as datasets continue to grow.
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    RockWorks is a comprehensive software program for creating 2D and 3D maps, logs and cross sections, geological models, volume reports, and general geology diagrams for the environmental, geotechnical, mining, and petroleum industries. RockWorks is the standard in the environmental, geotechnical, petroleum, and mining industries for surface and subsurface data visualization, with popular tools such as maps, logs, cross sections, fence diagrams, solid models and volume calculations. RockWorks offers numerous options for analyzing your surface and subsurface data, and accepts many different data types, such as stratigraphy, lithology, downhole geochemistry/geophysics / geotechnical measurements, color intervals, fractures, and aquifer data. Display RockWorks graphic output in its built-in 2D and 3D viewing/editing windows, or export to CAD, Google Earth, and other GIS programs. Use the ReportWorks module to create page layouts for reports and posters.
  • 24
    OMNI 3D
    OMNI 3D seismic survey design software helps you create optimal 2D and 3D designs for land, marine, ocean-bottom cable (OBC), transition zone, vertical seismic profile (VSP), and multicomponent surveys. Advanced analysis modules in the software enable you to examine geometry effects, analyze geometry artifacts, generate synthetics, and build and ray trace 2D and 3D geological models. With its sophisticated tools, an easy-to-use interface, and versatile multiproject handling, OMNI 3D software helps bridge the gap between E&P asset and acquisition teams. These features make OMNI 3D software the industry standard for geoscientists involved in survey planning, design, QC, and modeling worldwide. Provides advanced analysis modules, including 3D geometry assessments, synthetics, trace quality estimates using 5D interpretation, AVO response, illumination on a subsurface horizon using any survey geometry, and poststack time migration illumination using Fresnel zone binning.
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    Terra Management

    View seismic shot lines in a true survey-based, geographically accurate viewer. Incorporate layers such as NTS and DLS grids, culture, and wells. Add lines, text, areas to the view, and print or plot directly from your PC. Show 3D data as an outline or show all source and receiver shot points. Point and click on a line to open the database record. Scanned documents in electronic image form (e.g: TIF or JPG) on disk or CD-ROM may be linked using third-party software for viewing and printing if desired. Most packages provide editing, faxing or e-mail features and these add increased versatility to the TerraSeisTM application. Powerful, flexible searching tools use your seismic line meta-data or SEG-P1 database to locate lines consistently and uniformly. Find and inter-relate your data in creative ways that exploit the true potential of your data resources. Show key data elements in the locate window to aid in the selection of specific data sets for further processing.
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    g-Platform : Time
    Geomage g-Platform : Time provide processor with an interactive and graphical experience of working with seismic data. The Time imaging package covers all processing modules and applications needed in order to handle any 2D/3D/4D seismic from field data to anisotropic prestack time migration.
    Starting Price: contact us
  • 27
    Galaxy 4D

    Galaxy 4D

    Plano Research Corp

    Galaxy4D provides geologists and reservoir engineers with a highly versatile and easy to use 2D/3D stratigraphic and reservoir modeling tool. It significantly decreases the time involved in building, updating and managing reservoir models while also increasing knowledge and understanding of the reservoir. As a result, optimal field development programs can be designed faster and with reduced risks. Galaxy4D’s strengths lie in its logical and straight forward workflow. Its modules and displays are intuitive, interactive, and time saving. Galaxy4D has the unique ability to estimate saturation distribution based on logs (RSTs). Create unified catalogs for reservoir descriptions and geological, petrophysical, seismic, and engineering data. Analyze histograms of reservoir properties for single or multiple wells, for 2D and 3D data sets, on a zone by zone or defined area basis.
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    Evaluation of a number of QC attributes in arbitrary windows, as well as their derived combinations. Interactive common source/common receiver/CMP attribute maps, CMP fold map, location map for advance analysis of data quality—all maps are fully synchronized between each other and with seismic display, active template is highlighted along with SP, RP and CMP of the current trace under cursor. Real–time QC—control the data quality as soon as it is acquired for making decisions and fixing problems immediately. Complete set of industry–standard algorithms for data processing up to brute stack: vibroseis correlation, trace editing, band–pass and FK filtering, Radon, FX and FXY decons, TFD noise attenuation, amplitude corrections, deconvolutions, interactive velocity analysis, statics, NMO–correction, regularization, stacking, pre–stack and post–stack time migrations, etc.
  • 29
    Geochemistry can be applied to all phases of a field life cycle: exploration, appraisal, development, production, and abandonment. Malcom interactive fluid characterization software offers geochemical engineering solutions by processing gas chromatography data (GC-FID, GC-MS, GC-MS-MS, GC-2D, etc.) from different vendors. The comparison of oil GC fingerprints provides information on biomarkers, reservoir connectivity, estimation of the size of reservoirs, and production allocation calculation. With Malcom software, a comprehensive suite of tools are embedded within a single application to process chromatography data and to perform statistical calculation, delivering fast data interpretation. Achieve better reproducibility and repeatability of gas chromatography data processing, with harmonization of the baselines and peak area.
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    E&P Software

    GeoProbe® software is the industry-leading 3D multi-volume interpretation and visualization solution. The software is designed to accelerate interpretation workflows from the basin scale through detailed prospect and reservoir analysis. GeoProbe software delivers breakthrough speed whether evaluating a reservoir-scale data volume on your desktop or analyzing basin-scale volumes with an asset team in the largest immersive visualization environment. GeoProbe software features GeoShell technologies, which provide geoscientists the ability to quickly interpret salt body geometries and boundaries with unprecedented flexibility and accuracy. The ability to leverage all relevant information into a dynamically updateable multi-Z subsurface model helps ensure that in areas of complex structure, the delineation of reservoir makeup can be mapped with better precision.
  • 31
    Recall Borehole

    Recall Borehole

    E&P Software

    Vast and expanding quantities of borehole data are acquired over time in disparate formats, distributed, loaded and duplicated repeatedly among different databases. Information may be incomplete, inaccurate or uncertain, and access to critical project data too slow for today’s fast-paced decisions. Recall™ Borehole data management software is the industry’s leading solution for efficiently storing, managing, and publishing raw and edited borehole data in one integrated system. Recall software consists of two databases, one for edited data and one for raw data in its original format, both functioning as a single, integrated system. Data is loaded and quality controlled once. Standardized naming conventions and common queries apply across both databases, reducing cycle time and redundancies due to multiple copies.
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    Plano Research Corp

    CoreLog is a log analysis and petrophysical modeling application, based on industry-standard models, used for calculating the petrophysical properties of wells. It calculates several properties, such as porosity, permeability, volume of shale, and others, by zone or well. CoreLog gives users a straightforward and efficient way to import and transform data, view and plot information, calculate petrophysical properties, and export data for use in other applications. It is a robust application with innovative data display capabilities that allow for easy interpretation and manipulation. CoreLog allows users to easily create markers and zones, customize plots, and export or print data. Data is presented in a user-friendly structured format, with tabbed views, tables, and tree views, which help improve user productivity.
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    g-Platform : Depth
    The g-Platform : Depth imaging covers all processing modules and applications needed in order to build velocity model and create an accurate depth image from any kind of seismic data, both marine and land.
    Starting Price: contact us
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    The Antelope mission-critical data acquisition and processing software is used by the 10 largest seismic networks in the world (outside of Japan), being 100% commercially owned and supported by BRTT, Inc., a Kinemetrics strategic partner. Tie-in capability with virtually any seismic networks in the World. Unique automated real-time response spectra computation with exceedance alarms. Rich and documented APIs for interfacing client’s own programs.
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    Parallel Geoscience

    The SPW software is an interactive seismic processing system. SPW is parallelized for use on multi-core processors with threads on either Windows 7 or Windows 10. SPW can be configured for standalone use on workstations, desktop PC's or laptops and may also be installed as a client-server configuration for large scale processing needs on high end server PCs. The SPW 3D package is a complete processing system for 3D P-wave seismic reflection data. Data QC and interactive analysis are strengths of the system and allow rapid control of data quality and checking of procesisng results.
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    g-Platform : Acquisition QC
    g-Platform : Acquisition QC includes all the required applications for testing the acquired 2D/3D seismic in the field or on the vessel during acquisition process: - Geometry assignment QC and edit - FB picking and basic refraction statics - SC residual statics and deconvolution - Signal processing - Stack and post-stack migration Geomage g-Platform™ provide processor with an interactive and graphical experience of working with seismic data. The software has separate packages for Acquisition QC, Land, Marine, VSP and Depth imaging applications that simplifies licensing to the domain you require to work in.
    Starting Price: $6,000/year/user
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    MESA is a leading-edge software package that provides a comprehensive set of tools for optimizing onshore, offshore, and transition zone survey design and planning. Data acquisition is the foundation of the seismic lifecycle. It is critical that accurate decisions are made from the start of the acquisition design process. Flexible and robust survey design tools are needed to accurately analyze the imaging objectives of a seismic project. MESA software addresses those needs for both land and marine projects by streamlining the survey design and planning process. Field-proven on land, towed streamer, and OBS survey designs; including multi-component and VSP surveys.
  • 38
    Leapfrog Works
    Change how you look at and work with data using streamlined workflows. Generate cross sections rapidly and use tools that integrate your models with engineering designs. Increase the productivity of your 3D subsurface modelling with rapid creation and updating of geological models. As new data is input, your models and outputs (such as cross sections) dynamically update without needing to recreate them, saving both time and money. 3D subsurface modelling offers an unrivalled level of accuracy and efficiency in understanding ground conditions. Better identify and assess risks at every stage of the project lifecycle and spot challenges early on. Seeing subsurface insights in 3D brings clarity to even complex data, giving you a higher level of understanding. Highly visual 3D subsurface models help you better interpret ground conditions.
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    VISAGE Finite-Element Geomechanics
    The Petrel E&P software platform combines transparent data flows with an easy-to-learn graphical user interface—Petrel Reservoir Geomechanics—that supports the VISAGE simulator configuration and results visualization. This enables the powerful functionality of the VISAGE simulator to be combined seamlessly with other interpretation, modeling, and engineering workflows within the Petrel platform. With the Petrel platform-enabled workflow, you can include multiple data types to create new 3D geomechanics property and stress models, or add geomechanics data to augment existing reservoir subsurface models. This seamless combination within the Petrel platform ensures that the geomechanics model is consistent and integrated with geophysics, geology, petrophysics, and reservoir data.
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    MiVu™ is a software package designed to perform microseismic monitoring during hydraulic fracturing for both downhole geophone arrays and surface geophone arrays. MiVu™ offers capabilities for building simple and complex geologic models interactively, designing optimal microseismic monitoring geometry, processing data with user-defined workflows, imaging event locations with multiple techniques, visualizing and interpreting microseismic events in 3D. Multiple event location techniques are offered such as 3D grid search, 3D migration, and cross double difference to provide insight on how different geophysical methodologies effect the location of the microseismic event. Understanding the strength and weakness of each methodology will provide a better understanding of the accuracy of the event.
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    Oasis montaj
    Setting the standard in geophysics modeling for over 30 years. View, QA/QC, transform and analyze all raw data, geology, geochemistry, and geophysics with powerful 2D and 3D modeling capabilities. Rapidly assess and experiment with large data sets in real-time, running numerous filters and processes. Spatially align all data with real-time coordinate projection. Import, overlay, and work with more than 50 common formats from CAD to GIS, to mine planning and modeling. Directly import data from many online geoscience repositories. Bring geoscience data together to build the most complete model, and easily pass off files to teams working with different formats. Code your own processes through the Oasis montaj open API. Each project is unique. Record and automate repetitive and complex data processing tasks. Streamline team workflows and save time, so you can focus on generating insights. Plus, add on specific tools and workflows for the geoscience data you need.
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    This software package includes crosshole survey design, model building and modeling, data preprocessing, CDP transformation, tomography, wave-equation migration, and post-processing. It simply offers the entire range of capabilities that you will need for performing a crosshole seismic project. Model includes P- and S-wave velocities, densities, and anisotropic parameters. Creating arbitrary velocity model, with layers, objects, and faults. Acoustic, elastic, and anisotropic finite-difference method for full wavefield simulation.
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    Specifically developed to meet the mining industry’s rigorous demands, MineScape is used at more than 200 of the world’s most complex mining operations from nickel phosphate mining in Russia to coal mining in Indonesia. It is a suite of integrated solutions designed for open cut and underground mining operations for coal and metalliferous deposits. MineScape delivers extensive geological modelling and mine design functionality, making it a leading mine planning solution globally. GDB stores downhole survey, lithology and quality data and also produces standard, summary and custom, user-defined reports. It graphically displays data such as lithology, intervals, downhole geophysics as well as allowing geologists to conduct correlations, composition, washability calculations and classical 2D geostatistical studies.
  • 44
    Geology by SeisWare
    Geology by SeisWare is a fast and intuitive interpretation tool that enables efficient geological workflows. Our Petrophysical Calculator is a client favorite; create and customize calculations like net pay, assign zone attributes, and more! You’re the expert so we develop our software with your advice and guidance. We’ve shaped our software with client focus groups and user feedback. Our software packages work together so that your team can too! Geology is fully integrated with Geophysics by SeisWare for seamless data integration and fast results without importing and exporting data. Your plans move fast, so our software needs to keep up. Geology by SeisWare is intuitive and responsive. You’ll be surprised how fast you can go! Run multiple calculations in sequence with a variety of inputs like log curves, log curve aliases, zone attributes, and previous calculation outputs. Perform aggregate functions such as summations and averages over data.
  • 45
    The Petrel platform is available on-premise and in the DELFI cognitive E&P environment, for geoscientists and engineers to analyze subsurface data from exploration to production, enabling them to create a shared vision of the reservoir. This shared earth approach empowers companies to standardize workflows across E&P and make more informed decisions with a clear understanding of both opportunities and risks. Integration at the data level is the foundation for enabling multi-discipline integration. This integration allows the capture and preservation of knowledge, from exploration to production—from the petroleum systems modeler to the reservoir engineer and beyond, all contributing to a shared vision of the subsurface. Whether you are working on your first deepwater exploration well or delivering a comprehensive drilling program in a shale play, the Petrel platform enhances multidisciplinary workflows.
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    GAEA Technologies

    It uses the synergy within the geoscientific data to effectively and efficiently fulfill the needs of several industries. The program can be used to evaluate contaminants, soil and rock properties, mineral deposits, and oil and gas deposits. It is ideal for the environmental, geotechnical, mining, oil sands, and petroleum industries.GaeaSynergy is comprised of a base application and several optional modules. The base application is free and is used as a platform that all of the other modules build upon. Using the optional modules, the program can be used to generate geotechnical test results and reports, lab analyses reports, boring and well logs, cross-sections, and fence diagrams. The base application of GaeaSynergy consists of several components that provide functionality to both the base application and optional modules.
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    GeoThrust has been designed with a workflow architecture to obtain an accurate earth model and earth image in time and in depth from data recorded with irregular geometry in areas with rough topography, complex near-surface, and complex subsurface, with uncompromisingly high technical specifications for data analysis and quality control, but easy to learn and easy to use. The near-surface model is estimated by nonlinear tomography applied to first-arrival times that accounts for topography and resolves lateral and vertical velocity variations. Aside from statics corrections, the corrections for the near-surface are performed by wavefield dating - an essential requirement for imaging from irregular topography. GeoThrust performs subsurface velocity estimation, modeling and imaging from topography, not from a flat datum, based on rms and interval velocities estimated at reflector positions, not at reflection positions.
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    Pegasus Vertex

    A stuck pipe can result from a wide variety of causes. Typically, these causes are related to mechanical sticking and differential sticking. Mechanical sticking can be caused by key seating, under gauge holes, wellbore instability, poor hole cleaning and related causes. Differential sticking typically occurs when high-contact forces caused by low reservoir pressures, high wellbore pressures, or both, are exerted over a sufficiently large area of the drill string. Stuck pipe occurrences are widely held to be the most expensive drilling problems confronting the petroleum industry and the cost of correcting them can amount to millions of dollars. Running an analysis of well data to predict the stuck chance of a drill string is becoming more imperative.
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    IHS Markit

    Making it easier for geoscientists, drillers and engineers to collaborate. Even though the world of oil and gas has become more complex, your software does not have to be. Kingdom™ integrates geoscience, geophysics and engineering into a single, easy-to-use software solution, enabling asset teams to make confident and faster decisions from exploration to completion. Our solutions are simplified, giving you access to advanced geoscience/scientific tools that are affordable, easy to learn and install and come with excellent support and training. Optimized for unconventional, conventional and deepwater plays, Kingdom helps you assess the potential of regional geologic trends or discover where assets are underperforming, all within a singular, cost-effective and easy to learn environment. Hit the zone 95% of the time with Kingdom Geosteering. Enhanced collaboration increases productive geology and enables better predictions.
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    RockWare, Inc.

    LogPlot is an easy-to-use log plotting program with a flexible log layout and intuitive data editor. LogPlot software has been used by geoscientists since 1983 to display their geotechnical, environmental, geophysical, mud/gas, and mining data as a graphic boring log. Plot single-page logs for shallow borings or multi-page/continuous logs for deep wells. Share logs with clients via PDF or post HTML log pages on your website. Export single pages or continuous logs to JPG, BMP, TIFF, and PNG images.
    Starting Price: $899.00