Businesses, writers and publishers searching for a tool to improve their blogging, advertising and monetization operations
Explore the comprehensive set of tools available within, meticulously crafted to enhance your blogging speed and effectiveness. We continuously introduce new tools to further empower your blogging journey. Highlight any section of your blog and instruct AI on how to change it. Travel back to previous versions of your blog when editing. Generate a FAQ from your content. Use your entire article or make multiple FAQs per blog with selections. Automatically Link to your existing articles and external websites based on a content similarity score (adjustable). Generate new post ideas based on your existing blog articles. Generate affiliate links for Amazon and JustBlog automatically based on URLs. Publish to WordPress or Shopify and use product data with AI to generate articles. Download and save all of your posts anytime. We find online stores and write brand story articles. You can configure multiple WordPress destinations in your account settings.