Maptek Vulcan GeologyCore streamlines your geology workflow from data validation to model generation. Gain access to cutting-edge modelling techniques using cloud-based machine learning algorithms alongside conventional modelling approaches. Vulcan GeologyCore provides a smart workflow to help automate daily geology tasks, allowing geologists more time to focus on higher value work. Tasks are intuitively grouped for importing and validating drillhole data, defining geological domains, and then generating and publishing geological models. Repeatable steps mean geologists can easily experiment with changes to domains and see the immediate effect on the model. Vulcan GeologyCore is suitable for a wide range of projects and users can choose from cloud-based machine learning, or conventional modelling methods such as vein and implicit modelling. An intuitive ribbon automates the geology workflow from importing and validating drillhole data, through defining geological domains.
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RockWorks is a comprehensive software program for creating 2D and 3D maps, logs and cross sections, geological models, volume reports, and general geology diagrams for the environmental, geotechnical, mining, and petroleum industries. RockWorks is the standard in the environmental, geotechnical, petroleum, and mining industries for surface and subsurface data visualization, with popular tools such as maps, logs, cross sections, fence diagrams, solid models and volume calculations. RockWorks offers numerous options for analyzing your surface and subsurface data, and accepts many different data types, such as stratigraphy, lithology, downhole geochemistry/geophysics / geotechnical measurements, color intervals, fractures, and aquifer data. Display RockWorks graphic output in its built-in 2D and 3D viewing/editing windows, or export to CAD, Google Earth, and other GIS programs. Use the ReportWorks module to create page layouts for reports and posters.
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VISAGE Finite-Element Geomechanics
The Petrel E&P software platform combines transparent data flows with an easy-to-learn graphical user interface—Petrel Reservoir Geomechanics—that supports the VISAGE simulator configuration and results visualization. This enables the powerful functionality of the VISAGE simulator to be combined seamlessly with other interpretation, modeling, and engineering workflows within the Petrel platform. With the Petrel platform-enabled workflow, you can include multiple data types to create new 3D geomechanics property and stress models, or add geomechanics data to augment existing reservoir subsurface models. This seamless combination within the Petrel platform ensures that the geomechanics model is consistent and integrated with geophysics, geology, petrophysics, and reservoir data.
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Simultaneously compare different vendors tool response against your specific reservoir geology to identify the most suitable tool and resistivity curves. Incorporate all memory data to create high-accuracy final inversions. Deploy the inversion module on High Performance Computing (HPC) devices for fast results. Calculate the distance to bed boundary in real-time to prevent exiting the target zone and staying in the reservoir. Set up phase shift and attenuation curves from non-azimuthal tools, interval length and parameters for conducting 2-layer boundary mapping in real-time, To predict a tool's log response in advance, build the earth model of the formations you are drilling and easily model resistivity effects: shoulder effects, polarization horns and anisotropy.
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