2 Integrations with GTB Technologies DLP
View a list of GTB Technologies DLP integrations and software that integrates with GTB Technologies DLP below. Compare the best GTB Technologies DLP integrations as well as features, ratings, user reviews, and pricing of software that integrates with GTB Technologies DLP. Here are the current GTB Technologies DLP integrations in 2024:
Blackwell Security
Blackwell Security
Blackwell’s hyper-specialized security operations are tailor-made to deliver the most complete protection and rapid response aligned to the unique needs of healthcare organizations. Secure your entire environment with full MDR signals, customized healthcare intelligence, and advanced security tooling that ensures 24/7 protection against complex cyber threats. Blackwell Security provides managed security operations designed exclusively for healthcare organizations, so you can reduce risk, maintain compliance, and build a secure continuum of care. Optimize existing tooling, expand your SOC team, and partner with expert healthcare threat hunters for continuous visibility, incident prevention, and compliance alignment using your current tools. Elevate your organization’s cybersecurity maturity with specialized guidance to streamline and strengthen your security practices, mitigate gaps in your cyber compliance posture, and proactively drive improvements across your program. -
We use Artificial Intelligence in order to automatically classify unstructured data. Our platform provides you with a clear view of document sensitivity by area. With intuitive graphics, you can identify which areas of your organization handle the most sensitive information and see the percentage breakdown. Make informed decisions to safeguard your most valuable assets. Classify and label millions of documents using Artificial Intelligence. Dashboard with analytics and statistics in real-time. Our cutting-edge classification technology empowers you to pinpoint precisely who, where, and how your organization accesses its most sensitive documents. With our intuitive web platform, gain insights into user behaviors and identify areas with the highest levels of access to confidential information. Take control of your data security like never before. Our solution is fully customizable to your business language and self-learns in the process to get better classification results.
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